After all, as soon as the video was broadcast, the reputation of Ayako Ninagawa and the Ninagawa family would be completely ruined, and her father was more likely to suffer from it.

Mori Kogoro is 'absolutely not' letting Ayako Ninagawa off because she also has Electra plots.


Ayako Ningagawa's face was cloudy and cloudy, and it took a long time before she lowered her head and said, "Well, if that's the case, let's pretend that Kohei Urata really threatened me."

"However, I didn't do Urata Kohei's death today. I didn't do anything. I just insulted him verbally."

"Just like Miss Hongshang Wuyi said just now, I am the girl who is ten years younger than him and still teases him."

"But this is only because the relationship between two people in love is like this. You must know that I am only a seventeen-year-old girl, and it is not so appropriate to deal with emotional matters. I am very sorry for making Urata Kohei very painful."

"But I didn't expect his heart to be so fragile. He bought potassium cyanide and committed suicide in front of me. He wanted me to regret it."

Ayako Ninagawa killed Urata Kohei with one bite and committed suicide, and in an instant she fabricated a relationship that seemed reasonable.

Mori Kogoro pointed to a series of videos on the stage, and said with a chuckle, "Miss Ninagawa, you are so confident. You have such a great charm that you let such a beast commit suicide for you. I just want you to regret it."

Hearing this, all the high school students present also laughed.

After this was pointed out by Mori Kogoro, they felt that the love story that Ayako Ninagawa just told was like bragging.

Indeed, how could a perverted doctor who had raped hundreds of women want to die for a girl's film!

Ayako Ninagawa couldn't help being a little embarrassed when she heard these laughters. She adjusted her glasses again and said, "Detective Maori, I admit that you are really good. You can easily crack Dr. Urata's mobile phone. Nurse Noda and Dr. Urata You have also found out all the crimes you committed, but you said that I killed people, and why did you use that?"

Ayako Ninagawa seemed to be thinking: "Using the ice cubes with potassium cyanide poison in the middle to poison Dr. Urata, it sounds very unreliable."

"Detective Maori, I just have one question. Do you have any evidence? If there is no evidence, it is slander. Slandering a small high school student happens to be here. I would like to ask, what is the sentence for slandering?" Punishment?"

There was a smile on Fei Yingli's face, this Ayako Ninagawa was really eloquent.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, she did give Mori Kogoro face, and did not pay attention to Ayako Ninagawa.

Mori Kogoro pretended to be distressed, and continued to speak: "It seems that the evidence is really hard to find!"

He took out the metal-rimmed plastic purse that Xizi had just given him, and said, "This should be where you store ice cubes containing potassium cyanide poison. Just add a small piece of dry ice to keep the ice cubes from melting. Bring it home to school."

"When you bring the ice to the school, you put the poisonous ice directly in the foam box next to the drink stand, and store it with the other ice cubes, and the small piece of dry ice goes directly to the foam box. , the dry ice turned into a gas, and when others saw the smoke, they thought it was the cold air coming out of the foam box.”

Mori Kogoro pointed to the three foam boxes of ice next to the beverage stand.

"Then you throw this small purse into the trash can just outside the toilet a few steps away from the drink stand. You also carefully wiped off the fingerprints on it. It seems that you are very cautious!"

Chapter 0200

Hearing what Mori Kogoro said, Ayako Ninagawa's face remained unchanged, with a calm expression.

It seems that only talking about her dean's father will shake her mind.

Mori Kogoro shook his head and said, "But as I said before, you give Urata Kohei a glass of iced Coke. In fact, you are giving him a chance to come back and talk to you face to face."

"But I believe that you, Miss Ninagawa, are not sure. Even if Urata Kohei is willing to come back and talk to you, you are not sure that this matter between you can be resolved by talking."

"It's so difficult for a guy like Kohei Urata to dispel the idea of ​​threatening to blackmail you."

"If we can't agree, it's impossible for him to drink iced cola, so how can you have no backup."

A confident smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face: "I don't think you can prepare another poison, another method."

"If you can't agree, then take the same ice cubes and add them to the iced coffee. With the same method, as long as Urata Kohei still has the habit of chewing ice as in the past, you can still poison Urata Kohei without anyone noticing. .”

"So I affirm that in the three foam boxes, there is at least one identical ice cube with potassium cyanide poison in the middle."

Hearing this, Takagi She rushed to the three foam boxes, wanting to confirm.

When Ayako Ninagawa saw this scene, her face was still very calm.

She took off her glasses, revealing a pair of clear eyes.

Ayako Ninagawa said, "Don't bother, I just confess."

In an instant, there was an uproar at the scene. Such a high school student who looked like a good girl turned out to be a murderer.

Ayako Ninagawa looked at Mori Kogoro with admiration, and said, "Sure enough, I still can't escape the sharp eyes of Detective Mori, indeed, as Detective Mori said, I used this method to poison Kohei Urata. "

"Officer, just arrest me."

Ayako Ninagawa stretched out her hands to ask Officer Megure to torture her away.

Officer Mumu frowned and said, "You don't have anything to say, why did you do this?"

Ayako Ninagawa also frowned, but she still said: "Kohei Urata threatened me, so I killed him. As for what he threatened me, it is a matter of personal privacy, and I am only seventeen years old, not an adult. You should have the right not to say anything!"

At this time, Takagi found two ice cubes containing potassium cyanide, which were stored in the upper left corner of the bottom foam box. Officer Takagi held them up high: "Police, I found the evidence that Detective Maori said .”

Of course, the police will not stop searching for evidence just because others say there is no need to search for it.

Seeing this ironclad evidence came out, everyone couldn't help but admire Kogoro Mori's ingenuity, and looked at Kogoro Mori adoringly.

They could clearly see that Mori Kogoro didn't take half a step closer to the drink stand, but they knew that there were evidences inside that could prove Ayako Ninagawa's crime.

"Okay, that's great, Brother Mori, you've helped us a lot this time." Officer Megure looked at Kogoro Mori with gratitude in his eyes.

But Mori Kogoro's expression was a little indifferent.

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