"Come on, bring Noda Romi and Ninagawa Ayako back to the Metropolitan Police Department, Mr. Mitani and Miss Kogami, please go to the Metropolitan Police Department to record a statement."

Officer Megure issued orders, and four police officers came forward and took Noda Luomi, who had been hanging his head down, and Ayako Ninagawa, who had a calm face, away.

Ayako Ninagawa stopped for a while when she passed Mori Kogoro, and said softly: "Detective Mori, you made a mistake in one place, Kohei Urata did not intend to threaten me, he took those things to threaten me Father, I did it out of desperation."

After finishing speaking, Ayako Ninagawa followed the police and walked out, Kogoro Mori raised his eyebrows slightly.

At this moment, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared at the door of the auditorium. When he saw Ayako Ninagawa in handcuffs, he rushed over: "Ayako, Ayako, what's wrong with you? What's going on?"

"Dad, why did you come here!" Ayako Ninagawa couldn't keep calm at this moment, her face was extremely panicked, she didn't want her father to see this scene at all.

"Silly boy, Yangta called me as soon as something happened to Dr. Urata. Why are you handcuffed, girl? There must be a misunderstanding. I'll go to the police to explain."

Police officer Megure quickly greeted her, and talked to Ayako Ninagawa's father about what happened today.

Looking at the image of the middle-aged man, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but secretly said yes.

The father of Ayako Ninagawa has a big belly and a bald head, which is almost the same as Ayako Ninagawa's assisted dating partner.

Mori Kogoro looked at Ayako Ninagawa who kept crying when her father appeared, and couldn't help sighing.

What she has been acting is not calm at all, but her heart is stagnant!

She doesn't care whether the truth is discovered or whether she will go to jail because of it. Maybe her father's disappointment is even heavier for Ayako Ninagawa!

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Xiao Ran with an innocent face. Xiao Ran noticed Mori Kogoro's gaze and showed him a moving smile.

Because of this, Mori Kogoro smiled, and this smile was something he guarded.


Mori Kogoro turned his head and asked Fei Eri: "Eri, how many years of punishment do you think will be sentenced in this case."

Fei Yingli began to calculate: "Because it is a juvenile crime and is underage, although there is suspicion of perjury, the overall sentence should be between three and twenty years."

"However, because the victim this time is very special, he actually committed hundreds of rape cases, which is a heinous crime. If he was violated and then retaliated, then the judge will reduce the sentence as appropriate."

"In addition, my father is the director of the Mihua General Hospital, so he is considered a person with financial strength. If you ask a well-known lawyer to help you beat him, and do it again, the sentencing will be even less."

"If you leave it to me, I'm sure to classify this case as the result of entering a juvenile reformation center for one or two years. What's wrong, why are you asking this?"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly: "It's nothing, this girl is very smart, if she can get a better result, it's not bad."

Fei Yingli smiled: "Yo, the great detective Mao Li actually took advantage of his talents, it's rare, I thought you could only run away with foreign girls!"

"Hey, Eri, isn't this article in the past? They say that is Xiaolan's English teacher, don't get me wrong."

At this moment, there were bursts of shouts in the auditorium.

"Mori Kogoro." "Mori Kogoro." "Mori Kogoro."...

This group of young high school students kept calling Kogoro Mori's name, and looked at Kogoro Mori with admiration.

It's really like going back to the time when Kyogoku Mori won the karate competition twenty years ago, and it was so enthusiastic, especially with Eri and Yukiko beside him, this feeling is really not bad!

Chapter 0201

The case was solved, and the blockade of the auditorium ended, and police officer Mu Mu quickly evacuated with the body.

And the high school students in school uniforms gathered around, and one by one took out the notebooks for Mori Kogoro to sign.

Belmode, who was in the corner, looked at Mori Kogoro, who was surrounded by a group of students, and saw that he didn't pay attention to him at all, so he sneaked away.

Seeing this, Judy also left the auditorium.

There was a murder case, so the campus festival couldn't go on. Yuanzi and Xiaolan both looked regretful.

Sonoko looked at Kogoro Mori who was constantly signing autographs in the crowd, and said, "Really, we have worked so hard to prepare the show for so long, and this happened before it was all finished. My lady's heroic appearance is not as good as it is. When it really came out, Uncle Mao Li stole all the limelight."

Xiaolan said, "Aren't you happy that my father took the limelight from the garden?"

"Where would it be? I just feel that it's a pity that our show didn't finish. What's even worse is that this guy Sumi was the first to finish the show and then ran to participate in club activities."

Qingzi, who was wearing a white robe at the side, showed a smile: "It's okay, we will perform again when we come to our Jianggutian Middle School's campus festival next time, and it will be very exciting then."

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Yuanzi was somewhat dispirited. Of course, it was more enjoyable to perform in her own school. No one knew her when she went to Jianggutian Middle School.

Fei Yingli on the side came over and looked at Xiaolan and Qingzi who were carved out of almost the same mold, uh, although the chest gap is huge, that's not the point.

Fei Yingli said with a smile in her eyes: "Your name is Qingzi, and you are the daughter of Police Officer Nakamori. I never thought that I would look so much like Xiaolan when I grow up!"

You Xizi leaned over: "Really, Yingli, they couldn't be the twins you gave birth to, right?"

"How is it possible? You Xizi, stop talking nonsense."

Seeing Uncle Mori's wife so enthusiastic, Aoko Nakamori couldn't stand it.

After all, in Qingzi's imagination, he and Feiyingli are considered to be in a competitive relationship. Although Feiyingli seems to have a strong aura, and he and Xiaolan are exactly the same when standing together, just like her daughter, she is suddenly a generation lower, but Qingzi would not just admit defeat so easily.

Aoko Nakamori then said, "Xiaolan, Sonoko, since the performance can't continue, I'll go back first, I still have things to do at school!"

"Qingzi, you are leaving so soon, well, be careful on the way!" Xiaolan waved goodbye to Zhongmori Qingzi.

Aoko Nakamori picked up the backpack she had packed earlier and walked out of the auditorium.

Xiao Lan turned her head to look at Yuan Shan and Ye, and said, "He Ye, I'm sorry, but this invitation didn't allow you to see the complete repertoire."

He Ye waved his hand: "It's okay, I'm very happy to be with you, and besides, I watched it all during the rehearsal."

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