Mori Kogoro sat on the office chair, and he pulled Toyama and Ye to sit on him.


A delicate nasal voice came from He Ye Qiong's nose, and two slender white legs passed through the left and right armrests of the office chair.

The setting sun shone on the beautiful legs, as if they were covered with a layer of golden light, and the white shoes on them were raised up and down, looking extraordinarily cute and cute.

Mori Kogoro kissed Kazuha's small mouth directly with his big mouth, and launched an offensive.

Mori Kogoro looked at the amber eyes that were close at hand, and blinked rhythmically at them, and He Ye's eyes were full of fascination.

His right hand let go of the big ponytail and slowly fell down, along the snowy neck to the back waist of the dress, and supported the small soft waist to prevent her from falling.

And his left hand followed the sunlight, and gently stroked Kazuha's right leg.

Obviously a major war was inevitable.

... [-] words are omitted here ...

In Haibara's room on the third floor, Yukiko and Haibara were chatting happily.

Yukiko was not on guard against Haibara, so Yukiko inadvertently revealed the matter between herself and Mouri Kogoro among Haibara's various questions from the side.

Haibara has already begun to suspect that the two have been together since high school.

She looked at Yukiko, who was in her thirties and was still as playful and cute as a girl. Her skin was smooth and tender, full of girlishness, and she couldn't help but feel the pressure.

Twenty years of relationship, it's scary to think about it.

Although Hui Yuan was also angry at the beginning, but after such a long time today, the anger has gradually calmed down.

It's impossible to leave Uncle Maori!

However, they want to defeat the international star Yukiko Fujimine and the Ehuang Nvying League, the queen of the Japanese legal and political circles Eri, and defeat these two beauties with very different styles and beautiful national beauty.

Huiyuan looked down at his flat body, and then at his short hands, feet, and body. Obviously, the degree of difficulty was too high.

It's impossible to leave, you can't beat him, and you may be pushed down on the bed and beaten.

What else can I do, I can only choose to forgive him!

After Haibara thought about it, he couldn't help admiring Mori Kogoro, it's really amazing that he can make Princess Eri, who is as strong as a queen, accept such a thing.

At this moment, there was a sound from outside, and the bathroom door closed.

You Xizi said, "It should be Yingri Xiaolan and the others who are back!"

It was Yuan Shanhe Ye who entered the bathroom at this moment. After a great battle, she secretly took a change of clothes and entered the bathroom to take a shower.

The first thing Kazuha did after entering the bathroom was to take off his clothes, put them in the washing machine and start washing.

Then she stood naked under the shower head, letting the hot water hit her body.

At this moment, Yuan Shan and Ye Mei's eyes stretched out, with a look of satisfaction on their faces.


Kogoro Mori's timing in the previous battle was just right.

Three purposes of distraction, not only to monitor the movements in Conan's room, but also to monitor Eri and Xiaolan who are shopping for vegetables, and to manage the battle with one hand.

He rushed to end the battle before Eri came back, fed Kazuha without completely losing his strength, and it only took a little over thirty minutes.

He Ye was very obedient, and she was also afraid of being discovered. After cleaning up the traces of the office on the second floor, she took her backpack and clothes and quietly went to the bathroom on the third floor to take a shower.

Not long after, the sound of the Lexus' engine came up from below, and then Xiaolan and Yingli appeared at the door on the second floor carrying large bags and small bags.

Fei Yingli, who was standing at the door, said domineeringly: "Chef Maori, hurry up and cook."

Kogoro Mori immediately got up to greet him, took the ingredients bought by the mother and daughter, and the three came to the kitchen area on the third floor.

Yukiko who heard the sound walked out of the room leading Hui Yuan.

As soon as he came out, You Xizi said, "Xiao Wulang, I want to eat the veal steak from last time."

"no problem!"

Fei Yingli pretended to be reluctant, and said arrogantly: "Do you need my help?"

Kiko, Xiaolan, and Mori Kogoro were present for a while, and the three of them shook their heads like rattles.

Hui Yuan couldn't understand it, but he immediately realized that the culinary skills of the queen of the legal and political circles were not very good.

Seeing this, Fei Yingli snorted coldly, walked straight to the living room and sat on the sofa.

Xiaolan was about to help, but was pushed away by Yuxizi.

You Xizi said with a smile on her face: "Xiao Lan, just let me do these things. You haven't seen your mother for a long time, so please spend time with her."

Hearing this, Xiaolan reluctantly left the restaurant area and headed towards the living room.

At this moment, the door of the bathroom opened, and Yuan Shanhe Ye came out after taking a shower.

Yuan Shan, who had changed into another dress, exuded a fresh breath.

Xiaolan couldn't help but look puzzled: "Hey, He Ye, why are you taking a bath so early?"

"I sweated a lot on the way today, and I felt a little sticky, so I washed it first."

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