He Ye then whispered: "And I feel that there will be many people living here tonight. It must be a waste of time to take a bath one by one, so it's better to wash first."

He Ye, who had already thought about the answer, was naturally not timid at all. After speaking, he put the backpack into Xiaolan's room, and then she also came to the kitchen area, watching Mori Kogoro cook the ingredients.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro looks like a chef, and the big star Yukiko is an assistant, constantly delivering vegetables and knives beside him, with a cute appearance.

Exquisite knife skills, just the right heat, and flowing techniques, the whole cooking process is full of beauty, and the tangy aroma soon emerges.

Yuan Shan and Ye exclaimed again and again, at this moment she is completely like a little girl: "Uncle Mao Li, you are really amazing!"

Seeing Toyama Kazuha's expression, Haibara frowned slightly.

The little loli Huiyuan's intelligence is far beyond ordinary people, and she seems to realize that it is not easy.

Mori Kogoro prepared the calf spleen that Yuxiko was thinking about and put it on a plate. Yuxiko took the plate and smelled the aroma, almost drooling.

If Haibara and Ye hadn't been watching at this time, Yukiko would have given Mouri Kogoro a kiss as a reward.

Mori Kogoro turned his head and inspected the audience.

Xiaolan and Eri, a mother and daughter, are leaning on the sofa and watching TV, Haibara and Kazuha are looking at themselves, and Yukiko is obediently shaking hands beside him. The smell of food wafts through the whole house, it is like a dream Scenes.

Chapter 0205 Maori Banquet

Kogoro Mori looked at this flowery and beautiful couple, and felt infinitely moved in his heart, if these women knew everything and could maintain a peaceful relationship, how wonderful it would be!

There is a long way to go!

You Xizi looked at Yuanshan Heye and Huiyuan next to him, rolled her big playful eyes, and said, "Heye, take Huiyuan to the living room to watch TV. I'll do it with my help here. Don't stay here. stay."

"I'm fine, Huiyuan, go to the living room!" Yuan Shan and Ye smiled, but they didn't move at all.

You Xizi said again: "There is a lot of oily smoke in the kitchen. There are girls who are not married yet. If Xundi's skin is bad, no one will like it. Listen to Auntie and go to the living room!"

Hearing that Toyama and Ye turned their heads to look at Mori Kogoro, she didn't want to be ugly, so she nodded and led Huiyuan to the living room.

The four girls were sitting on the sofa watching TV and talking and laughing, but there was a harmonious atmosphere.

Just as Mori Kogoro was concentrating on cooking, he suddenly felt a soft and delicate body behind him clinging tightly to him, two soft masses pressed against his back, a pair of small hands went inside along the apron, stroking his abdomen .

Yukiko gently touched Kogoro Mori's abdominal muscles with her fingertips, as if she was counting.

"Yukiko, stop making trouble, Xiaolan and the others are still behind!" Mori Kogoro said softly.

But Yukiko found it very interesting, and she didn't want to let go of her hand at all. Instead, she stood on tiptoe and exhaled into Kogoro Mori's ear.

This female fairy is clearly trying to seduce people.

If it weren't for the presence of the four girls behind, Moori Kogoro would certainly not have easily spared her, but in this situation, the situation forced him to admit his cowardice.

Mori Kogoro turned his head and said softly, "You wait for me tonight!"

Hearing this, You Xizi chuckled triumphantly: "What are you waiting for, Kogoro."

After speaking, Yukiko proudly patted Mori Kogoro's butt.

Mori Kogoro immediately said, "Conan is coming up."

"Who are you lying to!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Yukiko let go of Mori Kogoro in a panic, arranged her clothes, and turned into a well-behaved assistant again.

Not long after, Conan and Hattori Heiji came in. Hattori Heiji also came to the kitchen area, put his hands on the counter, and said, "Wow, it smells so good. I didn't expect you, Uncle Mori, to be able to cook!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled twice, and found that Hattori Heiji was actually wearing a hat, a green and white hat, and he liked to wear hats even in the room, which is really weird.

"Heiji, your hat suits you very well!"

Hattori Heiji boasted proudly: "This is a hat that I have been picking for a long time before I bought it. Uncle Mori really has a good eye."

As he spoke, he shifted his gaze to He Ye, but He Ye didn't respond at all. He couldn't help feeling sad, and remembered what Conan said on the second floor.

"Heiji, I believe you have already observed it yourself. I am afraid that He Ye not only doesn't like you now, but may even hate you extremely."

"As your friend, my advice to you is: don't choose to give up, maybe you can still be an ordinary friend if you take a step back, but if you continue to entangle, you may not even be able to be an ordinary friend!"

Father, like son!

Hattori Heiji, who was awakened by Conan, naturally realized that Conan was right.

Hattori Heiji clenched his fists again: But, even so, I am still very unwilling. I have never seen the man who defeated me before. I am really unwilling to lose so badly!


You Xizi brought the last delicacy to the table: "Jiangjiang, children, the dishes are ready, let's all come and eat!"

A table full of delicious food, ten dishes, six meat and four vegetables, two soups, one tonkotsu soup, one seafood soup, rice balls, and rice, and there are fried ones on each plate Black pepper veal steak, just looking at it will increase your appetite.

This time, Mori Kogoro brought his culinary skills to the extreme.

Everyone quickly gathered around the dining table, even Fei Yingli's face was as cold as Hui Yuan's, and his eyes were shining, their noses twitched, smelling the aroma of various dishes.

Fei Yingli was the first to take a seat, and she didn't know whether it was intentional or not, she sat at the head of the square table as soon as she sat down, as if she was showing her status as a big wife.

Seeing this, Youxizi wrinkled her nose, and soon sat on her left side, Huiyuan sat next to her, and on the right side of the square table were Xiaolan and Heye.

Conan and Hattori Heiji could only sit in the lower seats.

Mori Kogoro walked into his room, came out with a bottle of fine wine, and said, "So many people gathered together today, it shouldn't matter if you drink some wine!"

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