The risk of five girls being together is too great, if a word is leaked, it may explode in an instant.

So this is Mori Kogoro's strategy. Don't look at it as just a bottle of wine. This is the Baihua brew exchanged in the points mall. It is brewed with hundreds of flowers. It is bright red in color and has the magical effect of promoting blood circulation and beautifying the skin. It tastes mellow and fragrant. Intoxicated by the unknown.

Alcohol can dull people's minds, Mori Kogoro just thought that it would be best to get one or two drunk, and don't let them talk too much, so that today can pass safely.

Seeing the wine bottle, Xiao Lan immediately said, "Oh, Dad, why are you still hiding wine in the room!"

Hui Yuan also frowned and said, "Hmph, no credit."

Mori Kogoro laughed dryly: "Xiao Ai, uncle usually doesn't drink alcohol, today's situation is special, and the wine seller said that this wine is brewed by flowers, which has the effect of invigorating blood and beautifying the skin. can become more beautiful."

Hearing these words, the eyes of all the women lit up, women's pursuit of beauty is really regardless of size.

Mori Kogoro filled everyone's glasses, and everyone at the table toasted together.


The dark red wine was poured into the abdomen, and the fragrance spread from the tip of the tongue along the throat to the abdomen, making people very comfortable. The faces of the five women all showed surprise expressions. The wine tasted very good.

Xiaolan was pleasantly surprised: "This wine is delicious, it is simply the best wine I have ever had."

Fei Yingli smiled: "Xiao Lan, you seem to have drunk a lot of wine." Xiao Lan immediately stuck out her tongue.

Hattori Heiji praised: "This wine is really made of hundreds of flowers. I have already tasted the aroma of more than a dozen kinds of flowers."

Conan who was on the side swished and said, "I have tasted more than [-] kinds of flower fragrances."

You Xizi asked Hui Yuan with concern: "Xiao Ai, how is it? Can you drink it? If you can't drink it, Auntie will help you drink it." In You Xizi's view, there was only one child present, so it was natural to take care of Hui Yuan.

Huiyuan nodded: "It's delicious, like a juice drink."

Hearing this, Xizi gave up.

Kogoro Mori on the side couldn't help laughing secretly when he saw this, the wine was easy to drink at first, but it was really powerful when the alcohol kicked in.

After drinking the fine wine, Mori Kogoro raised his chopsticks and said, "Let's go!"

Everyone moved their chopsticks one after another, and dinner time began.

Chapter 0206 Yukiko who is extremely weak

After dinner, the fragrance of tea wafted in the living room, and everyone was tasting the tea made by Mori Kogoro.

All the dishes were cleared just now, and everyone on the sofa looked full.

Mori Kogoro's plan was still successful, and after a bottle of Hundred Flowers was brewed, some of the five girls were still drunk.

Feiyingli's face was blushing, and Danfeng's originally sharp pupils couldn't help but slackened, obviously a little bit drunk.

But she forced herself to cheer up and pretended to be calm and composed, which made Mori Kogoro laugh secretly.

There is also little loli Huiyuan, her face is flushed at this moment, her eyes are full of drunkenness, now that Bai Huaniang's stamina has picked up, little loli collapses on the sofa.

These two women who were usually calm and teetotal were the most drunk.

Xiaolan and Heye walked over after clearing the dining table.

Xiaolan sat beside Feiyingli, hugged her arm, saw her mother's appearance, and said with a concerned face: "Mom, you and Aunt Youxizi both drank tonight, so don't go back, stay here Stay!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help nodding his head in agreement: "Eri, Yukiko, stay here tonight!"

On the other hand, Conan had a mournful face. Uncle Mao Li was already difficult enough to deal with. Now that his mother and aunt concubine appeared, life might be even more difficult.

Xiao Lan then said: "Furthermore, Dad has also been drinking, so he can't drive you back. In my opinion, you should rest here tonight!"

Hearing this, Empress Eri raised her eyes and glanced at Yukiko.

You Xizi on the side said: "What do you think I am doing? Xiao Ai is so cute, how about sleeping with Auntie tonight?"

Huiyuan hiccupped, then nodded with a smile, her expression was so cute.

You Xizi's eyes were full of love, and she picked up Huiyuan and wanted to kiss her.

Unexpectedly, Little Loli struggled immediately: "Go away, go away, don't kiss me, I will only kiss Uncle Mao Li."

You Xizi immediately looked depressed, but Fei Yingli laughed lightly: "I can't tell, even Xiao Ai likes Xiao Goro, Xiao Goro, your charm really kills all ages!"

Mori Kogoro laughed dryly. He picked up the drunk girl and said, "Xiao Ai is drunk, I will send her back to her room to rest first."

He carried Huiyuan into the room, carefully placed him on the bed, tucked in the quilt, and walked out.

At this time, he found that the seat where Eri was originally sitting on the sofa was empty, and instead it was replaced by a futon, which was still his own.

Feiyingli poked her head out of Mori Kogoro's room: "Since Xiaolan asked me to stay tonight, I still have to agree to my daughter's request. I'm going to sleep in this room tonight. I just happen to be a little sleepy now, so let's go to bed first." Sleeping, Yukiko, do you really not want to sleep with me?"

You Xizi complained: "Who wants to sleep with you? You are so drunk, I don't know if you will vomit in the middle of the night, I will sleep in Xiaoai's room tonight."

Mori Kogoro immediately said, "Hey, Eri, this is my room, what should I do if you sleep?"

A touching smile appeared on Fei Yingli's face: "No, sofa, floor, choose by yourself, I'll rest first."


The door was closed immediately, and there was a sound of locking it.

Kogoro Mori looked at the pillows and bedding on the sofa, and couldn't help being speechless.

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