But Xiaolan and Ye's eyes flashed with joy.

As for Conan the Conan and Hattori Heiji, they smiled secretly.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro was furious, and couldn't help shouting: "Heiji, Conan, it's getting late, you two don't go down to wash and rest!"

It's only eight o'clock in the evening now, how late it is.

But seeing the terrifying Moori Kogoro, who had completely exploded in momentum, as if facing a lion, the sense of oppression hit the two of them, and their hearts seemed to be tied by a big hand.

Hattori Heiji and Conan recognized their cowardice in an instant, not daring to say a word, the two immediately got up and rushed out the door.

Closing the door and standing in the stairwell, Hattori Heiji was still panting heavily, and Conan said from the side: "Now you know how scary Uncle Mouri is?"

The sweaty Hattori Heiji nodded blankly.

Kogoro Mori's whole body naturally didn't cast it on the three girls, Yukiko couldn't help but asked in doubt, "What are they two doing so fast?"


At ten o'clock in the evening, Xiaolan waved goodbye to Kogoro Mori who was lying on the sofa: "Good night, Dad."

Immediately afterwards, she followed He Ye into the room, and the living room became dark and silent.

Mori Kogoro looked up at the ceiling, with a smile on his face, waiting quietly.

Not long after, the sound of Huiyuan's door opening was heard, followed by a soft body falling into his arms, it was Yuxiko in pajamas.

Without saying a word, the two faced each other and kissed affectionately.

Looking at the elf-like woman close at hand, Kogoro Mori's big hand was walking on Yukiko's soft body, his hand was full of tenderness.

"Is Xiao Ai asleep?"

"She was very drunk and slept soundly." Yukiko panted heavily in her answer.

Soon, Mori Kogoro picked up Yukiko and put it on the marble table. His hands kept moving, and soon a carcass appeared on the stone table.

The jade body is very conspicuous even in the dark, Mori Kogoro put the clothes near Yukiko's mouth and Yukiko rolled her eyes at Mori Kogoro, then obediently bit the clothes.

Not long after, a low and forbearing movement was played in the living room!


Hattori Heiji and Conan, who were on the second floor, were still lying on the bed chatting.

"Kudou, tell me what happened just now, how could you be suddenly frightened by Uncle Maori? It feels like you are about to die."

Conan couldn't help but raised his head: "You felt it too, right? I always thought it was an illusion. It was scary, like an enraged lion."

Conan scratched his forehead: "This should be from practicing martial arts. I remember reading the information before. It seems that soldiers who kill a lot on the battlefield will also have a strange aura, which can scare you into tears." Children, scare away birds and beasts, maybe these two things are similar!"

"Souga, but I've been practicing kendo for so long, but I haven't learned this momentum yet."

"Oh, forget it, go to sleep, I have to go back to Osaka tomorrow!"

"Go back so early, don't stay for a few more days." Conan looked puzzled.

Hattori Heiji looked sad: "If you stay any longer, it depends on Kazuha's face, let's forget it, if I'm not here, Kudo, just pay more attention to me."

Hearing this, Conan nodded.


As it was approaching twelve o'clock, Kogoro Mori, who was sitting on the sofa, couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Yukiko, your fighting power is too weak. It's only been so long, you can't do it anymore."

Lying on the marble table, Yu Xizi, who was sore and limp, could only swear at the animals, but couldn't say more.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

Chapter 0207 twenty-eight centimeters

The door of Huiyuan's room opened, and upon hearing the sound, Huiyuan, who had been in her sleep, woke up with a start. After sleeping for ten days, her drunkenness gradually subsided, and her pair of light blue eyes became clear again.

At this time, she saw Yuxiko in pajamas slowly walking in from the door, covering her belly, and then stopped after taking two steps. There was still steam on her body, and she looked like she had just taken a shower.

Hui Yuan was stunned, how could she come in?

Soon Huibara remembered his answer when Xizi asked him on the sofa, and the drunken words he said on the sofa.

"Go away, go away, don't kiss me, I will only kiss Uncle Maori."

A blush immediately appeared on Huiyuan's Xiaomeng's face.

What a shame!

Seeing a pair of bright eyes looking at her on the bed, You Xizi said softly, "Xiao Ai, I'm sorry to wake you up."


You Xizi rubbed her abdomen, her acting skills erupted in an instant, and she said weakly: "Auntie just ate too much, she had indigestion, and her stomach felt uncomfortable, so she just went to the toilet. That's why Xiao Ai was woken up."

"But it's okay now, let's go to sleep!"

Yuxiko closed the door, then approached the big bed, shook off the slippers, and slowly climbed onto the bed.

And Haibara couldn't help frowning when he saw Yukiko who was moving slowly and still clutching her abdomen.

A pair of light blue eyes turned, and Huiyuan seemed to think of something, so he spoke directly.

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