He Ye also nodded aside and said: "Yes, that's how it was when I lived at Uncle Maoli's house before. I'm used to being surprised. I don't know what happened to these two people. They were very close at first. Come and become very distant again."

"Yeah, Kazuha, you also have the same feeling, that is, every time you go back to Osaka, you seem to be at odds with Conan, it's weird, you two!"

Hearing this, Yukiko felt relieved, and ignored Conan below.

At this time, the little loli Huiyuan came out of the bathroom, her face was as cold as ice, and her little face was tense.

She came to Yukiko's side, grabbed Yukiko's big hand, and pulled her into the room.

In the room, Yukiko sat on the bed, looking at the little loli in front of her, the quilt behind her was already crumpled up.

Looking at Xizi's elf-like little face in front of him, there was still a smile on it.

Hui Yuan was speechless for a moment, this woman was simply his nemesis, he had made a fool of himself in front of her countless times.

Hui Yuan said with a serious face, "You can't tell anyone what happened last night."

You Xizi said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Xiao Ai, but I accidentally slipped my mouth just now."

"Huh? Who did you tell!"

Haibara's aura instantly became extremely frightening, a cold light radiated from his eyes, and his gaze at Yuxiko became extremely unkind.

Seeing Huiyuan like this, You Xizi felt cold sweat dripping from his brow: "I'll just tell you Uncle Mao Li."

Hearing this is the result, I can still accept it. If Xiaolan, his deadly enemy, finds out, then Huiyuan might really go berserk.

"Don't tell anyone else!" Huiyuan put down this threat, and went outside to look for Kogoro Mouri.

Wow!It's terrible, this aura is exactly the same as when Eri was angry.

Yukiko shook her head, got up and picked up the quilt behind her, carried it into the bathroom and put it in the washing machine, and began to destroy the evidence.

Chapter 0210 I want to find my mother!

The door of Mori Kogoro's room opened, and Fei Eri, who was wearing back her suit and skirt, came out of it, and all five girls appeared in the living room.

At this time, Xiaolan went down to the second floor to ask Conan and Hattori Heiji to come up for breakfast, and the three of them soon appeared at the door of the third floor.

Mori Kogoro looked up, and saw that Conan and Hattori Heiji had extremely ugly expressions on their faces. The distance between them was a full three meters, which was completely different from the close look they had when they got together yesterday.

The two walked in from the outside, Mori Kogoro saw that Conan's pace was the same as before, and it seemed that the most terrifying thing hadn't happened, so he ignored it.

Soon, Mori Kogoro greeted everyone to come to the table, and the seats were still the same as before, but the chairs of Hattori Heiji and Conan were far away, and they turned their heads slightly, not facing each other.

Seeing this scene, You Xizi couldn't help thinking that it was interesting, and it was really what Xiaolan and the others said.

When everyone saw the sumptuous breakfast, there was still an unopened pot on the table, so they couldn't help being curious.

He Ye said, "Uncle Maori, what kind of food is that, why is it so well hidden?"

Yukiko realized it quickly, and frowned subconsciously. Could this be the new dish that Eri has been developing recently?

Fei Yingli laughed, and said, "I made this dish, everyone, let's try it."

Hattori Heiji then said: "Great, I tasted the Maori Detective's cuisine last night, and I was lucky enough to be able to taste the concubine's cuisine today. This trip to Tokyo is really complete."

Hearing this, a sneer appeared on Conan's face, he was still brooding about what happened in the morning, so naturally he would not think of reminding Hattori Heiji.

Originally, Kazuha wanted to say something, but when he heard that Hattori Heiji spoke first, he was too lazy to start a conversation.

Mori Kogoro immediately smiled and said: "Since you said so Heiji, then take over your bowl and Conan's bowl. Eri's cooking level is very high. You are lucky this time."

He was smiling all over his face, and Hattori Heiji didn't notice the sinister behind the smile, so he handed over the bowl.

Hearing this, Conan's little face suddenly panicked, and he quickly said, "Uncle Maori, I don't want it anymore!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled twice, stood up and took the bowl in front of Conan: "Conan, you are young and still growing, so of course you should eat something nutritious. There are many kinds of fruits in it. .”

"Conan, you haven't tasted your Aunt Eri's cooking, I promise you will never forget it once you taste it."

Mori Kogoro put the two bowls in front of him.

You Xizi on the side saw this scene, and a narrow smile flashed in his eyes: "Kenan-kun, look at how kind your Uncle Maori treats you, the first one who thinks of you is delicious, look like this, you are mining in South Africa Mom should be relieved."

Conan forced a smile, and stared at the gloating Yukiko with big eyes.

Mori Kogoro lifted the lid of the pot, and an extremely weird smell burst out instantly and penetrated into everyone's noses.

Everyone turned pale with shock, especially Kazuha, Haibara, and Hattori Heiji who saw Fei Eri's dark cooking for the first time.

Hattori Heiji was taken aback, looking at the slightly solidified black things in the pot, Kurotan's face twitched uncontrollably.

Kogoro Mori scooped up the spoon without hesitation, and put lumps of black muddy objects into the bowl.

The poopy chocolate banana was scooped into Hattori Heiji's bowl, and the decadent chocolate durian was scooped into Conan's bowl.

Two bowls of pitch-black chocolate fruit soup were placed in front of Hattori Heiji and Conan.

Two big bowls were full, and the whole pot was emptied, and the rest of the girls couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Fei Yingli began to introduce with a smile: "This is the latest new dish I developed, chocolate and fruit soup, first heated with rich dark chocolate, and then added a variety of well-matched fruits, including apples, pears, oranges, pineapples There is also durian, all kinds of extreme tastes collide together, you will be satisfied."

Fei Yingli looked into the pot, and couldn't help but wondered: "Xiao Wulang, I remember that I obviously cooked a big pot, why there are only two bowls left."

Mori Kogoro smiled brightly: "Because it's so delicious, Xiaolan and I couldn't resist stealing it just now, so there's only this little bit left."

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