The others were naturally poured out by Mori Kogoro.

Hearing this, Fei Yingli couldn't help but chuckled, and turned to look at Xiaolan: "Lan, how is it? Mom made this for you."

Xiaolan saw the eyes of Maori Kogoro, and immediately cooperated, her small face was extremely serious: "Well, it's so delicious, if Dad didn't say to leave it for others to taste, I would have eaten the whole pot."

Hearing this, Fei Yingli smiled even happier: "Silly girl, if you want to eat, mom will make it for you next time."

Haibara and Yukiko who were standing next to him couldn't help laughing when they saw the extremely shrewd concubine Eri being so deceived by Moori's father and daughter.

Mori Kogoro said to Hattori Heiji and Conan: "You two are lucky, try it quickly!"

Hattori Heiji saw the chocolate soup exuding a strange smell and a strange thing like poop in front of him, couldn't help swallowing, and couldn't help but regret that he had just opened his mouth.

And Conan on the side smelled the gas-like durian smell, and his face looked hopeless.

You Xizi also urged beside him: "Conan-kun, eat it quickly, it's very nutritious."

Fei Yingli also said: "Remember to give me some advice after eating, so that I can improve it. This is the way to continuously add new elements to cooking to make satisfactory food."

The three elders asked the two of them to eat in front of them, how could they refuse.

The other girls on the table have already started, tasting all kinds of delicacies made by Kogoro Moori. They are all smiling. Compared with them, they feel that Kogoro Moori's dishes are more delicious.

Die or die!

Hattori Heiji's heart swayed, and he took a bite of the thing that looked like poop. Seeing this, Conan could only move his chopsticks and pick up a lump of black lacquer in the bowl into his mouth.

In an instant, the ultimate taste burst in the mouths of the two, and their faces twitched continuously as if struck by lightning.

Hattori Heiji felt as hot as fire, and couldn't help but want to find water to drink.

Conan, on the other hand, felt extremely sour, so sour that his teeth were so sour that he didn't feel it.

Hattori Heiji took a closer look and found that this chocolate banana has three layers, the outermost is black chocolate, followed by bananas, and the innermost is red pepper.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Fei Yingli couldn't help asking.

Hattori Heiji nodded, tears streaming down his face instantly.

Mori Kogoro said from the side: "Look at this child, I was so moved that I cried, Eri, your cooking skills are really great."

A smug look appeared on Feiyingli's face: "Cut, it's up to you to say."

Hearing the shameless words of the Maori couple, Hattori Heiji cried even harder: I want to find my mother!

Chapter 0211

After a lot of hard work, Conan and Hattori Heiji finally finished two bowls of chocolate fruit soup full of the world's most delicious flavors.

After the two of them finished eating, they couldn't help but burped.

This chocolate soup is really full of weight, it is too filling.

The full sense of satiety made the two of them not want to eat anything else at all.

After breakfast, Mori Kogoro and the rest of the girls who were resting in the living room looked satisfied, while Conan and Hattori Heiji's faces turned blue, as if they were poisoned.

Soon, Hattori Heiji said, "Uncle Mori, I'm going back to Osaka later, but thanks to Uncle Mori's care, my parents have said that I invite you to Osaka."

"My father said he wanted to entertain you and looked forward to seeing you."

Kogoro Mori asked, "Heizo, did he encounter any difficult cases?"

Hattori Heiji immediately rubbed his head and laughed dryly: "How is that possible? I just want to invite you to visit Osaka Prefecture. There are so many delicious foods in Osaka Prefecture. I think Xiaolan probably hasn't tried it yet, right?" !"

Yuan Shan and Ye's eyes lit up, if Kogoro Mori could go to Osaka, then she would be able to meet Kogoro Mori again.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Well, speaking of it, I haven't seen Heizang for many years. We will go to Osaka to find you next weekend."

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his face: "Okay, it's a deal, we'll see you in Osaka then, then I'll take a step forward."

Hattori Heiji got up from the seat, glanced at the unmoved Toyama and Ye Heye, then turned and walked outside.

It's just that when passing by Conan, he said softly: "Kudou, I'm really sorry for the facts in the morning, I didn't mean it either."

Conan also completely ignored him, and Hattori Heiji left the Mori house just like that.


Afterwards, Ran, Haibara, and Conan each went to school, and then Yukiko's bodyguard drove two cars from the villa over.

Fei Yingli naturally returned to her office to continue working. The office that lost two lawyers has been very busy up to now, and overtime is even more common. Last night was already precious time she had spared from hard work.

And Yukiko received the notice again, and rushed to Mount Fuji to shoot the commercial without stopping.

Mori Kogoro and Toyama Kazuha, who were standing downstairs, watched the two cars driving out, and Kazuha instantly threw himself into Mori Kogoro's arms.

Mori Kogoro said, "Let's go, Kazuha, today Uncle will take you around Tokyo."

A touching smile immediately appeared on He Ye's face.

Mori Kogoro took Kazuha to Tokyo Tower to overlook the whole city, and then turned to Ginza to start shopping.

However, compared with Ye's thriftiness, Xiaolan was even worse. Kogoro Mori wanted to buy her a gift, but she refused repeatedly. In the end, she only accepted a bracelet and was extremely happy.

The two also played all kinds of new games together in the video game mall in Ginza, such as shooting games, racing games, and under Kogoro Mori's deliberate release of water, and Ye Yingying was particularly happy.

But that’s not always the case. When playing the latest VR game, Kazuha, who was wearing a virtual camera, was so frightened by the realistic zombies in the game that he screamed and threw himself into Kogoro Mori’s arms, not daring to get up.

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