Yue Yexue shook his head, there were still tears in the corners of his eyes, and his nasal voice came out: "I can't get up, Mao Li-jun, I'm in pain right now, I'm afraid I'm about to die, remember to help me put on all my clothes before going out Well, don't be like Xiao Xun, if a group of people see it, then I will die with regret."

"Otherwise, you can help me get dressed and go out first, and just leave me lying here alone waiting to die."

Hearing such silly words, Mori Kogoro almost laughed so hard that his stomach hurt. How did this guy come up with this murder method? It's really embarrassing for her.

Mori Kogoro approached the table, bent down, put his arms around Yue Yexue's soft waist, and said, "Don't worry, you are already my woman, how could I be willing to let you die."

"Trust me, it's like the story of Snow White, I kiss you and you're all right again."

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro kissed Yue Yexue's red lips, and the healing technique was displayed again, and Susu's numb energy lingered on his body.

After the deep kiss, Kogoro Mori stood up, and Yue Yexue felt that she was in a very good state: "Hey, why doesn't it seem like I'm in pain anymore."

As soon as Yue Yexue stretched her waist, she sat up from the table. Spring was boundless, she jumped off the table and began to dress.

Mori Kogoro said flickeringly from the side: "You should be drinking anti-glycemic preparations. This stuff can lower blood sugar, and in the worst case it can kill people, but the amount you drink should not be enough, so at most you will be groggy. It turned out not to be that serious."

Yue Yexue got dressed quickly, sighed and said, "Even if I didn't die this time, Xiao Xun will still identify me as the murderer when she wakes up, and the ending will be different."

However, Yue Yexue turned to look at Kogoro Maoli: "But Mr. Maoli, don't you already know the truth? Why didn't you tell the police your reasoning?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and pointed to his lips: "Want to know? Then come and give me a kiss."

Even after having done the most intimate thing just now, Yue Yexue still couldn't help but blush in embarrassment.

But soon she leaned over and kissed Kogoro Mouri lightly on the lips, tasted it, and wanted to leave, but was held in Kogoro Mouri's arms.

Mori Kogoro looked at Yue Yexue's soft and beautiful face: "The reason is very simple! I like girls like you, Xiaoxue, so the case is not important. Besides, you are my woman now, about Xiaoxun's matter." I'll help you out and make sure you'll be fine."

Chapter 0219 Snow's Secret

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Yue Yexue's face, and he hugged Mori Kogoro's majestic waist tightly.

Mori Kogoro hugged Yue Yexue's soft body, if it wasn't for the wrong timing, he still wanted to fight another [-] rounds.

The proportions of Yue Yexue's model are perfect, especially the pair of long legs posed in an M shape just now, which is extremely attractive, half an hour is really nothing.

And after testing its depth, Mori Kogoro also knew that Yue Yexue's body was extremely flexible, and there were many postures to try, but now it was impossible to continue unlocking.

Yue Yexue hugged Mao Li Kogoro's waist, and said, "Maoli-san, why didn't you introduce yourself earlier today, if that's the case, I won't do anything when I hear your name."

"Ah! It's too late now."

Yue Yexue looked at Maori Kogoro with affection in his eyes: "Why didn't you let me meet you earlier! It's just at this time that I was caught by you!"

Once it hits the soul, it really works!

At this moment, Yue Yexue couldn't help but feel sad in her heart. Before that, she just felt that life was boring, thinking about taking revenge on Kusano Kaoru and then committing suicide, it would be considered a one-hundred-and-a-half.

But after half an hour of the battle, Yue Yexue developed a different kind of affection for Kogoro Mouri, as if he was greedy for physical pleasure, and also seemed to be obsessed with this detective uncle.

But she still doesn't believe that Mori Kogoro can turn the tide.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking in doubt: "Xiaoxue, why do you want to kill Kaoru Kusano?"

Hearing this question, Yue Yexue pondered for a moment, and said, "Maoli-kun, do you know? Although Xiao Xun is the smallest member in our group, she is the most suitable person in the entertainment industry."

"Three years ago, when the Earth Ladies team still existed, it was Sister Hui who became popular at the time. Sister Hui filmed the hit TV series, "Tokyo Love Story", and became friends with the male lead in it. The two originally had feelings for each other, but before the male star confessed his love, he was robbed of love by Xiao Xun."

"Xiao Xun likes to use the media to hype herself, show affection with that male star, and at the same time speak ill of Sister Hui in front of reporters, that's why Sister Hui and Xiao Xun got into a big fight."

"The group disbanded because of this, and Sister Hui was hit hard by it, and it took a long time to get back together."

"Later, Xiao Xun used that boy and then abandoned him. In the past three years, she has changed many boyfriends, I can't count them, but because of the gossip, she has become more and more popular."

"After the Earth Ladies team disbanded, Yoko soon joined a new company, a new group, and finally became famous with her own efforts, but Sister Hui directly terminated the contract with the original company and joined the TV station as a host."

"As for me, I don't have any life plans. I just stay in this company with Xiaoxun all the time. Xiaoxun always snatches away the announcements. In fact, it doesn't matter. Xiaoxun is a younger sister. It doesn't matter if I let her. Take a break from work!"

At this moment, Kogoro Mori said, "It's just that last year, your father fell ill, and he suffered from severe diabetes, which caused complications, uremia and coronary heart disease."

Hearing this, Yue Yexue fell silent, pursed her lips, as if she didn't want to recall.

After a long time, she finally said: "In order to take care of my sick father, I temporarily resigned from all jobs. When "Detective Zuo Wenyu" was filmed last year, I was originally scheduled to be the heroine, so I gave up the opportunity to act. Xiaoxun."

"It was only at that time that my savings were not enough to support the high cost of treatment, especially the surgery for coronary heart disease and uremia, because there were too few notices before."

"So I asked Xiaoxun to borrow money, but do you know what she said?"

"How do you say it?" Seeing Yue Yexue's expression, Mori Kogoro knew that the next words would be unpleasant.


"Sister Xue, what are you talking about? I obviously won this job myself. What big talk are you talking about?"

"Borrow money, forget it, look at how poor you are, run those runway, only a few announcements a month, how can you afford to lend it to you?"

"What does your father have to do with me? My money is going to be saved for the wedding, so remember to be a bridesmaid!"

Kaoru Kusano's arrogant face reappeared in Yue Yexue's mind, and Yue Yexue broke down in tears when he said this.

A girl who I have always taken care of as my sister;

A girl who has lived with her since she was a trainee;

A girl who taught her singing, acting, and even gave her a lot of job opportunities;

It is undoubtedly very ironic that he repays himself in this way in the end!

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