"At that time, Yoko was training abroad, and there was no way to contact her. However, Sister Hui's investment failed and she had no money left. In the end, Sister Hui sold the house she originally bought at a low price to make up enough money for the surgery."

"It's just that although I had enough money for the operation, I missed the best time for the operation, so the operation in Kubahu Hospital was not successful."

"After that, my father struggled in the hospital for more than a year, and finally died of uremia last month."

"At the same time, I received Xiao Xun's engagement invitation. I can't forgive it. My father died like this, but Xiao Xun was able to walk happily into the palace of marriage."

Speaking of this, Yue Yexue broke down in tears again, her head was pressed against Mao Li Kogoro's chest, her body trembling uncontrollably.

Mori Kogoro gently stroked Yue Yexue's long brown hair, and comforted him gently: "Xiaoxue, it's all over, don't worry, with me here, I won't let Kusano Kaoru bully you again."

When Yue Yexue heard this, she couldn't help but raised her head in panic: "Mr. Mao Li, don't do anything stupid, the police are guarding her in the hospital now!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled twice: "Fool, don't you know that there is hypnotism in this world? As long as I use hypnotism to erase her memory before she wakes up, she will naturally not remember who committed the crime. "


This is naturally Kogoro Mori fooling Yue Yexue. Kogoro Mori does know how to hypnotize, but it's just for beginners. At most, he can hypnotize kittens and puppies. No matter how powerful he is, he can't help it.

He just wanted to use the psychedelic talisman to directly tamper with Kaoru Kusano's memory, once and for all.

Mori Kogoro touched Yue Yexue's small mouth: "As for the evidence, I destroyed all of them. You must know that as a powerful detective, he is also the most powerful criminal, so when I say no problem, then It must be fine."

Hearing that a smile finally appeared on Yue Yexue's face, she raised her little head and offered another sweet kiss, but this time she took the initiative to attack.

After the kiss was over, Yue Yexue carefully wiped off the lipstick on Mori Kogoro's lips before the two walked out of the kitchen.

Chapter 0220 Tampering with Memories

Mori Kogoro canceled the psychedelic array in the kitchen, and the two walked out of the kitchen and returned to the corridor. No one saw them coming out, and they returned to the living room one after the other.

As soon as he entered the living room, Mori Kogoro saw that Conan was still frowning, dragging his chin as if thinking.

But the key evidence is the lip print on the blessing card that Yue Yexue kissed after committing the crime, the blood stained lip print, the blood stain on it had been disposed of by Mori Kogoro long ago.

Without evidence, no matter how hard this little devil thinks about it, he can't figure out the modus operandi and find out the real murderer.

Seeing Kogoro Mouri, Xiaolan asked, "Father, where have you been? Why have you disappeared for so long?"

Mori Kogoro smiled and said, "Dad is investigating, I wasted some time."

Conan, who was blinded by the psychedelic array, couldn't help but roll his eyes. He was obviously picking up girls, so why not investigate!

At this time, Police Officer Mumu, who had finished questioning the neighbors, came over and said, "We have already checked the people nearby, called out the surveillance, and asked the people in the company, but we still haven't found any suspicious suspects."

Officer Megure turned to Kogoro Mouri: "Brother Mouri, did you find anything?"

Hearing this, Yue Yexue's face became a little nervous.

Mori Kogoro gave her a reassuring look, and then said: "Officer Megure, I have investigated carefully, and there is indeed no clue left in the room, so I feel that it is very likely that a perverted fan committed the crime."

"Now that we haven't found any clues, we can only wait for Miss Kusano to wake up and ask her."

Hearing this, Police Officer Mumu nodded: "That's the only way to go."

On the side, Yoko Okino looked worried: "I'm really worried about Kaoru, Officer Megure, can we go now? I want to go to the hospital to see her."

Officer Mu Mu immediately replied: "No problem, the investigation is over, you can leave."

"Next, we will increase the search, and we will notify you as soon as there is any progress. Takagi, you go to the hospital to watch, and the rest will go back with me."

Hearing that Takagi Shepherd had a happy expression on his face, it was his wish to be with these big stars.

Mori Kogoro said, "Since you are so worried, Yoko, let's go to the hospital to have a look."

While speaking, Mori Kogoro turned his eyes to Yue Yexue and blinked at him.

Yoko Okino picked up her coat, and the group walked outside the apartment.

Conan was the last one to walk out of the apartment. He looked back at the corridor and the bathroom with a gloomy face. Conan always felt that the murderer was among these big stars.

But even Uncle Mao Li said that outsiders did it, which made him have to believe it.

Everyone got down to the parking lot and drove to Kubado Hospital together. The Kubado Hospital was already surrounded by reporters who heard the news.

In the corridor of the ward, Xiong Du, the manager, was surrounded by a group of reporters. He kept crying bitterly, and kept crying that he could not lose Kaoru Kusano.

When the people who just arrived saw this scene, Yoko couldn't help being overjoyed: "He didn't respond to any stimulation before, but now he is finally willing to show his heart."

Osamu Kenzaki also breathed a sigh of relief: "If you ask me to pretend again, I can't pretend anymore."

Xiaolan and Hoshino Terumi couldn't help being puzzled: "Exciting? Pretending?"

Seeing Yoko Okino, Osamu Kenzaki, and Kogoro Mori, this group of reporters hurried forward with their microphones in their hands.

Yoko Okino quickly said, "Let's talk about it in the ward first!"

Mori Kogoro took the lead and protected the girls to fight a bloody way, and soon entered the high-end VIP ward, which made Yoko and the others look brilliant.

Mama Kuma Atsushi and Kenzaki Osamu were left outside, as well as Takagi Wataru who was held back by some important person the reporter thought.

The door of the senior VIP ward was closed, completely blocking the sound from outside.

On the hospital bed, Kaoru Kusano was lying on the hospital bed, still unconscious, but it was indeed just a minor operation, and only a large band-aid was pasted on the neck, so it seemed that the problem was not serious.

Okino Yoko let out a long sigh of relief.

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