Hoshino Terumi asked, "Yoko, what do you mean by stimulation?"

Mori Kogoro explained: "It should be said that today's engagement party is actually an act. Kaoru Kusano and Osamu Kenzaki don't really want to get engaged. Everything is to stimulate Xiong Atsushi to express his feelings."

There was a light in Okino Yoko's eyes: "Mori-kun, how did you know?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "I'm a detective. I can roughly deduce it just by looking at Mr. Kenzaki's reaction. Every time Kaoru Kusano gets close to him, there will always be some uncomfortable subtle reactions from his body."

"When Ms. Kusano was found with her throat cut in the bathroom, Mr. Kenzaki looked at the naked Ms. Kusano and did not dare to go forward. On the contrary, Manager Makuma Atsushi, who followed behind, stepped forward to hug Ms. Kusano. The person Miss has a close relationship with is Atsushi Kamakuma, not Osamu Kenzaki."

"In addition to what you said, Yoko, I can naturally deduce it."

Hoshino Terumi and Yue Yeyuki looked at Mori Kogoro adoringly: "Hey!"

And Xiaolan hugged her father's arm proudly.

Yoko Okino smiled and said, "Sure enough, it's Mori-kun. You're so smart. You're right."

"This is also Mr. Jianxiong's fault. He has never confessed his love. That's why Kaoru and Mr. Kenzaki acted as fake couples together. They even organized an engagement party, hoping that Mr. Jianxiong would become jealous and show his feelings. "

"I thought the plan had failed at first, but I didn't expect this sudden voyeur attack, but it turned out to be a bright future. Now as long as Xiao Xun wakes up, he can be with Mr. Jianxiong."

While everyone was listening to Yoko Okino, Kogoro Mori slowly approached the bed, and a psychedelic card was slapped on Kaoru Kusano.

In an instant, Mori Kogoro's consciousness invaded Kusano Kaoru's consciousness, which opened his eyes.

Sure enough, what Yue Yexue said is true. This woman is really an excellent existence in the entertainment industry. She is only [-] years old, and she has slept with hundreds of men. , abortion three times, unspoken rules are commonplace.

During the filming of "Detective Zuo Wenyu", she specially knocked on the director's door and sent her a recommendation, for fear of being kicked out of the crew.

And wanting to be with Jianxiong is because Kaoru Kusano discovered that Jianxiong's father is the president of Jianxiong Consortium.

But the primary psychedelic talisman can only tamper with one hour of memory.

Kogoro Mori seemed to have thought of some interesting idea, so he erased all the memories of Kaoru Kusano and Yue Yexue in the bathroom, and then filled in new memories by himself.

Chapter 0221

Soon, the paparazzi outside the ward were expelled by the security guards from the hospital, the door of the ward opened, and Osamu Kenzaki, Atsushi Makuma, and She Takagi all came in.

Takagi She was speechless, the gray suit on his body was scratched and tattered: He is obviously not a celebrity, so why was he being grabbed by the reporter and asked wildly.

On the hospital bed, Kaoru Kusano seemed to hear a noisy voice, and the effect of Mori Kogoro's psychedelic talisman in her mind weakened the anesthesia effect.

Kaoru Kusano slowly opened her eyes and woke up.

Jian Xiong Du was the first to find out, and rushed forward with a look of surprise on his face, and said with concern: "Xiao Xun, you're awake!"

Everyone quickly surrounded him, even Conan was no exception.

Desperation appeared in Yue Yexue's eyes: Xiao Xun woke up so quickly, and with so many people, Mr. Mao Li had no chance to do hypnosis at all.

Yue Yexue's beautiful eyes were full of panic: If Kusano Kaoru talked about her murder in front of Police Officer Takagi, the consequences...

While everyone's attention was attracted by Kaoru Kusano, Mori Kogoro tightly grasped Yue Yexue's small hand with his big hand, and said with his lips: "It's okay, everything is settled!"

How could Yue Yexue believe it, with a poignant smile on his face, his eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mouri, as if he wanted to engrave his first man deeply in his mind.

At this moment, Kaoru Kusano shouted on the hospital bed: "It's you, ahhhhhhh!"

Yue Yexue closed her eyes tightly, accepting the coming storm.

"This child, quickly take this child with glasses away, Makuma-kun, Kenzaki-kun, quickly take this child away."

"It's this lecherous brat who peeped while I was taking a shower, then pushed open the bathroom door and put a handkerchief in front of my nose and mouth to stun me, that's what this brat did."

Hearing this, Conan's eyes widened.

Misfortune fell from the sky, and this shit bowl was inexplicably stuck on his forehead. He was so scared that his glasses fell off, he raised his hands, and shouted repeatedly: "It wasn't me, I didn't do it."

"I'm not stunned by Miss Kusano, sister Xiaolan, you believe me, I didn't do it."

Everyone present was stunned, looking at Conan full of disbelief, while Xiaolan and Haibara looked at Conan full of contempt.

Yue Yexue opened her eyes in surprise, her eyes were full of disbelief, she stared closely at Kogoro Mori with her beautiful eyes, full of curiosity: Everyone entered the room together, and there was no time for hypnosis, so how could this be? did it?

Kaoru Kusano's reaction is naturally Kogoro Mori's masterpiece. Her memory was tampered with Conan peeping at Kaoru Kusano taking a bath, and then she became so beastly that she sneaked into the bathroom, stunned Kaoru Kusano with ether, and then engaged in obscene content.

This plot is enough ghosts and animals, enough for Conan to drink a pot!

When police officer Takagi heard this, he immediately held Conan's collar with his right hand, raised it high and said angrily, "I didn't expect that the prisoner we searched for so long today turned out to be you."

"Conan, it's no wonder. After all, children have little strength, so they cut their throats so shallowly. You must have molested Miss Kusano after she was stunned, and then cut her throat with a dagger in an attempt to kill someone. Afterwards, he hid in the living room and avoided arrest by virtue of his identity as a child."

"What a lecherous little devil!"

Conan, who was held up in the air, danced wildly with his hands and feet, and kept saying, "Officer Takagi, I didn't do it, Ms. Kusano, why are you slandering me?"

"Uncle Mao Li, please explain to me quickly. I really didn't do it. By the way, I stayed in the living room all the time. I have an alibi. How could I commit a crime!"

At this time, Xiong Du said: "Xiao Xun, did you remember correctly, I have been taking care of this child since he entered the living room, and I ate with him, I'm sure this child has never left the living room."

"In fact, Detective Maori and his team, including Detective Maori's daughter and two children, have been in the living room all the time, and have never been near the bathroom!"

Kaoru Kusano looked at Conan with hatred: "How can I remember wrongly, I even remember the obscene smile on the face of this little devil after he stunned me, which is similar to that of an adult, it is definitely this little devil who did it. "

And Kenzaki Osamu also said: "Xiao Xun, you really remembered it wrong, I can also testify to this."

"After the kid finished eating at the dining table, when he came to me, I sprayed wine on his face. After that, I kept pulling him to wipe it, until I found you lying in the bathroom and he was in my sight."

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