Hearing Mama Kuma Atsushi and Kenzaki Osamu say this, Kusano Kaoru couldn't help but change his face, and began to doubt himself a little.

Yoko Okino also said on the side: "Xiao Kaoru, Conan is indeed in the living room all the time!"

At this moment, Kogoro Mori, the culprit, said hypocritically, "Miss Kusano, although this child is a bit lecherous, he can't do such a thing as obscenity after you are stunned, and then murdered..."

"There are two possibilities for this situation. One is ether poisoning. The poisonous gas damages your nerves and makes you think that Conan committed the crime."

"Another situation is that the perpetrator is actually an adult dwarf voyeur. He sneaks into the apartment and peeps at you in the shower. He is not satisfied, and then takes advantage of you in the bathtub and stuns you with ether. He is about the same height and clothes as Conan, that's why you mistake him for Conan."

"Just imagine, with the strength of a seven-year-old child, cover your mouth with a handkerchief, and you will definitely be able to break free."

Hearing this, Kaoru Kusano's face was full of confusion. He clearly remembered this little ghost, but Detective Maori was right. It is indeed impossible for a seven-year-old to faint himself.

Could it be that his nerves were really damaged, did he appear to be imaginary?

Kaoru Kusano patted her head: "It seems that I just woke up, my head is not normal, I misunderstood, I'm sorry, Detective Maori."

Gao Mushe said in a daze, "If you say that, it wasn't Conan who did it. What a pity, I thought the criminal was caught!"

Conan couldn't stop twitching when he heard this, and shouted: "Don't let me down yet."

Conan, who had finally cleared his grievances, still had an indescribably stinky face. It was the first time in his life that he was accused of being the murderer for no reason.

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Officer Takagi, you can reply to Officer Megure and ask him to search Ms. Kusano's fan group to see if there are dwarves who like to wear blue clothes. If there are any, it will be very suspicious. gone."

Hearing this, Takagi put Conan down, nodded to Mori Kogoro: "Hi!"

At this time, Yoko Okino, who hadn't realized that Kaoru Kusano was a scheming bitch, approached Kaoru Kusano, and whispered everything about Kaoru Kusano.

Kaoru Kusano immediately showed joy on his face, and he threw himself into Jian Xiong Du's embrace under the eyes of everyone.

There was a sneer on Mori Kogoro's face, Yue Yexue was already his own woman, how could bullying her own woman's existence make him end well.

Kogoro Mori flicked his fingertips, and a black light that no one could see fell on Kaoru Kusano. This was a bad luck charm worth [-] points.

Chapter 0222 father and son threesome

The next morning, Yue Yexue returned to the brokerage company in a very happy mood.

The incident last night passed without any risk, and the police shifted the investigation target to those fanatical fans.

But as soon as he returned to the company, Yue Yexue found that everyone in the company was talking a lot, so he couldn't help but grabbed a girl group junior and started asking.

"Miss Yue Ye, don't you know? Didn't you accompany Miss Kusano to the hospital yesterday?"

Yue Yexue frowned and said, "I left last night, what happened?"

The junior sister said: "It has gone crazy on the Internet. Miss Kusano was attacked and hospitalized last night, and the medical staff of the hospital exposed Miss Kusano's medical records and found that she was pregnant."

"As soon as the news came out, Ms. Kusano's ex-boyfriends were all involved. Jun Matsumoto, Takahiro Sakurai, and Ken Yamazaki all issued statements on Twitter to deny it."

"But that's not the point. The point is a video clip uploaded on Youtube last night, which contains the sex scandal of Ms. Kusano. She actually had a threesome with our company's president Fujiwara and his father."

"It's unbelievable. President Fujiwara is in his fifties and bald. His father is in his eighties, and Ms. Kusano is only twenty years old. One person can deal with two people. It's really unbelievable."

"Now the media is saying that Ms. Kusano's child may also be President Fujiwara's father, because the date just happened to be displayed in the video, and the old guy is actually Miss Kusano in the video!"

The little junior sister became more and more excited as she talked, and Yue Yexue opened her mouth wide, "Creampie?" She couldn't believe that Kusano Kaoru was having such a good time.

"Although the video was quickly deleted by Youtubers, it has gone viral on the Internet. Miss Yueye, you can still find it if you want to watch it."

"Now the whole company is in a state of distress. The impact of the sex scandal is too great. The president and directors have all resigned at home."


At this moment, a middle-aged lady in a professional skirt came over, and when she saw Yue Yexue, she quickly said, "Xiaoxue, come here quickly, I happen to have something to do with you."

Yue Yexue left with her manager: "Sister Qianhui, what's the rush? I still want to go to the hospital to see Xiaoxun!"

Ainai Qianhui sneered and said: "Don't go, she is already in danger, you are just going through the mud, don't get yourself involved."

"This little bitch treats you like this on weekdays. Why do you care about her? What happened to her this time is too big, but it's her own fault. Who told her to hook up with the president."

"I'm looking for you for something good, come on, follow me to the law office!"

Ai Nei Qianhui pulled Yue Yexue to the direction of the legal office, where several extremely capable managers in black suits were sitting.

They all had work badges hanging on their chests, with a silhouette of a girl holding a balloon drawn on the badge.

Yue Yexue realized in an instant that these people were from the Pretty Girl DreamWorks Company, and she couldn't help looking at Ainai Qianhui with some doubts.

This DreamWorks is the top performing arts company in the country, and it has a huge market share in domestic movies, TV dramas, records, etc. It is countless times stronger than the Fujiwara performing arts company that Yue Yexue is staying at now.

Ainai Qianhui smiled at him gently, and said in a low voice: "Xiaoxue, your chance has come, and now people from DreamWorks want to sign you, and it's a contract with a first-line star, you must seize it!"

Yue Yexue couldn't help being a little dazed, a leading company in the industry threw an olive branch out of nowhere, what's going on.

At this time, her mobile phone rang, Yue Yexue's eyes lit up when she saw the caller ID, she apologized to everyone in the legal room, and then walked out of the room to answer the call.

The voice of Mori Kogoro came over: "Xiaoxue, how is it? Are you satisfied with the first gift I gave you? Your company is up and down, and there is no future. Sign in to DreamWorks, and everything will become more formal. .”

"Maori-kun, aren't you a detective? How can you instruct DreamWorks?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "I just happen to have some shares in it, and I'm considered a shareholder, so it's still fair to say, Xiaoxue, listen to me, if you switch to this company, I'll pay the liquidated damages for you."

A smile appeared on Yue Yexue's face, and he had no doubts about the DreamWorks matter, and immediately replied: "Okay, since it is your opinion, Mr. Mao Li, then I will sign, but can my agent, Qian Hui, also agree?" Come with me, she has always taken care of me in this company before, and helped me avoid a lot of trouble."

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