When Conan heard this for the first time, he couldn't help frowning: "It's possible that the woman was silenced because she saw the murderer's face, but this method is too cruel."

The chubby Dunyuan sighed too much: "This kind of case has no room for our young detective team."

At this moment, Xiao Lin Chengzi walked over from the side: "What detective team, what brave land, you little devils, be honest with me."

"Hui Yuan, the teacher told you to take good care of these mischievous ghosts. The teacher will not be here this afternoon, so please be more honest."

Huiyuan responded softly: "Hi!"

At this moment, Mitsuhiko asked, "Teacher, where are you going this afternoon? Why aren't you in school?"

Xiaolin Chengzi said: "When Ayumi was sick yesterday, her mother came to pick her up. She left the medicine in a hurry and left behind the medicine. Today, she asked for leave directly. There is no way to return the medicine to her."

"It just so happens that the teacher is also quite worried about her. Anyway, there is no class in the afternoon, so I went to deliver medicine to her, and take a look at Ayumi's situation."

"Okay, okay, all of you sit back in your seats, class is about to start, remember, don't be naughty."

All the children returned to their original positions and sat down.

Kobayashi Chengko turned and left, went back to the office, picked up her handbag, walked out of the school gate, and headed towards Yoshizawa Ayumi's house.


In Yoshizawa Ayumi's home, Ayumi Ayumi lay weakly on a pink bed, covered with a quilt.

A gentle female voice sounded: "Ayumi, drink this glass of water, and then take a good rest, after sleeping, everything will be fine when you wake up."

Ayumi nodded obediently, got up and drank the warm water, then fell back on the bed.

"Have a good rest, Ayumi, mom is going out for a while, and mom will be back in the evening."

Knowing that her mother was working very hard, Ayumi didn't say much, a smile appeared on her little face, and she waved goodbye to her mother.

The door of the room was closed, and Ayumi glanced at the clock, then closed her eyes and began to sleep.

Chapter 0225 Ayumi's Call for Help

At this moment, Mori Kogoro was driving on the road, with a contented smile on his face, recalling the pair of sky-defying long black silk legs this morning, he couldn't help but slap his mouth, as if he had endless aftertaste.

Recalling that I held Yue Yexue's high left leg like a big bow in the shape of a human being, I really had a bit of pride in bending the bow and shooting a big eagle. Sure enough, women who practice yoga are really precious.

If Miyano Akemi hadn't called, Mori Kogoro wouldn't have left Yue Yexue so soon!

At this moment, he was rushing to where Miyano Akemi was.


And under Yoshida Ayumi's apartment, beside the motorcycle stood a man in a blue jacket with braids and a helmet.

The man looked at the high apartment floor with a sneer on his face.

He walked to the phone booth and started making calls.

The phone at Ayumi's house rang, but Ayumi was still sleeping at the moment and didn't notice it.

The call is not connected, go to voicemail.

"Hi, this is Yoshida's house, I'm sorry I can't call you now, if there is anything urgent, please leave a message after the beep..."

The man hung up the phone, picked up a package behind the motorcycle, and walked towards the apartment.

Soon, a man disguised as a courier entered the apartment, got on the elevator, and the elevator stopped on the floor of Ayumi's house.

Ding Dong!Ding Dong!

The doorbell of Ayumi's house rang, and Ayumi, who was lying on the bed, opened her big eyes in a daze, and a smile appeared on her small face: Is it mom who is back?

Little Loli quickly lifted the quilt and ran towards the door, but soon she realized: Isn't this mother?Mom used the key to open the door when she got home, so why not ring the doorbell!

Having been with the Boy Detectives for a long time, Ayumi has also become very smart. She approached the gate, pushed the stool next to the gate, and climbed up to look at the cat's eye.

A completely unfamiliar man appeared in Ayumi's line of sight. Hearing that the man was prying open the door with a tool, Ayumi's face was suddenly full of panic.

The robber who broke through the empty door!

In the morning, Ayumi also watched the morning news, and saw the murder case of the burglar. The criminal is still at large and wanted by the police.

Ayumi immediately connected the two, her pupils kept shrinking, and she looked terrified.

She immediately jumped off the stool, ran to the cabinet, picked up the mobile phone on the cabinet, and ran to her room.

The door opened quickly, and the man in the jacket looked at the entire empty room with a smug smile on his face.

But he soon saw the stool blocking the door, and couldn't help frowning.

With one step, the man entered the room, his black leather shoes stomping on the wooden floor.

Soon he opened the rooms one by one.

There was no cover in the utility room and the toilet, and he closed the door again after he glanced at it.

He opened another door, and saw the decorations inside, the music alarm clock of the Kamen Rider, a small desk, a schoolbag, and pink sheets. This is the room of a little ghost.

The man in the jacket quickly walked into the room, and the black leather shoes kept making noises. Soon, he saw a piece of fabric exposed from the closet in the room.

A grim smile appeared on the man's face. He grabbed the handle of the closet with both hands and stretched out his hand. The closet opened, and he was immediately disappointed.

The closet was empty, and nothing was found inside. The piece of fabric was an unfolded piece of clothing caught by the closet door.

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