The man turned around and walked out the door, while Ayumi who was hiding under the bed let out a long sigh of relief.

When she picked up the phone, the first thing she thought of was not the Detective Boys, but Kogoro Mori's cell phone number, which she knew by heart already.

However, Ayumi remembered that she couldn't speak, so she frowned tightly.


The mobile phone of Mouri Kogoro who was driving suddenly rang. Mouri Kogoro picked up the phone. It was an unfamiliar number, but he still picked it up.

There was a mechanical sound from the phone, a burst of music, and then the time chime.

"It's ten fifty in the morning!"

"It's ten fifty in the morning!"

Mori Kogoro frowned, and said something nonsensical: "Who is it, please? What can I do for you!"

The phone just kept repeating the time chime.

Kogoro Mori hung up the phone, he looked at the time, it was clearly [-]:[-] in the afternoon, and the time report was not accurate, this was a prank call!

At this time, the cell phone rang again, it was the same call, Kogoro Mouri frowned and answered it again, but still only heard the time chime.

It's just that after the time chime rang once, the phone over there was hung up first, and Mori Kogoro frowned and began to think.


"Little ghost, you're quite smart. You actually hid under the bed. Did you call the police?" The man in the jacket grabbed the phone with one hand, and pulled the little loli Ayumi out from under the bed with the other.

Ayumi panicked to the extreme, hot tears fell instantly, but her throat was swollen and sore, she couldn't make a sound at all, she could only sob continuously with her nose.

"Tch, it turned out to be a mute, no wonder I couldn't speak on the phone just now." The man in the jacket carried Ayumi out of the living room, then tied up Ayumi with a rope, and sealed Ayumi's mouth with tape, and then Throw it next to the couch.

Immediately afterwards, the man in the jacket began to rummage through the room and searched through every cabinet, rummaging through the objects in the room.


After a while, the man in the jacket sat down on the sofa with a disappointed face, counting the banknotes in his hand.

"Damn it, living in such a big house only costs [-] yen, it's too poor!"

The man in the jacket had been eyeing the Yoshida family for a long time. There was only a single mother living with a little girl in this house.

The little girl has to go to school, the single mother has to go to work, and the house is logically empty.

But he didn't expect the little girl to be at home today. He searched the whole house and found very little. He couldn't help feeling a little out of balance.

The man's face gradually became ferocious, and he looked at Ayumi more and more unkindly, and Ayumi turned his small face sideways in panic.

At this moment, the doorbell rang again, and a voice came from outside the door: "Ayumi, are you at home? The teacher brought you medicine."

Standing at the door at this moment is Mrs. Kobayashi Chengko, who came to deliver medicine and take a look at Ayumi's condition.

Chapter 0226 Mr. Kobayashi who was drugged

When the man in the jacket heard the sound at the door, he couldn't help being a little panicked. He picked up Ayumi and hid it behind the sofa.

He approached the gate, looked at the cat's eye, and saw an extremely beautiful woman in an instant.

Only the upper body of Kobayashi Chengzi can be seen in the cat's eyes, and the upper body is wearing a red shirt. Even wearing thick glasses can't hinder her charm.

Kobayashi Chengko kept shouting: "Ayumi, the teacher is here to see you."

The man in the jacket stood at the door, thinking that more things are worse than less things, so he never opened the door, waiting for the female teacher to leave.

Unexpectedly, instead of leaving, Kobayashi Chengko took out her mobile phone, as if she wanted to call Ayumi's mother.

The man in the jacket couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately shouted: "Who is it? It's making a lot of noise outside, why is this?"

He took off his helmet and opened the door calmly.

Seeing this strange man, Kobayashi Chengko couldn't help being a little surprised, and immediately asked, "Excuse me, is this Ayumi Yoshida's home? I'm here to deliver medicine to Ayumi, and she left it in the school."

"Are you Ayumi's parent? No, I remember that Ayumi is a single-parent family with only one mother. Are you?" Kobayashi Chengzi looked puzzled.

The man in the jacket immediately had a warm smile on his face, and said, "I'm Ayumi's uncle, her mother is out, so she entrusts me to take care of Ayumi, you are Ayumi's teacher, come in and sit, come in and sit. "

The man in the jacket waved his hand to invite Xiaolin Chengzi to come in. Without doubting him, Xiaolin Chengzi walked into the apartment, and soon sat down on the sofa.

Looking at Xiao Lin Chengzi's slender waist twisting, the white legs under the beige skirt are very attractive.

The man in the jacket closed the door and locked it along the way, with a lewd smile on his face with his back to Chengzi Xiaolin.

Anyway, he had already killed someone, and decided to collect enough money to escape from Japan, so he naturally didn't mind killing a few more people.

And this is such a beautiful woman, she can have a good time before fleeing Japan, the man in the jacket is naturally so happy, this opportunity should not be missed!

An obscene light flashed in the eyes of the man in the jacket, and he fixed his eyes on Chengzi Xiaolin.

Kobayashi Chengko was keenly aware of the evil thoughts in this gaze, and her face turned cold instantly, but thinking of Ayumi, she still asked, "Where is Ayumi? How is her condition?"

The man in the jacket had good acting skills, he turned his eyes back and said, "That girl, she just took the medicine and she is still sleeping, it will take a while to wake up, teacher, please sit down for a while and wait for her. "

While speaking, the man in the jacket walked to the kitchen, poured two glasses of water, and then took out a capsule from his pocket.

With a slight twist of the big hand, the capsule opened, and the medicinal powder was scattered in one of the glasses of water, and soon dissolved in it and disappeared into nothingness.

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