Thanks to the development of Japan's adult business, all kinds of drugs, aphrodisiacs, and illusion sprays can be easily purchased in various adult sex products stores.

The capsule in the jacket man's pocket is an aphrodisiac, left over from the crime the day before yesterday.

The police reported the robbery and homicide the day before yesterday, but the rape and murder of the victim was not disclosed.

This aphrodisiac is colorless and invisible when dissolved in water, and its effect is extremely fast.

The man in the jacket put the two glasses of water in front of the table, and said with a smile, "Teacher, I don't have anything to entertain you at home, so I can only buy you a glass of water."

After finishing speaking, he pushed the glass of water filled with aphrodisiac to Xiao Lin Chengzi.

Xiaolin Chengzi just happened to be a little thirsty all the way, so he took a sip directly, and a smile appeared on the man's face immediately when he saw this.

Kobayashi Chengko took out the medicine bottle from her handbag and said, "This is the medicine that Ayumi left behind at school. Now I have brought it here. If you let her take the medicine on time, I won't bother her any more!"

At this moment, there was a sudden noise from behind the sofa, Xiaolin Chengzi couldn't help turning around with some doubts, and saw a pair of bound feet sticking out.

She frowned, stood up and looked back, and Ayumi who was tied up appeared in her sight, her big eyes were full of tears and she looked at Chengzi Kobayashi, as if she wanted her to escape quickly.

"How is this going?"

Xiao Lin Chengzi turned around and questioned the man. The man in the jacket didn't hide his true nature anymore, and smiled lewdly: "Go back, beauty, I'm afraid you won't be able to go back today!"

When she heard this, Ayumi's tears dripped down, and she fell into deep self-blame: If she hadn't been sick, Teacher Kobayashi would not have been in danger.

"No, you're not Ayumi's uncle at all!"

Xiaolin Chengzi picked up her handbag as a weapon to defend, but soon, she felt dizzy, her legs gave way, and she fell down on the sofa in an instant.

Xiaolin Chengzi felt his heartbeat gradually speeding up, his body became hot, and his consciousness was confused for a while, so he couldn't help looking at the glass of water he had just taken a sip of: "You've been drugged!"

But the man in the jacket didn't answer. Instead, he opened the zipper of his clothes and said with a lewd smile: "Mr. Beauty, brother will make you want to die later!"


Xiaolin Chengzi tried her best to support herself, even though her body was hot, she still barely controlled herself, stepped back, pulled up Bumei, and wanted to escape...

But before he could take two steps, he fell heavily to the ground again.

The man in the jacket drank the rest of the aphrodisiac in one gulp, and approached the two women on the floor: "Don't struggle, don't resist, enjoy yourself, my beautiful teacher!"

Ayumi is completely desperate at this moment, tears can't stop streaming down, looking at Mr. Kobayashi's eyes full of guilt.


At this moment, a thick male voice suddenly sounded: "What are you enjoying?"

There was another man inexplicably in the living room, and the door was already open.

Hearing this voice, Kobayashi Chengko and Ayumi looked over in surprise, it was Mori Kogoro who exuded a stern aura.


"Who are you and how did you come in?" The man in the jacket was a little panicked. He stretched out his big hand to his waist and pulled out a stick.

With a vigorous flick, it was a full meter long.

Mori Kogoro has no expression on his face, but his momentum keeps rising.

When he saw Ayumi and Kobayashi Chengko lying on the ground, he couldn't help being furious, and without answering, he rushed up directly, with a full burst of speed, and hit the man in the jacket with one punch.

So fast!

The man in the jacket had no time to react and was hit.

The force of Bengquan poured into his chest from the fist, and exploded in the man's body. The man was instantly knocked into the air, turned three times in mid-air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Under the clothes, all the muscles of the man's body were torn apart, and the blood flowed horizontally. He looked like a disabled person!

He only had one breath left.

Mori Kogoro's punch specifically avoided the vital points. How could this kind of person let him die like this? Wouldn't it be too cheap for him.

"That's enough!" Xiaolin Chengzi couldn't help but exclaim.

The expressions of the two girls, one big and one small, were exactly the same, their eyes widened, and they looked like they were amazed.

Chapter 0227 Detoxification for Mr. Kobayashi

Although he received two inexplicable calls in the car just now, Kogoro Mori would naturally not ignore them easily, considering them as harassing calls.

After all, he knew whether he was in the world of Conan, or the frequency of cases appearing every day, this call naturally had its hidden meaning.

Especially when Mori Kogoro heard the time-telling voice on the phone, which belonged to Kamen Rider, he immediately thought of the Boys Detective Team.

Mori Kogoro connected to Conan's surveillance camera directly in his mind, and immediately found that the little loli Yoshida Ayumi was missing from their class.

And Mori Kogoro remembered that Ayumi had asked him for a mobile phone number last time.

So after talking on the phone with Haibara, she learned that Ayumi's throat was uncomfortable and she couldn't speak.

Mori Kogoro immediately confirmed that it was Ayumi's call, and something happened at her home.

So he turned the car around directly, using his driving skills fully, and quickly arrived at the apartment where Ayumi was located.

When Mori Kogoro arrived at the door of Ayumi's house, the Ant-Man robot sent to Kobayashi Chengzi just sent a message, and Kobayashi Chengko was also involved.

Mori Kogoro directly asked the Ant-Man robot in the room to open the door, and when the door opened, he quietly appeared in the living room.

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