Kogoro Mori was extremely quick, and stuffed a wad of money from his wallet into Ayumi's pocket, probably more than [-] yen, he whispered.

"Ayumi, you will say later that you found this money under the bed in your mother's room, and it was left by the robber accidentally, so that your mother can buy new sheets to sleep in."

Hearing this, Ayumi, who had an excellent tutor, was about to refuse, but Kogoro Mori stopped him: "Be obedient, otherwise, uncle won't like you, and I won't talk to you anymore."

This sentence was so powerful that Ayumi, who was afraid of being hated by Mori Kogoro, could only frown and nodded obediently.

"Good boy, uncle will come to see you later."

Ayumi's big eyes lit up, and she smiled happily: "Okay, Uncle Maoli, I will remember, the pull hook is stamped, and no change is allowed!"

The little finger stretched out, Mori Kogoro also stretched out the little finger with a chuckle and hooked Ayumi's little finger, and stamped it, Ayumi smiled very contentedly.

Mori Kogoro got up immediately, said goodbye to Akimi Yoshida, then walked out of the room with Sumiko Kobayashi, took the elevator and left under the watchful eyes of Ayumi and her mother.

As soon as she entered the elevator, Kobayashi Chengzi put her arms around Kogoro Mouri's arm, and leaned against Kogoro Mouri with her soft body.

"Kogoro, are you sure the robber won't come again? Ayumi only lives here with her mother, and they won't be able to resist the robber if he comes back for revenge."

Mori Kogoro chuckled, he was naturally very sure that the robber had been taken to the secret base by his Ant-Man robot.

But Mori Kogoro was a little puzzled: "Where is Ayumi's father?"

Kobayashi Chengko sighed: "Ayumi's father is a programmer, but unfortunately died in a plane crash three years ago, so only Ayumi's mother is working hard to support the whole family."

Mori Kogoro nodded, and in this way, he was in line with his speculation.

When the elevator arrived at the parking lot, Mori Kogoro said, "Chengzi, let me take you back first. It just so happens that I have a case to work on tonight, so I can't continue to accompany you."

Although Xiaolin Chengzi was a little disappointed, she nodded understandingly, but when she got into the co-pilot, she said softly: "Xiao Wulang, I just have a day off tomorrow."

How could Kogoro Moori not understand what he meant, so he smiled lightly and said, "Then I will work hard to settle this case tonight, and wait for me obediently at home tomorrow."

Xiao Lin Chengzi immediately smiled with satisfaction, and leaned over to send a sweet kiss.


In the living room of Ayumi's house, the beautiful young woman Yoshida Akimi was sitting on the sofa, with more than [-] yen on the coffee table, while the little Lolita stood awkwardly.

"Tell me, Ayumi, where did you get the money?" Qiumei looked at her daughter sternly.

Ayumi gathered her small hands, and Qiumei's eyes were fixed.

Ayumi said, "I found this under your bed. It was accidentally left behind by the robber who was knocked down by Uncle Maori."

"How dare you lie!!!" As soon as Qiumei drank, Ayumi's body couldn't stop shaking.

"Ayumi, how did mother teach you that although we are poor, we must not steal other people's things and be a good child." Qiumei squatted down, looked at Ayumi and spoke.

Ayumi immediately retorted: "Mom, I didn't steal other people's money, this money was given to me by Uncle Maori."

Hearing this, Akimi Yoshida stared at the pile of money on the coffee table, her beautiful eyes froze.

"Uncle Mao Li said that this money is considered compensation, and I can buy you new sheets for sleeping!"

Suddenly realizing that she had slipped her tongue, Ayumi immediately covered her small mouth.

"Compensation for the sheets???" Yoshida Akimi frowned: "Say, what about the sheets?"

Ayumi couldn't help but want to move her hands.

Seeing this, Qiumei immediately shouted: "Don't try to lie."

Ayumi, who was taken aback again, could only tell what she knew in detail.

Yoshida Akimi heard her daughter's constant talk, and her calm face gradually became more exciting.

"What, Mr. Xiaolin turned into a water snake after taking the medicine, hugging Detective Maori all the time."

"Detective Maori said to detoxify, so he carried Mr. Kobayashi into my room."

"There was a weird noise all the time, so you peeked and you saw both of them naked and naked."

"Big stick, what big stick? Hit Mr. Kobayashi yelling, enough is enough, Ayumi, that's all for now."

"What, you have been peeking for more than an hour, Ayumi, you are getting more and more naughty now, go back to your room and face the wall!"

Hearing her mother's scolding, Ayumi grumbled unwillingly, then turned and went back to her room, facing a pink wall and began to face it.

This is Yoshida Akimi's method of punishing her daughter, and it is very effective.

Seeing her daughter leave, the beautiful young woman's face blushed. When she returned to her room and looked at the empty bed, the quilt was scattered on the floor, she couldn't help but spit.

Akimi Yoshida never expected that such a handsome and handsome detective Maori and such a beautiful Mr. Kobayashi would do such a thing on her bed. Although it was because of being drugged, she couldn't accept it.

I don't know if it is a psychological effect, but Yoshida Akimi seems to have smelled the faint breath, her little face became more and more blushing, and she quickly opened the window to ventilate, and muttered in her mouth: "More than an hour, it's too exaggerated !"

Yoshida Akimi shook her head, and began to clean her room again.

Chapter 0231

On a road leading to the [-]-chome of Kubado City, the Lexus was moving forward at a high speed, and Mori Kogoro in the car had a gloomy gaze.

Soon, the car stopped next to a five-story house, which looked like an ordinary residential building, but the strange thing was that the surrounding houses seemed to be unoccupied.

Mori Kogoro walked into the room, which looked quite dilapidated, but soon he came to a painting.

Hold the palm of the person in the painting with your hand, and with a little force, the painting will be turned over, and an elevator will appear in front of Mori Kogoro.

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