Mori Kogoro stepped into the elevator, and the elevator went down to the basement level, and he opened the door. This is an underground base made of poured steel, which looks extremely spacious.

Suddenly the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the underground base sounded, and Miyano Akemi soon appeared in Mori Kogoro's sight.

She was wearing a black leather jacket and leather pants, her exquisite figure stood out, and she looked extremely hot.

A head of straight black hair fell down, and a smile hung on the small face that had recovered its original appearance, and the worry that had been lingering between its brows before disappeared.

This is a natural thing. At this moment, Miyano Akemi is full of confidence. She has twenty Ant-Man robots protecting her, and no one else can find out. Even if Qin Jiu came personally, she would not be able to pass through this line of defense to attack. to her.

"Kogoro, you're really slow!" Miyano Akemi walked up to Mori Kogoro, put his arms around his arm, and continued, "If you don't come, that little girl will be driven crazy."

"What's driving you crazy, haven't I already handed over the process to you?" Mori Kogoro chuckled and put his arms around Miyano Akemi's slender waist, and the two walked in the same direction.


This underground base has a total of ten floors. Miyano Akemi has access to the upper five floors, and Miyano Akemi has no permission to enter the lower five floors.

In fact, Mori Kogoro originally planned to let Miyano Akemi be his deputy to lead the recruited subordinates, but after getting the Ant-Man robot incubator, this idea gradually dispelled.

The artificial intelligence of the Ant-Man robot is not low, and it will not be easily seen through when it is disguised as a human. Especially its force value is extremely high. Although there is no way to help attack when fighting against dark organizations, the defense is more than enough.

Especially in the face of general crimes, the role of the Ant-Man robot is much more reliable than the men recruited by Mori Kogoro.

Now Kogoro Mori has more than sixty Ant-Man robots that can be used freely, besides the Ant-Man robots that protect his woman, and this number is increasing at a rate of three every day.

These more than sixty Ant-Man robots are enough to rival thousands of recruited players, especially when they are all shrunk, they will be completely transformed into killing tools.

So with enough strength to protect himself and fight back, Mori Kogoro naturally didn't want to let Mingmei's hands be stained with darkness, so he dispelled the idea of ​​letting her be his deputy.

Akemi Miyano seldom came to this secret base, and kept growing flowers and plants in her own flower shop.

As for those men recruited from the gray field, there were originally thousands of people, but most of them were dispersed later, leaving only a few hundred good men, all of which were named under the name of one of their own security companies, and the manager was none other than Kogoro Mori. An Ant-Man robot.


Mori Kogoro came to a glass area with Miyano Akemi in his arms, and he could clearly see the area on the second basement floor. In a prison, Nanatsuki Koshimizu was lying on the cold ground.

She was wearing a prison uniform, her short hair was lightened, and she was watching carefully with a note in her hand.

This week, she suffered frustration, suffering, torture, and fear in this prison.

Everything stems from her curiosity, curiosity about the full moon covenant, and she came to this place.

But after Koshimizu Nanatsuki met V played by Mori Kogoro, when they left, they were arrested and imprisoned in this prison.

He is the only person detained in the prison, and there is only a corridor outside. A robot disguised as a human has been guarding the prison.

The weird prison made her endure suffering, torture and fear, but she was constantly transformed because of it.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was originally an extremely smart girl detective, but her temperament became tougher after being tempered in this prison.

Akemi Miyano said, "Xiao Goro, I don't understand. If you plan to subdue her, wouldn't it be easier to just brainwash her? Why torture her like this!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said: "She was originally a very smart girl, blindly brainwashing her is useless, it will wipe out her spirituality instead, and this seems to be torture, but it just helps her recognize her heart. Just planted a seed in her mind."

"When the seeds are planted, one day they will sprout and grow, and then she will spontaneously join my team."

"After all, the British Sherlock still has Watson by his side, and I don't even have an assistant by my side. Isn't that such a pity!"

Miyano Akemi immediately called out: "Hey, what am I?"

Mori Kogoro hugged Miyano Akemi, kissed her pink lips, and said, "You are my dear wife, but thinking things are not suitable for you!"

Hearing this, Miyano Akemi couldn't help but beat Mori Kogoro's chest.

"Then what should I do next? You said that I will notify you after the seven days are up. What should I do next?"

"Let her go!"

"Nani? Let her go? Kogoro, are you kidding me again? You tortured her for a week and then let her go. I really don't understand!"

Miyano Akemi immediately became 'angry'. She had been staring at her so hard for a week, but she didn't expect Kogoro Mori to let him go...

She couldn't hold back anymore and bit Mouri Kogoro's shoulder.

But it didn't hurt at all.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, one day she will understand, and then she will come back and sing that song with me!"

Mori Kogoro patted Miyano Akemi's buttocks, and then said: "Okay, you go and let this little girl go, I'll go to the laboratory below to have a look."

Miyano Akemi could only pout and follow Mori Kogoro's instructions to open all the prison gate switches below, and the gate directly connects to the outside world.

The robots guarding the prison were also evacuated, and Miyano Akemi quietly waited for Koshimizu Nanatsuki to find the door open and then left on her own.


Mori Kogoro took the exclusive elevator to the eighth basement floor, and the man in the jacket in the afternoon was brought here directly by two robots.

In the five floors below, there are many experimenters in white coats, mainly based on the information and materials provided by Mori Kogoro, who are constantly conducting experiments and trying to develop an antidote to APTX.

Haibara conducted experiments in the basement of Dr. Ali's house, and that idea was immature enough to be called ridiculous.

At most, Huiyuan could find mice to conduct experiments on, but this antidote is for human consumption after all, if it is eaten directly without human experimentation, the outcome will be completely unpredictable.

As soon as Mori Kogoro appeared, an old man with gray hair appeared in front of him.

"Dr. Jiang Gu, how is the experiment going?"

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