Dr. Jiang Gu immediately replied: "BOSS, sudden progress has been made. The antidote prepared this time was tested on mice, and three of the fifty returned to their original size, and after a month Observe, except for one who died abnormally, the other two have survived until now."

There was a smile on Maoli Kogoro's face. The preparation of the antidote was actually a process of trial and error. He said, "The person who sent it in the afternoon knows it, and arranges him to enter the human experiment!"

"Hi!" Dr. Jiang Gu nodded, naturally he had no objection.

The power of capital is so powerful!

Mori Kogoro inspected the laboratory, then turned around and took the elevator to leave. He went back to find Akemi Miyano and led her away from the base.

Chapter 0232 Mingmei's decision

Human experiments have already been carried out. Some of the experimental products are cooperation with the prison to help deal with the death row inmates in the prison; some are terminally ill and want to sell their lives for a price.

After all, Japan is a capitalist society.

With money, you can really do whatever you want!

Mori Kogoro's wealth is as high as the sky. In just half a year, he has accumulated countless wealth.

With the civilian technology he exchanged from the system, he founded various technology companies, and the business plan he designed was almost perfect. With the help of the Suzuki consortium and the Qiben consortium, each company developed extremely well and had great potential.

Although it is not as good as the Suzuki family's savings of hundreds of years, it is not far behind.

All these companies entrusted his two women, Tomoko Suzuki and Xiajiang Banner, to help manage them.

The business talents of these two women are unquestionable, and Kogoro Mori is completely trustworthy.

Therefore, a large number of high-tech companies with extremely high market value are listed under the names of Suzuki Consortium and Flagmoto Consortium. In the past few months, the stocks of these two consortiums have been rising all the way, and their valuations have also continued to rise, occupying the first and second thrones in Japan. , leaving the third far behind.

If Mori Kogoro is willing to bring these companies back to himself, a Maori consortium will appear in minutes, directly ranking among the top three in Japan.

Money can turn ghosts around, so a mere human experiment is naturally affordable.

The research in the laboratory is so important that Kogoro Mori sent five robots to guard it.

He had already given the order before leaving. Even if the robber who wanted to rape Chengzi with drugs could escape the human experiment, he would not be able to leave the laboratory at all.

Death must be its final destination!

It's just squeezing the last bit of value out of him.

Mori Kogoro didn't tell his women about the laboratory, and Miyano Akemi didn't know about it.

After all, it's a bit darker, you can just contaminate it yourself, there's no need to involve your angels in it.


Back on the basement floor, Miyano Akemi was standing in front of the screen, watching Koshimizu Nanatsuki who had escaped from the sky, her eyes were red, and she seemed to be a bit unbearable.

The exit connecting the prison on the second basement floor is very far away, and there is a clear river at the exit, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki is laughing and crying wantonly in this river, constantly slapping the water surface to vent.

As soon as Mori Kogoro came over, Miyano Akemi threw himself into his arms, and said softly, "Kogoro, she's just a little girl, wouldn't this be too cruel?"

"Mingmei, I have a sense of proportion. The tortured robot didn't really hurt her, it's just that the impact on her heart was greater."

"You also know what kind of person I am. If she is pedantic and abides by justice, then subduing her is not a help."

On the screen, Nanatsuki Yueshui kept running along the shallow river, his face was filled with the joy of freedom, and gradually disappeared from the monitoring range.

Miyano Akemi asked suspiciously, "Xiao Goro, are you sure this girl will come back?"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "I'm not sure, human nature is hard to predict, even if I'm a detective, I'm still not completely sure."

"However, if that seed sprouts, she will surely return."

"Okay, let's go back, I haven't tasted your cooking for a long time!" Mori Kogoro put his arms around Miyano Akemi's soft waist, walked with her to another elevator, and came out of the base.

The two soon headed towards Miyano Akemi's house.


Miyano Akemi's apartment is bright and warm. There are various potted plants on the windowsill of the balcony, exuding the fragrance of flowers and plants.

Miyano Akemi took off her leather jacket, and inside was a black vest, revealing a pair of white jade arms.

With black leather pants and black boots, it looks very capable and sharp, but such a capable and sharp outfit is actually wearing a pink piggy bib, and is cooking curry soup in the kitchen.

The smell of curry soup reverberated in the living room. Kogoro Mori sat on the sofa and read the newspaper. Akemi Miyano looked back in the kitchen and felt very satisfied when he saw Kogoro Mori.

At this moment, the two are like a young couple, and it is enviable to look at them.

"Xiao Wulang, tell me what happened to Xiao Ai recently. She hasn't come to see me in the flower shop for a long time. Fortunately, you gave me a sum of money last time. I plan to open a branch near Didan Primary School. When the time comes, she You can see me on the way to school."

"Tell me, does she have someone she likes?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled twice, maybe he has done too many experiments recently, he really tired the little loli, sin, sin, it seems that the frequency should be reduced.

"Don't think too much, Xiao Ai doesn't know that you are her sister, so it's normal that she didn't come to see you."

Mori Kogoro got up from the sofa, went to the kitchen and hugged Miyano Akemi from behind, stroked her soft belly with both hands, put his head close to her neck, took a sip, and suddenly felt the fragrance.

"It smells so good! Mingmei, I think you can give up your identity as Sachiko now, and return to your original appearance and life."

"If those guys dare to show up again, if they come, I'll kill one, if two come, I'll kill two, and I'm sure to kill them all."

While speaking, Mouri Kogoro's hands also moved, and Miyano Akemi immediately laughed lightly, twisting her body: "Kogoro, itchy, don't make trouble with your hands, put them down from my chest, I still have to cook! "

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