To hook up with Mori Kogoro in front of Xiaolan, I have to say that Sonoko is really brave!

With the big red envelope on his head, Yuanzi let go of Mori Kogoro's arm tearfully: "Xiao Lan, why did you hit me again?"

Xiaolan had a cold look in her eyes, and smiled: "No, I just wanted to remind Yuanzi, but I accidentally applied too much force."

"Yuanzi, it's very late now, if you don't go back, it's not safe to walk at night."

"Oh!" Seeing Xiaolan's smile at the moment, Yuanzi felt chilly and didn't dare to say anything more. After sorting out the books, he left with eyes full of reluctance.

After Yuanzi left, Xiaolan, who had been angry like a little tigress just now, instantly returned to her docile appearance: "Dad, have you had dinner? Do you want me to make another one?"

Hui Yuan complained from the side: "A perverted daughter controlled by a father!"

Xiaolan has been immune to the complaints from Huiyuan, and counterattacked: "The perverted child controlled by the uncle!"

While talking, the two girls started to quarrel again. This kind of situation is very common, and they basically have to quarrel every night before going to bed, but Mori Kogoro has a way.

I saw him grabbing one person with one hand, flipped his big hand over, and let the two girls lie on the sofa, with their buttocks pouted, and the palms slapped down.

A series of spanking sounds sounded, and the faces of the two women blushed at the same time.

The touch from the hand is extremely elastic, Kogoro Mori will never show favoritism and favoritism, and one side has fifty big boards.

The punishment method really worked wonders, and after the punishment, the two girls became extremely well-behaved.

It was so lively every night on the third floor of Maoli's house, but the room on the second floor was extremely deserted.

Conan hasn't given up yet, and is still looking through Kaoru Kusano's fan directory, trying to catch the dwarf fan who hurt him.


The next morning, in Kubado Shopping Street, Mori Kogoro was shopping with Kobayashi Chengko in his arms.

Kobayashi Chengko's outfit today is completely different from the dignified teacher's outfit in the past, like a fairy, attracting passers-by to look sideways from time to time.

She didn't wear glasses, her delicate little face was lightly made up, and she was extremely glamorous. She was wearing a yellow tight skirt that was wrapped up to her thighs, revealing her snowy shoulders and showing her exquisite figure. She stepped on white high-heeled shoes, The two beautiful legs are wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, which are extremely attractive.

Kobayashi Chengko held up a red parasol to cover the two of them, and Mori Kogoro was so famous that he had to change his appearance a little every time he went out. At this moment, he was wearing gray round glasses, and his hairstyle was specially scratched. For a moment, it is quite different from the previous image.

Chapter 0234 Shura field?

In the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Miwako Sato sat in front of the computer and sorted out the materials. She glanced at the date on the computer and frowned slightly.

It's that day!

The Metropolitan Police Department was very quiet, there was no fax, and there was still no news from the demolition maniac three years ago.

Damn, he escaped just like that!

Miwako Sato changed her plan. She got up from her seat, put her bag on her back, walked out of the office, and out of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Soon she saw a familiar figure flash past.

"Stop, Yumi."

"Why are you so weird these days, why are you always avoiding me?"

Yumi Miyamoto, who was dressed in a traffic police uniform, laughed dryly and came up to meet her: "Miwako, why did I avoid you, I just didn't see you!"

After experiencing the car shock incident with Mori Kogoro, Miyamoto Yumi thought she had robbed Miwako's boyfriend, so she walked around Miwako for the past few days under guilt.

Sato Miwako, who has been best friend with Miyamoto Yumi for more than ten years, naturally didn't believe it at all, and hugged her neck, and asked with a smile: "Yumi-chan, did you do something to be sorry for me?"

A look of panic flashed in Miyamoto Yumi's eyes, she waved her hands again and again and said, "How is it possible, we are those sisters, how could we do something that I'm sorry to you."

Seeing Miwako Sato carrying a bag, she quickly changed the subject: "What's the matter, do you still have a mission today?"

"Oh, by the way, I remembered, today is the same day as the bombing case three years ago, Miwako, are you still determined? Do you still want to catch that bomber?"

Miwako Sato sighed: "Although there is no fax today, I still want to visit the place where the crime happened three years ago, maybe I can gain something."

"Okay, I'll let you go today, you guys must have something to hide from me." Miwako Sato let go of Yumi Matsumoto who had been laughing dryly, got into her Mazda, and the car sped out...


Mori Kogoro put his arms around Xiao Lin Chengzi's soft waist, looked at the eyes of the men on the left and right, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He pulled Xiao Lin Chengzi over and said in a low voice: "Chengzi, don't come out dressed like this next time!"

Xiao Lin Chengzi looked down at herself: "Is there any problem, Xiao Goro, this is my most beautiful dress."

"Ahem, just wear this at home, don't wear it out next time!"

Hearing these words, Xiao Lin Chengzi came to his senses, with a slight smile on his face: "Xiao Wulang, are you jealous?"

Xiaolin Chengzi smiled like a little fox.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Immediately afterwards, Kobayashi Chengko's head rested on Mori Kogoro's shoulder.

But soon, Chengzi Xiaolin saw the giant Ferris wheel in the Kubuhu shopping plaza in front of her, and her blue eyes lit up: "Xiao Wulang, I want to sit on this."

After she finished speaking, she dragged Mori Kogoro forward and trotted forward, attracting pedestrians on the left and right to keep looking sideways.

The two soon arrived at the giant Ferris wheel. Kogoro Mori remembered the case three years ago when he saw the giant building.

Three years ago, there was an explosion in the 72nd cabin of this Ferris wheel, and one of the police officers was killed.

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