All the cases in Tokyo in the past [-] years have been remembered by Mori Kogoro, and he will automatically recall them as soon as he sees them.

But soon, Mori Kogoro heard the familiar voices of the children, turned his face to the side, it was Conan and the others, but Haibara was not among them.

Ayumi was the first to jump out of the cockpit of the Ferris wheel: "It's so fun, the house looks smaller from above."

Immediately afterwards, the little chubby Dunyuan said: "Conan, why don't we sit around again, anyway, we have already skipped class."

Mitsuhiko said: "It takes eighteen minutes to sit around, it's a waste of time, let's go eat first."

When Yuan Tai heard the meal, he immediately shouted excitedly: "Eel rice, eel rice!"

Conan jumped up and down with black lines all over his head, but his face changed instantly because he found Kogoro Mori and Chengzi Kobayashi.

Ayumi followed Conan's gaze and turned her head, recognized Mori Kogoro at a glance, and immediately rushed over with short legs: "Uncle Mori!"

Little Lolita was full of excitement, and was about to rush over to hug Mori Kogoro's thigh, but when she got close to her side, she stopped abruptly, and wanted to turn back to report: "It's Teacher Xiaolin!"

Little Lolita was picked up by Xiaolin Chengzi before she could run far.

Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Conan immediately turned around and wanted to escape.

This skipped class but was caught by the class teacher, it was terrible.

"Stop, or you will die when you return to class!"

Xiaolin Chengzi gave a domineering drink, and Sanxiao stopped running away in an instant.

"come over!"

San Xiaopi moved over obediently, keeping his head down.

"What's going on, why don't you obediently attend class at school, and even play truant in a group, you guys are really turned upside down!"

Under the scolding, San Xiao kept shaking.

Yuan Tai immediately said: "This is all my idea. I thought that Ayumi recovered from her illness today, so I would come out to celebrate. I never knew I would meet you."

Hearing Yuantai take it down with such a sense of loyalty, Ayumi who was picked up also mustered up her courage and said, "Teacher, didn't you go to school too? You even ran out to date Uncle Mao Li."

Hearing the blush on Xiao Lin Chengzi's face, he was about to scold him again.

Mitsuhiko raised his head and said, "That's right, and today's teacher is so different from before. He didn't wear glasses and put on makeup, so much prettier!"

Yuan Tai also raised his head: "Hey, have you noticed that Mr. Kobayashi without glasses is exactly the same as Police Officer Sato!"

"Who is exactly the same as me?" Sato Miwako's voice sounded from the side, and Mori Kogoro, who was watching the play, was startled.

What is the situation, why Miwako also appeared.

Miwako Sato just arrived at the Ferris wheel in the Kuwado shopping plaza, and found Conan and the others, and came over when she heard Genta's words.

As soon as she saw Xiao Lin Chengzi, she was stunned, she had never seen someone who looked so similar to herself.

The looks of the two were carved out of the same mold, but what surprised Miwako Sato was that Kogoro Mori stood beside Sumiko Kobayashi.

As a criminal police officer, Miwako Sato immediately felt that this matter was not simple. She turned her head to look at Kogoro Mouri: "Kogoro, who is she?"

Seeing a woman who looked the same as herself pressuring Kogoro Mori, Sumiko Kobayashi put down Ayumi and looked at Kogoro Mori: "Kogoro, who is she?"

There was a light in Conan's eyes below: Is the Shura field about to appear?

Cold sweat dripped from the back of Mori Kogoro's forehead, the old driver managed to stabilize himself, and introduced with his normal expression.

"This is Teacher Kobayashi Chengko, the head teacher of Conan's class, and this is Police Officer Sato Miwako Sato, the youngest police officer in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. By the way, the two of you really look alike, so you won't be separated. Twin sisters?"

Chapter 0235

Kogoro Mori's witticism did not make anyone laugh, and the faces of the two girls gradually became serious.

Miwako Sato suddenly remembered the first time he met Mori Kogoro. He just mistook himself for the wrong person, and then forced him to kiss him. It is possible that the reason for the confession was that the female teacher failed.

Thinking of this, Miwako Sato's face became even more ugly. So, Kogoro Mori met this female teacher first, and then met himself. Could it be possible that he is a latecomer?

However, how could the resolute and strong Miwako back down? With a step of her calf, she approached Kogoro Mouri's side, and directly hugged Kogoro Mouri's left arm, as if swearing sovereignty, with a smile on her face: "Mr. Kobayashi, you Well, I'm Kogoro's girlfriend, Miwako Sato."

Xiaolin Chengzi couldn't help being impatient, and hurried forward, and put his arms around Maoli Kogoro's right arm: "I'm Kogoro's girlfriend."

The two women turned their heads to look at Mouri Kogoro at the same time: "Kogoro, tell me, who is your girlfriend?"

Mori Kogoro's back was instantly wet with sweat.


And the eyes of Sixiao who were on the side lit up when they saw this scene.

Ayumi said from the side: "It's amazing, Uncle Maori has two girlfriends, he really deserves to be Uncle Maori!"

For some reason, Ayumi secretly laughed.

And Conan shouted in his heart: Come on, give Uncle Maori a big mouth, and then walk away!

Mitsuhiko looked gloating. To be honest, although Kogoro Mori had saved him several times, he still hated Kogoro Mori very much. After all, this uncle kissed his goddess Haibara with tongue, which is unforgivable!

Yuan Tai still looked confused: "Is Mr. Kobayashi arguing with Police Officer Sato for Uncle Mori? But why are you arguing?"

Mori Kogoro laughed twice, and quickly said: "Miwako, Chengko, listen to me, um, it's not appropriate to say this in front of children, so let's find a cafe and sit down and talk!"

For the current plan, Mori Kogoro can only adopt delaying tactics. Of course it is impossible to make a choice. The greedy Mori Kogoro wants both!

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