A series of orders were transmitted from the Metropolitan Police Department, all the trams on the Dongdu Line stopped running, and then the announcement sounded, the passengers were continuously evacuated, and the investigators also rushed over.

Takagi Tsubasa drove a group of little ghosts towards Minami Cupato Station.

In Kogoro Mori's car, Miwako Sato heard the instructions from the Metropolitan Police Department, and immediately said: "Kogoro, let's go to Minamikubedo Station soon. Officer Megure said the location of the bomb has been taken by Officer Takagi. Sure, it's over there."

Xiaolin Chengzi immediately said: "Oh, the red platform originally refers to the carriages of those trams, so the steel home run should refer to the railroad tracks!"

Mori Kogoro said with a straight face: "No, that's not where the real bomb is hidden, it should be just a cover, Chengzi, you only saw the red base and the steel home run, but you forgot a verb."

"How do you say that sentence: [Climb up with the blood-stained red base bag, I will wait for you at the steel home run!] 'Climb up', but climb down the tram stop, and it's another Steel is red again, so the real location should be here!"

The red Mazda stopped in a beautiful drift, and the two women looked out at the same time.

An iron tower with a whole body made of steel and painted with red paint appeared in front of the two women.

It is the landmark building of Tokyo, Tokyo Tower!

"Impossible!" Sato Miwako opened her mouth wide: "If you want to take revenge on the police, you shouldn't attack Tokyo Tower. This is a landmark of Tokyo. How can you be so mad?"

At this time, Miwako Sato's cell phone rang again, and she answered the call.

"Officer Mumu, what are you talking about? There are more than a dozen fake bombs found in Nanbeihu Station, all of which are lies."

"Officer Namegure, hurry up and send the bomb disposal and anti-explosion team to Tokyo Tower. According to the Maori detective's speculation, the gangsters are likely to hide the bomb here in Tokyo Tower!"

Boom boom boom! !

what! ! ! ! !

"No, it's not possible. It's right here. I witnessed an explosion in the Tokyo Tower with my own eyes. Officer Meguro, I can't continue to report. I have to go to support!"

Having said that, Miwako Sato hung up the phone, got out of the car quickly, followed the footsteps of Kogoro Mori and Sumiko Kobayashi, and rushed towards Tokyo Tower.

The three of them were extremely conspicuous. The people in Tokyo Tower kept rushing out, while the three of them kept rushing in.


Inside Nanbeito Station, Takagi found a fake bomb again, and the ribbons from the explosion splashed all over his body. He couldn't help but feel very frustrated. It was almost twelve noon, and the real bomb hadn't been found yet.

Of course, Conan and the others couldn't enter the blocked Nanbeihu Station, so they could only wait anxiously in the car outside.

Takagi received a call from Police Officer Megure: "Officer Takagi, you made a mistake. There was an explosion on Officer Sato's side, and the location is Tokyo Tower. Go over there and reinforce."

Hanging up the phone immediately after the call, Gao Mushe suddenly looked depressed, after working hard for a long time, he finally found the wrong one.

But he quickly pulled himself together, ran out of Minami Cupato Station, got on the train and drove towards Tokyo Tower.

Conan couldn't help wondering: "Officer Takagi, didn't you find the bomb inside?"

Takagi She said angrily: "I found the wrong one, it's all fake, the real bomb is at the side of Tokyo Tower, and it's true for me, why did I get fooled by you kids."

The third child in the back seat immediately laughed awkwardly, but Conan held his chin and began to think, and after a while he exclaimed: "By the way, the color of Tokyo Tower is red, and the whole tower is made of steel. That sentence climbs up, unfortunately, I think it’s one step short.”

Takagi rolled his eyes violently: "Hey, after the fact, the Maori detective has already been there."

Hearing this, Conan couldn't help but twitch his face.


Outside the Tokyo Tower, a camera team was filming the smoke billowing above, while the host asked anxiously from the side, "Didn't you see Ms. Mizumu?"

The photographer replied from the side: "No, I didn't find Ms. Mizumu after searching all over the place. I don't know where she went!"

The assistant wearing daily sales work clothes ran over and began to report what he had found. After hearing this, the male host's face changed drastically, and he immediately ordered: "Don't worry about Miss Mizuno, I'll just broadcast it. Turn on the camera. Immediately broadcast live."

The camera was turned on, and the male host said: "Everyone, the film crew originally wanted to record a special program relying on the Tokyo mascot, but an accident happened, and the program was temporarily changed to a live broadcast."

"There has been an explosion on the Tokyo Tower right now, and we can see thick smoke billowing. According to the investigation of the staff, the bomb exploded on the elevator of the Tokyo Tower, so the elevator that walked halfway broke down and was suspended in mid-air. Six or seven people were trapped in the elevator and the situation is critical."

But halfway through the recording, the photographer shifted the camera to the direction of the three people running in, and shouted, "Look who's in!"

The male host frowned, his eyes followed the camera, he recognized it, and couldn't help shouting excitedly: "As you can see, the man among the three who just ran past is the pride of our Tokyo. The brain, the savior of the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department, Mori Kogoro."

"It seems that a crime has really happened, and our Maori detective has also started to act. I believe that with him, this crime will definitely be prevented!"

When the male host called Mori Kogoro's name, the ratings of Nikkei TV soared a lot in an instant.

Originally, the audience did not react when they saw the explosion in the Tokyo Tower, but when the figure of Kogoro Mori flashed past, countless people gathered around, watching with concern how the great detective eliminated the crisis into nothingness.

Chapter 0239

Tourists in the Tokyo Tower continued to walk down the stairs. Although only one of the four elevators in the tower exploded, no one dared to take the other elevators.

The total height of Tokyo Tower is 332.6 meters. There are two observation decks inside, one is a large observation deck at a height of [-] meters, and the other is a special observation deck at a height of about [-] meters.

And the elevator that was trapped came down from the top of the tower, stopped because of the explosion, and was at the top of the special observation deck at a height of [-] meters.

Standing by the elevator entrance at the special observation deck, only the calves of the trapped people can be seen at the elevator entrance.


In the stairwell, Miwako Sato kept shouting in front: "I am a policeman, please let me go!"

The tourists who were climbing down kept getting out of the way. The three listened to the prompts of the staff in the tower and rushed up the stairs to the special observation deck at a height of [-] meters.

Surrounded by a group of staff in the tower, the supervisor was asking anxiously: "Hurry up and let the maintenance man come over, if this falls, none of you will be able to do it."

The subordinate on the side quickly said: "If you can't get through to his phone, that guy must be drunk again."

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