The three of Mori Kogoro rushed over, and Miwako Sato immediately showed his ID: "I am a policeman from the Metropolitan Police Department. Is someone trapped in this elevator?"

"Yes, a total of six people were trapped in it, police officer, please think of a way."

Just when everyone was frowning, Mori Kogoro had already approached the bridge.

The weight of this elevator is about 1.3 kilograms, and with the addition of six people, the total weight is about [-] thousand kilograms.

Even though Mori Kogoro has a physique five times that of a human being's, it would be extremely difficult to pull the two-thousand-jin bridge, but he has plenty of helpers.

Out of sight of Miwako and Chengko, several Ant-Man robots flew into the elevator shaft to help in the dark.


Mori Kogoro pulled the lower part of the elevator bridge with both hands, exerting great strength all over his body, his muscles instantly swelled up, the gray suit on his body almost burst, and his face was flushed red.

A terrifying scene appeared, like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, he pulled down the two thousand kilograms elevator bridge.

Seeing this scene, Miwako Sato and Sumiko Kobayashi stared wide-eyed, completely unbelievable.

And the staff on the side all looked like they had seen a ghost, how could anyone hold the elevator with their own strength?

The six people in the elevator couldn't help but turn pale with shock, each of them exclaimed incessantly.

But soon they sensed that the rate of decline was even and slow, and joy appeared on their faces.

Among the six people, Rena Mizumus, who was isolated in the corner, stared at Kogoro Mori's flushed face with those blue cat eyes, full of shock: Is this guy still human?

Seeing that the elevator bridge has been lowered by half, and there is enough space to squat down and jump down, Mori Kogoro immediately shouted: "Hurry up and get down for me, I won't last long."

Several people in the bridge compartment chased after each other and jumped down from the half-opened elevator entrance.

But in the end, there was a woman in the elevator that Mosi didn't understand. She was wearing a water-blue suit and skirt, and her blue cat eyes kept looking at Kogoro Mori. There were a few curls of hair on her head. It was Rena Minzumu.

She was also holding a box-shaped thing in her hand.

Mori Kogoro looked up: "Ms. Mizumu, why are you here, why don't you come down quickly!"

Rena Mizumu smiled wryly and said: "Detective Maori, I can't move around, I have a bomb in my hand, and the phone screen shows that if I make any changes, he will detonate the bomb directly, I can only hold it now what."

Today's Mizumu Renai can be said to have a bad luck. As a code-named strongman in the dark organization, he was actually threatened by a small bomb.

But there was no other way, she couldn't stop bad luck.

Originally, today she just wanted to go up to Tokyo Tower to look down at Mount Fuji, but just now there was a sudden explosion on the elevator, and the elevator bridge fell down suddenly.

And the bomb just fell into his arms from above, and words kept scrolling on the sliding screen of the mobile phone tied to the bomb: If there is any abnormality, the bomb will detonate immediately.

Moreover, the elevator was blown up, so there was no way to escape, even if Shui Wurenai had supernatural powers, there was nothing he could do here at the moment.


Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro felt the pressure on his hand gradually decrease, and the elevator car stopped again, suspended in mid-air.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and tentatively let go of his hand. Sure enough, the elevator really stopped again.

Seeing this, Sato Miwako on the side put her hands together and climbed directly into the elevator bridge.

"Hey, Miwako, it's so dangerous inside, why are you going in?"

Seeing this, Kogoro Mouri hurried up, but when he stood up straight, he found that Chengzi Xiaolin had also sneaked up at some point.

"Hmph, Kogoro, don't you want to leave me behind!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but pushed Xiaolin Chengzi's body, and wanted to send him down with a serious face: "Chengzi, I'm not joking now, it's really dangerous, you go down for me."

Xiao Lin Chengzi immediately struggled: "No, I will definitely not lose to this woman."

Kobayashi Chengko's body writhed in Mori Kogoro's arms.

And Mizumu Rena shouted loudly: "Don't you guys stop flirting, okay? The mercury column in this bomb has already been activated when I just got off the elevator. The steel ball inside has been spinning. The bomb will be detonated if it is turned left or right, please stop!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro stopped immediately, let go of Kobayashi Chengko's body, slowly approached Minzumu Rena, and observed carefully.

Sure enough, a steel ball rolled around in the glass tube inside, but it didn't touch the left and right copper pieces.

It has to be said that Rena Mizumu's hands are still very steady, the rolling range of this steel ball is getting smaller and smaller, and it is always here in the middle line.

"Kogoro, what should we do now?" Miwako Sato couldn't help asking.

At this time, the screen of the mobile phone lit up again, and a line of red letters lit up: This police officer is really courageous, I have to praise your courage, I will hint you where another fireworks bigger than this is, but It is three seconds before the explosion, you will see my prompt on the screen of this phone.

Seeing such words appear, Miwako Sato couldn't help shrinking her pupils, and immediately said: "It's that guy three years ago, the same method, and also gave another reminder of the bomb before it exploded."

Chapter 0240 sold water without

There are only seven minutes left in the countdown to the bomb.

Miwako Sato's face was extremely gloomy: "The target this demolition maniac wants to deal with is the police, Ms. Mizuna, you take this bomb to me carefully, then escape with Kogoro and that woman, and leave me alone Just wait here for the final information."

The will to die appeared in Sato Miwako's eyes, and she was already ready to sacrifice at this moment.

She wanted to emulate Matsuda Jinpei, who died three years ago, and waited until the last three seconds for the second bomb to come out.

After seeing the prompt that appeared on the bomb, Sato Miwako understood that there was only this way.

Miwako Sato stared closely at Kogoro Mori with her purple eyes, eyes full of affection and reluctance, she wanted to engrave the figure of Kogoro Mori deeply in her mind.

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