Immediately afterwards, she turned her head to look at Xiaolin Chengzi: "Hey, Xiaowulang will ask you to take care of him from now on!"

Xiaolin Chengzi frowned, and his face became ugly.

With her level of intelligence, she naturally understood that with only the last three seconds left, it would definitely be too late to dismantle the bomb.

If we wait for the information, the Tokyo Tower bomb is bound to explode, and Miwako Sato, who wants to stay, will naturally die as a result.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro had already received the scissors passed up by the Tokyo Tower staff from the elevator opening.

Hearing Miwako Sato's words, he immediately scolded: "Miwako, I won't allow it."

"Neither you nor Chengzi can have an accident. I won't let this bomb go off no matter what."

Miwako Sato immediately said, "But I have to wait for the information about the second bomb, otherwise, according to the usual method of that blaster, more people will definitely die."

"But that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice yourself." Mori Kogoro shouted, his face extremely serious: "Miwako, Chengzi, you are all the women I love, I don't care if the second bomb will go off Thousands of people died, tens of thousands, I only want you to live for me."

Hearing this, Kobayashi Chengko's eyes were blurred, watching Mori Kogoro's figure become softer.

On the other hand, Miwako Sato looked angry: "Kogoro, you are too selfish, but I am a policeman."

"But you're still my woman. I didn't say I'd let you die, and the king of Hades would never want to take you away!" Mori Kogoro was so imposing that he pressed down on Miwako ruthlessly.

Miwako Sato looked at Kogoro Mori, who had never seen such a tough posture, and opened her mouth. Although she was moved, she still refused to give up her thoughts.

And Mizuruna, who heard the three talking, had a shocked expression on her face, looked at the two beauties who looked exactly the same, and couldn't help gossiping: "Wait a minute, wait a moment, Detective Mori, what do you mean?" Are these twins your women?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Why, can't it?"

"No, no, no, I'm just a little surprised!"

Xiaolin Chengzi quickly explained from the side: "We are not twin sisters, we just look alike."

"Don't talk about this for now. I'll remove the mercury mercury column of this bomb first, or I'll be afraid if you take it." Mori Kogoro walked forward with scissors.

There are three detonation modes for the bomb held by Rena Minzumu:

One is that the out-of-balance mercury mercury column detonates;

One is the countdown to zero detonation;

The last one is detonated by the detonator in the hands of the blaster.

Mori Kogoro's bomb disposal skills have already reached the perfect level in the previous continuous learning. Naturally, this kind of bomb can be seen through at a glance, and there is no need to wait for bomb disposal experts to come to help.

Holding the scissors, he shifted his gaze from Reina Minami's big chest to the bomb with difficulty, and looked at the mercury detonation setting.

Mizumu Rena couldn't help but panicked: "Hey, hey, can you do it? If you can't, I don't mind waiting for the explosion-proof team!"

Mori Kogoro did not answer, gently picked up a blue wire from a pile of messy wires with his left hand, and slowly approached with scissors in his right hand.

Shui Wurenai closed her eyes tightly, not daring to look any more, this feeling of being decided by someone for life and death is really uncomfortable!

A pair of scissors fell.


There was an explosion sound from above the elevator shaft, several cables snapped instantly, and the entire elevator car fell dozens of centimeters to the bottom.

Several people in the elevator bridge were unstable for a while. Miwako Sato fell to the ground holding Sumiko Kobayashi, and Kogoro Mori and Rena Mizumu also lost their balance, and the two rolled into a ball holding the bomb.

Mori Kogoro's left hand tightly grasped a ball of plump meat.

Rena Mizumura was panting heavily, her heart beating wildly.

With the sound of the explosion, she thought she was going to die, but she didn't expect that the explosion happened in the elevator shaft above.

But she soon felt the big hand on her right chest, and couldn't help whispering: "Let go soon."

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but scratched and then reluctantly let go, explaining in a low voice: "I didn't do it on purpose, it was because of the sudden explosion above that I lost my balance!"

Shui Wuliannai didn't believe this at all, it wasn't intentional, and in the end she grabbed her a few times, even with two girlfriends by her side, she was so daring.

But Mizuruna didn't want to argue with him, she glanced at the bomb, stood up, and said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, the mercury detonation setting was cut, otherwise the bomb exploded, and the four of us would surely die. "

The four of them all stood up, Kogoro Mori saw that there was only one light left above the elevator entrance, the cable broke just now, and the bridge compartment descended this distance, and the people in the elevator could only see the calves of the staff outside when it was their turn.

Shui Wurenai sighed: "It's troublesome, I can't get out now."

"Who says you can't get out." Mori Kogoro jumped up, jumped extremely high, and smashed open the skylight of the bridge compartment with one punch.

Then he squatted down, passed his head through Xiaolin Chengzi's legs, grabbed his legs, let him sit on his shoulders, and shouted: "Chengzi, you are a teacher, don't make trouble for me, go out first and then talk about it." .”

Kobayashi Chengko still wanted to insist on staying, but Mori Kogoro slapped her butt twice hard, her buttocks under her skirt turned red, and she calmed down instantly.

Getting spanked by Mori Kogoro in front of Miwako is so embarrassing.

She put her hands together and came to the top of the elevator bridge, and was quickly pulled out by the staff.

Mori Kogoro then said: "Next is you, Ms. Mizumu, I said you are a host, if you don't do a good job on the show, why climb so high, leave the bomb in your arms to me and Police Officer Sato to deal with it." gone."

Even though Mori Kogoro said that, he grabbed Miwako Sato's legs and let him sit on his shoulders.

Hearing this, Rena Mizumu and Miwako Sato were stunned.

Mori Kogoro took out his mobile phone and typed a few words on it: the bomb is equipped with a bug.

He showed the mobile phone to the second daughter, and the second daughter immediately understood, and Rena Mizumu couldn't help being anxious. If this is the case, wouldn't he be sold and become Miwako Sato to stay in this elevator?

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