Mori Kogoro turned on the phone with trembling hands, and showed the stranger's text message from Belmode to the two girls.

"I can't watch you die, I just need to dismantle the bomb, but the second bomb can only be located according to the text message, the dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor, so after you come out, I will let you go to Didan High School to find the second bomb , I didn’t expect that the bomb was really installed in Didan High School.”

Seeing that there really was such a text message, all doubts in the hearts of the two women dissipated, and their expressions softened.

Mori Kogoro secretly heaved a sigh of relief that Belmode's text message could still come in handy.

Seeing how the two women on the left and right were peacefully coexisting at the moment, he thought about striking while the iron was hot, and it just so happened that his appearance was perfect for playing bitter tricks.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Mori Kogoro coughed so loudly that he almost coughed out his spleen and lungs.

"Kogoro, what's wrong with you?" Miwako Sato bent down in concern.

"I'm going to the doctor right now!"

Kobayashi Chengko was concerned and wanted to find a doctor, but was held back by Kogoro Mori's left hand, and Kogoro Mori's right hand wrapped in meat dumpling held Miwako Sato.

"Don't go, I'm fine, Chengzi, Miwako, I just want to ask you, is what you said on Tokyo Tower true? Cough cough!"

Hearing this question, the two women fell silent for an instant, and looked at each other with complicated expressions.

Mori Kogoro's eyes were flushed, and he said affectionately: "I love you, I cannot live without you in my life, and I don't want to part with any of you."

"If anyone of you intends to leave me, I would rather be blown up on Tokyo Tower."

There was a sad smile on Kogoro Mouri's face, which made people feel distressed.

The explosive acting appeared, and then he closed his eyes, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

Kobayashi Chengko couldn't see Mouri Kogoro's attitude, so he was the first to surrender: "Kogoro, don't be like this, I, what I said is true, so I don't know what she means?"

Hearing Kobayashi Chengko's statement, Mori Kogoro's eyelids twitched, while Sato Miwako pursed her lips, but remained silent.

"It's dead, I'm dead, just let me die in this hospital." Mori Kogoro pounded his chest with his fist, making a loud bang.

Miwako Sato quickly grabbed his hand, frowned and said, "You scoundrel, you must force me to speak out, don't I agree?"

"Okay, okay, let me say, what I said on the Tokyo Tower is also true, I don't force you to choose, how is it, are you satisfied?"

Hearing this, Mao Li Xiaogoro's eyes immediately sparkled, a smile appeared on his face, his face was flushed, he looked like he was half dead just now: "Really?"

"Really, you should take good care of your injuries." Miwako Sato rolled her eyes angrily.

Kobayashi Chengko stretched out her hand to cover her with the quilt.

At this moment, several nurses knocked on the door and came in, and then began to help Mori Kogoro remove the needle on the back of his hand, and then began to push his hospital bed.

Miwako Sato and Chengko Kobayashi looked puzzled: "Miss Nurse, what are you doing?"

One of the nurses said, "According to Mr. Maori's request, let's transfer him to another sanatorium!"

Mori Kogoro on the hospital bed also nodded: "Well, that's what I mean!"

Kobayashi Chengko looked puzzled, she had been guarding Mori Kogoro just now, and she hadn't heard of such a thing.

But Kogoro Mori said so, she was suspicious but followed suit, and pushed the hospital bed downstairs with Sato Miwako, and then got into another ambulance.


This was actually arranged by Mori Kogoro during the hour of the operation.

Money can really do whatever you want in Japan, not to mention transferring to another hospital, even making the medical staff in the hospital stop taking medicine is possible.

This ambulance is real, borrowed from another hospital, but the nurses and drivers on it are fake, and they are pretended by Mori Kogoro's Ant-Man robot.

The purpose of the ambulance is not the hospital, but to send the three people to Mori Kogoro's private sanatorium, a sanatorium that will not be disturbed by others.

The doctor in the private sanatorium is Mashi Aso, but she went to Teidan Elementary School to work as a school doctor according to Mori Kogoro's advice, so there is no one in the private sanitarium.

As for the blaster who was tied to the flyover, Kogoro Mori did it. Within an hour of the operation, Kogoro Mori left from the window, found the blaster with the tracer, knocked him out and tied him up.

The purpose is to destroy the detonator in its hand.

Although the blaster said it was detonated at [-]:[-] p.m., if there was an emergency, if Belmord didn't dismantle the bomb, wouldn't Didan High School be burned down, and Xiaolan, the gardener who took the exam, would experience an explosion.

Mori Kogoro was naturally unwilling to accept this matter, and sneaked out to deal with the demolition maniac while he had time, so everything was resolved so smoothly within an hour.

Chapter 0249

This private sanatorium is extremely luxurious, it doesn't look like a sanatorium at all, but like a five-star hotel.

The place where the ambulance arrived was in a high-end villa area, which was extremely magnificently decorated.

The recuperation room has everything you need, beige decoration, reception area, activity area, training area, large bathroom, and more green scenery outside the balcony.

Except for a large hospital bed in the middle and some suspended medical equipment, it really doesn't look like a convalescent room.

After the nurses pretending to be Ant-Man robots carried Mori Kogoro to the hospital bed, they disappeared.

However, the two girls didn't notice any abnormalities, and they kept waiting for Kogoro Mori who was still pretending to be injured.

The two girls were extremely obedient, and Kogoro Mori only needed to say what he wanted to do, and the two girls rushed to do it.

Even when going to the toilet, someone helped him up, one helped him up, and the other down, and then the two women took hot towels to help Mori Kogoro wipe the rest of his exposed skin.

Seeing the well-behaved appearance of the two completely pseudo-twins in front of him, Mori Kogoro was extremely satisfied.

"Miwako, don't you need to continue working?"

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