Miwako Sato said: "You are so injured, how can I have the heart to work, besides, the demolition maniac has already been caught, I have already asked for leave with Police Officer Megure."

After finishing speaking, Sato Miwako glanced at Kobayashi Chengko with purple eyes: "Why, you think I'm an eyesore and want me to go, then I'll just go, and I won't bother you."

"how is this possible!"

Mori Kogoro was afraid that Miwako Sato would really leave, so he held her arm tightly with his right hand and said, "I really don't want you two to leave my sight for a moment. I'm really happy that you can accompany me."

Hearing what Kogoro Mori said, Miwako Sato had a smile on her face.

A look of bewilderment flashed in Mori Kogoro's eyes, his acting skills had already been perfected.

"Sometimes I really feel like I'm in a dream, Miwako, Sumiko, can you come to bed? I just want to hug you, otherwise I don't feel real, I always feel that you will turn into bubbles and leave. "

When Xiao Lin Chengzi heard this, eagerness appeared in his eyes.

But Miwako Sato said vigilantly: "You bastard, what kind of bad tricks are you playing, and you still hug us, I don't believe you, a big pervert."

Maori Kogoro showed a sad expression on his face, and sighed: "I have been hurt so badly, how can I still have the ability to do something to you?"

Xiao Lin Chengzi nodded and said, "That's right, I'm sorry you can't do anything bad now."

But Miwako Sato's vigilance still didn't drop, she just shook her head and said, "I don't believe you, you bastard is full of bad things!"

She was about to step back, but found that Mori Kogoro's face changed again, and his face was twitching continuously, as if he was enduring pain.

Miwako Sato stepped forward immediately: "What, is it hurting again? I'll get you painkillers!"

Mori Kogoro grabbed Miwako Sato's jade arm, struggled to open his eyes, his face was covered with fine sweat, and his eyelashes were even wet with sweat.

His eyes showed firmness through the hazy sweat: "Meihezi, you are my painkiller!"

These words made both women tremble.

"You, you, you are so hurt and you still speak so nicely."

Miwako Sato shook her head and smiled wryly, then bent down and took off her high heels, obediently climbed onto the bed, and lay on Mori Kogoro's right side.

Kobayashi Chengko on the side also followed suit, climbed onto the bed, covered the three of them with quilts, and then lay down on the left side of Mori Kogoro.

This hospital bed is big enough for three people to lie down.

So this pair of beauties who looked exactly the same fell into the arms of Kogoro Mouri.

Miwako Sato and Sumiko Kobayashi were not on guard against Kogoro Mori at all.

They really thought that Mori Kogoro was seriously injured and couldn't do anything, at most he just took advantage of it, but that was irrelevant.

Seeing the situation developing in the direction he wanted, Mori Kogoro couldn't stop laughing inwardly, but still pretended to be serious on his face.

Mori Kogoro swung his right hand with great force, breaking all the bandages covering the palm of his right hand and falling to the ground, the palm was free again.

He said weakly: "It's great, so I'm not dreaming, so you two are real, Meihezi, Chengzi, I want to hold you like this for the rest of my life."

At the same time, his hands under the quilt touched the waists of the two women at the same time. This time, there was a real comparison, one was extremely elastic, and the other was extremely soft.

Hearing Kogoro Mori's confession, the two women were both agitated, and they didn't care about the fiery hands on their waists.

Miwako Sato didn't realize that there was no bandage covering her big hand.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro operated both hands and two lines, and started to walk on the two delicate bodies at the same time. As an old driver, he naturally knew his own woman very well, and his techniques were very powerful.

The hands are warm and soft, and the taste is simply unimaginable.

Blushes appeared on the faces of the two women almost at the same time, but they knew that there was each other beside them, and each of them resisted not to make any sound, and even tried their best to control their breathing so as not to become disordered.

However, he was still deceiving himself and others. Apart from the fact that the heads of the two fake twin beauties turned red, the left and right sides of the quilt were still undulating.

Realizing that Kogoro Mori, who was seriously injured and weak, still had the energy to control his hands, the two girls made the same move.

He stretched out his finger to Kogoro Mori's waist and squeezed it down hard.

Of course, it didn't work at all. This level of strength was similar to scratching an itch. Mori Kogoro didn't feel any pain at all.

However, looking at Miwako's expression, it seemed that he couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to get up, so Mori Kogoro said: "The anesthesia effect of the operation is gone, and my back pain is unbearable. I'm sorry, I can't control it. I just Just looking for something to divert attention."

After saying that, Mori Kogoro pretended to leave from the top of the two mountains with both hands.

This move of retreating into advance is very effective. After hearing Kogoro Mori's apology, the two women made the same choice again, reaching out and pressing Kogoro Mori's big hand again, and the hands were full of softness again.

The old driver's smile appeared in Mori Kogoro's heart.

That being the case, I was disrespectful, so his hands became more and more arrogant.

But Miwako Sato and Sumiko Kobayashi who were lying on the left and right could only bear with it, but they didn't want to leave this bed.

After all, they are naturally willing to reduce the pain for their lover.

It's nothing, it's just a hand addiction.

Adhering to this idea, the faces of the two women became more and more bright red, and then there was a little bit of intoxication in their eyes, they opened their small mouths, panting heavily, and their postures were generally the same.

They still don't know what will happen next.

Chapter 0250 Shuangfeiyan Play1

Mori Kogoro only felt like a master of musical instruments, his hands were plucking like plucking the strings, and then there was a low-pitched singing that seemed to be there.

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