Xiaolan has a beautiful figure, her two beautiful legs are extremely slender and fair, without any blemishes, they are more than two meters long when stretched out, especially her two little feet are arched, playful and cute.

Xiaolan leaned forward with her upper body, and her white vest was pushed up, revealing a small white waist.

A girl's waist must not be too thick, and it is most suitable for being graspable. Xiaolan's slender waist is so impeccably perfect that it can be grasped with both hands.

Mori Kogoro immediately put his big hands on the little soft waist, pushing Xiaolan's upper body to the ground.

Xiaolan walked forward with her hands and fingers, her chest pressed tightly against the ground, and sweat soon overflowed from her forehead.

But after all, the girl's body is very flexible, and her fingers quickly reached the end of the stretch.

It's a pity that the movement of the lower body is deformed, the buttocks are pouted instead, and the angle of the nearly [-]-degree split-horse turns upwards and the degree becomes smaller. The distance between the buttocks and the ground is a few centimeters.

"Dad, help me push my ass down!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro immediately put his hands on his buttocks, exerting force with his big hands, and his hips sank immediately.

Immediately from the front came the sound of Xiaolan gasping for breath, and sweat instantly seeped out of the pores.

"It's okay!"

"I can bear it, it's okay!" Xiaolan also has a resolute side in her character.

So, Mori Kogoro pressed Xiaolan's buttocks, and Xiaolan listened to the rhythm of the people on TV and breathed, bitterly enduring the sharp pain between her legs.

Stretching is always painful, and the pain and convulsions of the tendons come and go.

After three eight beats, Mori Kogoro immediately let go of his hand, and Xiaolan sat up immediately, panting heavily and beating the inside of her legs.

Mori Kogoro also stroked his big hands to help massage his legs, but Xiaolan kept smiling coquettishly and saying itchy.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaolan's eyes sparkled: "Dad, you and I can practice yoga together, just in time we can practice couple yoga."

Of course Kogoro Mori refused, why should a man practice such soft movements.

Besides, it's not that he wasn't stretched by Xiaolan before, it was quite uncomfortable.

But how could Xiaolan let Moori Kogoro go easily, a pair of jade arms wrapped around his arms and began to froze.

Seeing Xiaolan who kept acting like a baby, Mouri Kogoro quickly gave in.

He went back into the room, changed into loose clothes and came out again.

The gray vest and black shorts could not conceal Kogoro Mori's muscular physique at all. Xiaolan's eyes lit up even more when she saw this scene, and she couldn't help poking Kogoro Mori's chest muscles.

Soon, Mori Kogoro began to do the mountain pose according to the tutorial in the video under Xiaolan's urging.

It is to prop up the body with both hands and feet, push the buttocks high, and present a triangle-shaped movement with the ground.

With a smile on her face, Xiaolan stepped on Kogoro Mouri's back and started to do the mountain pose.

This is the easiest couple yoga move.

The key to yoga is balance. Both of them have extremely high physical fitness and a good sense of balance. Their movements are coordinated with each other when they sit up. They are really practicing various yoga movements.

However, in the middle, Xiaolan wanted to start practicing headstand: "Dad, I always fail to do this by myself. Dad, you have to protect me!"

Mori Kogoro naturally smiled and nodded, Xiaolan put her head in her hands, touched the ground with her elbows, and then jumped up with her legs.

The two white and tender jade legs fell into the hands of Kogoro Mori who was standing beside him. Kogoro Moori grabbed Xiaolan's legs and made her body perpendicular to the ground. Then he looked down, his forehead suddenly One fried.

Chapter 0254 Doing Yoga with Xiaolan 2

Even though he has seen this beautiful scenery many times before, but seeing Xiaolan in this posture now, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but get angry.

Xiaolan insisted on standing on her head, the blood kept pouring down to Xiaolan's forehead, her angelic face flushed red.

Mori Kogoro gently swayed his jade feet and calves with his hands.

Xiaolan, who couldn't help itching, laughed instantly, and her yoga movements deformed instantly.

The originally straight body twisted continuously, like a water snake, and the slightly trembling body was simply breathtaking.

Xiaolan quickly retracted her feet, collapsed on the mat again and laughed, a blush appeared on her face.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but leaned forward, pressed on Xiaolan's body and kissed her small mouth, and his fiery hands climbed to the place that made his heart flutter just now, and Xiaolan couldn't help responding.

This kiss lasted a very long time, but the gentle and pure music on the TV slowly pulled the two back, and it happened that the action played on the screen was something Xiaolan had always wanted to try.

Xiaolan pushed Mori Kogoro's chest, and couldn't help but said, "I'm going to do this."

After a while, Mori Kogoro, who had recovered, lay back on the mat again, with his legs bent up, touching Xiaolan's crotch.

The fingers of the two are intertwined, and the hands are tightly together. At this moment, the heartbeats of the two tend to be the same!

Immediately afterwards, Kogoro Mori stretched out his bent legs, supporting Xiaolan's entire body.

Xiaolan, who was hanging in the air, had a look of excitement on her face, she was fully supported on Kogoro Mouri's legs, but she was not afraid at all, on the contrary, she found it very fun.

Looking at Xiaolan's bright red pretty face not far above, Xu Shi's mind was too agitated just now, Kogoro Moori couldn't control it all of a sudden, and his bent legs felt weak for a while.

The soft body fell directly on Kogoro Mouri, and the two balls of softness directly pressed against Kogoro Moori.

This amount of strength is naturally nothing to Mori Kogoro, and it doesn't hurt at all.

Xiaolan got up from Mori Kogoro and shouted, "Come again!"

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