She was re-suspended in the air under Mori Kogoro's legs.

But before Xiaolan let go of his hands, Kogoro Mori trembled again, and then the two lost their balance, and Xiaolan fell onto Kogoro Mori again.

It was the same for the third time, Xiaolan fell down again before stretching her body above.

"Dad, you didn't do it on purpose, did I? Am I heavy? Why can't you support me!"

Kogoro Mori had a wry smile on his face, the battle with Miwako and Sumiko yesterday was somewhat affected.

The battle was too fierce and overworked, which led to a small side effect now. At this moment, his legs are still a little weak.

Xiaolan rolled her eyes wide and gave up on this movement. Instead, she said, "Dad, your legs are too stiff. Let me help you stretch. It's the same as what I did just now."

Seeing Xiaolan's expression, Mori Kogoro felt a little ominous in his heart, and quickly refused, but Xiaolan insisted on it.

In desperation, Kogoro Mori had no choice but to sit on the mat, spread his legs, and let him manipulate him.

The man's body is inherently stiff, and Mori Kogoro's strong physique does not mean that he is flexible, so as soon as his legs opened up, Mori Kogoro frowned, and a faint pain came over him .

However, Xiaolan behind her had a smile like a little devil on her face, and she rushed forward immediately, pressing her body against Mori Kogoro's back.

The strange power was exerted, and the upper body of Mori Kogoro was pressed to the ground.

The ligaments at the root of the scorpion stretched instantly. This sour taste is really unbearable!

Mori Kogoro could only support himself, but Xiaolan found it very interesting.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's knees floating, she stood up, stepped on Kogoro Mori's knees with a pair of jade feet, and then sat on Kogoro Mori's body.

"Dad, you have to breathe according to my rhythm, listen, inhale, exhale..."

Mouri Kogoro, who was dripping with sweat, began to breathe in the rhythm of Xiaolan, but the pain was still unbearable.

Then it was time for Mori Kogoro to suffer, and the cries of pain echoed in the living room on the third floor.

This stretch continues until the home phone rings on the living room cabinet.

Hearing the ringing of the bell, Mori Kogoro, who was drenched in sweat, quickly broke away from Xiaolan on his body, and rushed to the phone to answer it.

This home phone is connected to the phone of the office on the second floor, so sometimes the entrustment will call here directly.

A gentle female voice rang from the phone.

"Is it Maori Detective Agency? I have a commission and I want to ask Maori Detective for your help. I want you to help me find someone!"

"To be honest, I'm on my way to your office now. I don't know if it's convenient for Fang to visit. I want to talk to you in detail."

Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up instantly, and he immediately said in order to escape Xiaolan's clutches: "It's convenient, of course it's convenient, then I'll wait for you!"

Mori Kogoro turned his head to Xiaolan and said, "Xiaolan, there is another commission from the office. Dad can't continue to do stretching exercises with you. You should practice hard by yourself!"

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and went into the room to take out a change of clothes, went into the bathroom to wash off his stinky sweat, put on his white suit again, and returned to his capable detective appearance.


In the office on the second floor, Mori Kogoro sat on an office chair and waited quietly, drinking a cup of clear tea from time to time.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

A woman walked in. This woman was extremely beautiful, not inferior to Eri. She wore white socks and clogs, wore a brown kimono, and carried a black bag in both hands. She was full of the unique temperament of Japanese women.

The brown hair was combed back and tied into a bun, revealing a fair forehead and a small cherry mouth. He knew that he was not too young, but his skin was extremely fair, but he looked very young.

The beautiful eyes under Liu Yemei's eyebrows are extremely quiet, motionless like a mountain, and have a certain momentum. This kind of aura is full of queen style, and at a glance, she knows that she is not a simple person.

The first time this woman saw Kogoro Mori, a strange color flashed across her eyes. She didn't seem to have expected Kogoro Mori to be so handsome, especially in a white suit, which made her look even more personable.

The woman opened her mouth lightly: "I am Bochi Jinghua who called just now. Please forgive me for coming to visit so presumptuously!"

Chapter 0255 Hattori Shizuka

When Kogoro Mori heard what she said, he immediately realized that this woman was Hattori Heiji's mother, and she really didn't look like her at all!

Hattori Heiji looks so dark, but his mother is a complete beauty, with fair and supple skin that rivals that of young people.

But Kogoro Mori wondered why Hattori Heiji had already invited his group to Osaka this weekend, why his mother suddenly appeared in Tokyo and said that he had an entrustment to find someone.

Bochi Jinghua said: "Because I heard from my friend that as long as I ask Maori detectives to help me find, I will definitely find the person I want to meet, so I leave this matter to you."

Hachi Jinghua bowed to Mori Kogoro with a very considerate manner.

After saying that, Hachi Jinghua covered his mouth and started coughing. Mori Kogoro keenly saw that the woman's palm was white, but the index finger and thumb were covered with zip stickers, which seemed to be injured.

Mori Kogoro immediately went up to meet him, pulled up his soft little hand as if he was familiar with it, put his arms around Hachi Shizuka's soft shoulders, and said with a light smile: "It seems that your friend is very insightful, let's go, let us Let's talk on the sofa."

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro walked towards the sofa with his arms around Shizuka Hachi, Shizuka Hachi's face changed, and he glanced at the big hand on his shoulder, but remained calm.

Watching Shizuka Namachi take her seat, Kogoro Mouri put a cup of tea in front of her, and then sat down opposite her: "Miss Namachi is really beautiful in this kimono. To be honest, when I first saw you, It really surprised me.”

Bochi Jinghua covered her mouth and laughed: "Detective Maori, you are joking. If I am as beautiful as you say, I won't be alone at this age."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows: "I didn't expect that a lady like you, Ms. Bochi, is still single. It seems that the men around you are all blind. I don't think you are the one you want to find." Your first love!"

Bo Chi Jinghua shook his head: "Of course not."

Then she took out a photo from her handbag: "Detective Maori, what I'm looking for is the person holding the winning trophy in this photo. His name is Shiro Shibata, and he was my classmate in middle school. We were both A member of the Kendo club, his kendo level is very high."

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