Mori Kogoro asked suspiciously: "Shouldn't there be contact information and addresses in the graduation yearbook?"

"However, because he moved for some reason just before graduation, his contact information and address are not listed in the graduation yearbook."

Mori Kogoro took the photo handed over by Shizuka Namachi, looked at the target he was looking for, and the young and beautiful Shizuka Namachi thirty years ago in the photo.

Compared with the current appearance, it is really beautiful from a young age to the present!

Hachi Jinghua blushed a little under the fiery eyes of Mori Kogoro, and couldn't help but said: "These are old photos from thirty years ago, and I am already forty-two years old now. The photo was taken when I was in my second year of junior high school, so Shiro Shibata must have grown taller than in the photo."

"Wow, I really can't see it. Miss Pochi, you take good care of yourself. I can't even tell that you are five years older than me."

Hearing the praise, Bochi Jinghua couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling again. She glanced at the young Mori Kogoro, and couldn't help but say, "You are the one who takes good care of you, Detective Mori." , if you didn't have two extra beards, I would have thought you were a college student who just graduated!"

Shizuka Hachi had never seen Mori Kogoro on TV before, so when meeting him for the first time, he was naturally very surprised to see him so young.

After all, she herself can be regarded as having a good face, but this Maori detective, a big man, is younger, which is unbelievable.

A woman's obsession with eternal youth is incomprehensible to men, and a fiery look flashed in Bochi Jinghua's eyes.

"May I ask, Maori Detective, do you usually have any hobbies? Otherwise, how did you stay so young?"

Mori Kogoro suddenly became the interviewee. He really thought about his hobbies carefully. Practicing gun fighting skills is not counted, reading books to learn various skills is not counted, and drinking and horse racing are not counted.

But drinking tea counts as one, and practicing martial arts counts as one, but my biggest hobby is sex!

Mori Kogoro said to Bochi Jinghua seriously: "Miss Bochi, I am more advocating the Chinese Laozi theory, where yin and yang blend to reach the realm of heaven and man."

Bo Chi Jinghua looked puzzled: "Like the Yin Yang family?"

A smirk appeared on Mori Kogoro's face: "No, men belong to yang, women belong to yin, and yin and yang blend to reach the realm of heaven and man. This is my hobby!"

Hachi Jinghua shrank his pupils, and instantly realized what Mori Kogoro said, and a blush appeared on his face: Is he being molested?

"Hehehe, I'm just kidding. In fact, what I often do is to practice karate. The body functions can only be kept alive if they are constantly used."

Mori Kogoro turned over this article with a chuckle, and instead asked, "Then what is your hobby, Ms. Bochi?"

"My philosophy is different from your Maori detective. I hardly like any sports. What I like most is to sit quietly and knit a sweater. It would be best if I can stay still for a whole day."

"And my cooking skills are terrible. I am always in a hurry when I enter the kitchen. I almost starved to death living alone. Fortunately, the takeaway has developed now, otherwise my life would always be miserable."

At this time, Xiaolan's voice sounded from the side.

"Wow, so your hobbies are exactly the same as my mother's. My mother also likes knitting and cooking, but her cooking skills are also terrible. Are you right, Dad!"

After taking a shower, Xiaolan had a smile on her face, but when she turned her head to look at Kogoro Mori, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

Just now when she came down and saw that the client was a beautiful woman, she frowned slightly and became vigilant in her heart.

Then when I heard the two of them chatting about their interests and hobbies, and when I heard Kogoro Mouri's teasing words, I was immediately enraged and interrupted directly.

Kogoro Mori restrained himself when he saw Xiaolan's appearance, and he didn't dare to continue rambling. The pain in his legs reminded him repeatedly.

Soon the conversation between the two returned to the right track, and Bo Chi Jinghua began to tell about the situation of the person he wanted to find.

Chapter 0256

After talking for a while, Mori Kogoro understood.

"In that case, Miss Pochi, are you looking for this old classmate to get back the photo of the kendo competition [-] years ago? But apart from this photo and his name, do you have any other clues, Miss Pochi? ?"

Bo Chi Jinghua pondered for a moment, then shook the capital: "It should be gone!"

Sitting next to Mori Kogoro, Xiaolan also frowned: "It's a headache, how can I find it in such a big Tokyo?"

Bochi Jinghua bowed again: "Detective Maori, that photo is very important to me, please help me find it."

However, she soon noticed the smile on Mori Kogoro's face, and couldn't help asking: "Detective Mori, have you thought of a way?"

"Although there are few clues, there is a way to try it. Since Shibata Shiro can win the kendo competition when he was in junior high school, he may also participate in other kendo competitions. In this case, just check the competition records over the years. Maybe find it."

"Miss Pochi, just wait patiently, I'll make a phone call to check the records of the kendo competition in Tokyo."

Hearing this, Bochi Jinghua's beautiful eyes narrowed, the corners of her mouth curved slightly, and she said involuntarily, "That's really great, Detective Maori."

Seeing her expression, Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling strange, so he made a call and assigned the inquiry about Shibata Shiro to his subordinates, and Mori Kogoro waited patiently for the information.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Xiao Lan said, "Father, let's go to the coffee shop downstairs to have lunch. Uncle Anxi has steak for lunch now. I want to try it."

Immediately afterwards, Xiaolan turned her head and invited Bochi Jinghua: "Miss Bochi, you can also have lunch with us, anyway, there will be no news for a while."

Bo Chi Jinghua nodded, and the group came to Poirot Cafe on the first floor.

After the three were seated, a waiter came to order, and a clear voice sounded.

"Maori Detective, what would you like to eat?"

A dark-skinned man in a waiter's uniform with blond hair stood beside him.

Although his hand was covered with a menu, Mori Kogoro still found traces of calluses on his fingers. Although they were cut off, they couldn't escape Mori Kogoro's sharp eyes.

This is the cocoon only for gun training!

And this blond man is not weak. Although he looks lazy and doesn't care about anything, this posture can immediately switch to a fighting posture if someone attacks him, especially the muscles under his clothes contain strength.

This guy, with this shape again, shouldn't be Bourbon, the spy that the Japanese police inserted into the organization.

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