Mori Kogoro and his party got out of the car and took the elevator to the door of Shibata's house on the seventh floor. Xiaolan looked at the sign at the door with the two names of Shibata Shiro and Shibata Kyoko written on it, and couldn't help but said happily: "We are here. It seems that the entrustment can be done very well." almost finished."

Xiaolan was naturally happy, if she could complete the commission quickly and get rid of this beautiful woman, then naturally there would be one less threat.

Soon she rang the doorbell, but no one answered inside.

Xiaolan rang the doorbell two or three more times, and after waiting for a while, there was still no response.

Mori Kogoro was about to open the door and go in when a man's voice came from behind him.

"Are you looking for Mr. Shibata for something?" A bald middle-aged man stood behind the three of them. He was the resident downstairs, Yoshikawa Takezo.

Mori Kogoro nodded, and Yoshikawa Takezo then said, "Then, if you have any problems, solve them quickly, and Mr. Shibata will come to my house to play mahjong later!"

Xiao Lan said, "But they seem to have gone out."

Yoshikawa Takezo quickly walked to the door: "Impossible, how can it be possible to go out at this time."

The door was not locked, so he directly twisted the door handle and pushed in.

"I said he was at home."

Mori Kogoro and his group also walked in. Yoshikawa Takezo did not regard himself as an outsider at all. After entering the room, he began to walk towards the living room, shouting Shibata Shiro's name.

The dining room is on the left of the entrance, and the TV in the dining room is still on, making noisy noises, and the food on the table is only half eaten.

The three of them walked into the restaurant, gathered around the dining table, and Xiao Lanqiong wrinkled her nose: "This miso soup tastes bad, and there is also the morning newspaper. This can't be breakfast, right?"

"I ate half of this kindness, what a waste!"

"Gu Ci?" Xiaolan looked puzzled.

"That's the snapper!"

At this moment, the outside door opened again, and Mao Li and his party came out of the restaurant.

A woman in sportswear, glasses and a golf bag immediately reprimanded: "Who are you? How can you break into other people's homes at will, if you don't leave, I'll call the police."

This woman is naturally the hostess of the apartment, Shibata Kyoko.

But before Maori and his party could answer, Yoshikawa Takezo's voice came from the living room: "Mr. Shibata, Mr. Shibata, what's wrong with you, wake up!"

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and they rushed in along the entrance. When they came to the living room, they saw Shibata Shiro lying on the ground with blood on his head, and Yoshikawa Takezo was shaking his body.

Mori Kogoro immediately rushed forward and felt for his pulse.

Shibata Shiro is dead.

Moli Kogoro immediately said: "Xiao Lan, the person is dead, call the police, from now on, no one is allowed to approach the scene of the crime, this gentleman, get up quickly!"

The hostess, Shibata Kyoko rushed in with a look of panic: "What happened to my husband, Yoshikawa, what did you do to my husband?"

"I didn't do it, he became like this as soon as I came in."


More than [-] minutes later, police officer Henggou with curly hair led the team to the scene. As soon as he saw Mori Kogoro, he immediately shouted excitedly: "Master!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but have black lines all over his head: "I have never accepted you as an apprentice, have I?"

Police officer Henggou immediately looked embarrassed, but he still said cheekily: "But in my heart, Detective Maori, you are my master and my beacon!"

Xiaolan also remembered him: "You are the Henggou police officer from Izu last time!"

"That's right, I was promoted to the police department after the bullet train bombing and the serial murder case on Izu Beach were solved, Maori Detective, all thanks to you!"

Police officer Henggou turned his head to look at Bochi Jinghua, and bowed excitedly: "This must be the teacher's wife, she is really beautiful, master, you have a good eye!"

Seeing this, Bochi Jinghua couldn't help but chuckled, while Xiaolan's head pounded wildly.

So angry, but you have to keep smiling!

"Officer Henggou, this is not my mother, she is just my father's client, Miss Bochi, today she entrusted my father to find Mr. Shibata."

But the hostess Shibata Kyoko on the side had an impatient look on her face: "Oh, you guys have to go to another place to catch up on the old days. My husband is dead. Police officer, can you quickly investigate and catch his murderer .”

"Officer, don't be selfish, these three guys of unknown origin appearing in my house are very suspicious!"

Officer Henggou immediately smiled and said: "Ms. Shibata, you are wrong. This is our famous Japanese detective Mori Kogoro and his daughter. They cannot commit crimes."

Hearing this, Shibata Kyoko recognized Mori Kogoro, and her expression changed.

But the bald man, Yoshikawa Takezo, said, "Detective Mori and his daughter are naturally not suspicious, but what about the lady who is traveling with them? The photo Mr. Shibata is holding is a half-length photo of this lady!"

Hearing this, the police officer on the side quickly handed over the photo in the deceased's hand, which was the photo of Bo Chi Jinghua holding the medal.

Officer Henggou stroked the sparse stubble on his chin and said, "From this point of view, it is very likely that the deceased Mr. Shibata left the death message. Miss Bochi really has no way to clear up the suspicion."

"I see." Police officer Henggou patted his head: "It must be Ms. Bochi, you killed Mr. Shibata first, and then entrusted Maori detectives to investigate, in order to make the illusion that you have never met Mr. Shibata and create an alibi. right?"

Chapter 0258 The Accused Hattori Shizuka 2

Hearing the police officer Henggou's questioning, Bochi Jinghua still looked calm: "Officer, do you think it is possible for me to return to the scene after the murder and bring a big detective who is famous in Tokyo? This is not asking for death." road?"

"And if I want to do an alibi, I can ask someone else to do it. Why should I ask a Maori detective?"

"Your argument is completely untenable. I just happened to want to see this old classmate and ask for a photo. I think you should understand the case clearly before talking about it, so as not to laugh at you!"

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