Bo Chi Jinghua's aura exploded, a cold glow flashed in his eyes, and he was not angry and arrogant, but just a few words forced the Henggou police officer to step back.

Officer Henggou looked terrified, his body kept shrinking, and he said with a dry smile: "That's right, hehehe!"

Xiaolan was very surprised when she saw Bochi Jinghua in this appearance: she is really a powerful woman!

At this time, the forensic doctor in a white coat said, "Officer Henggou, according to my speculation, the time of death of the deceased was from last night to this morning."

Officer Henggou's face returned to normal in an instant, he turned his gun, and put his face in front of Kyoko Shibata: "Mrs. Shibata, I want to ask, where were you from last night to this morning? You should be at home!"

Shibata Kyoko shook his head and said, "No, I made an appointment with my friend to play golf today. My friend came to pick me up at five this morning. I helped my husband prepare breakfast and went out. My friend didn't leave until after four in the afternoon. Take me back, and when I come back, they're all in my house."

Officer Henggou held it up again: "In that case, Mr. Shibata was at home at the time, right?"

Shibata Kyoko nodded: "Yes, he didn't come home until three o'clock in the morning last night, and he was still sleeping when I left."

"You didn't come back until three o'clock in the morning last night? What did he do?"

The bald man Yoshikawa Takezuo on the side said, "Playing mahjong, he and a few of us played mahjong downstairs last night, and it did end around three o'clock."

Officer Henggou asked again: "I saw today's morning newspaper on your dining table. When is this newspaper usually delivered?"

"It was delivered around six in the morning."

"Then the TV next to the kitchen table is on. Presumably your husband was watching TV while eating!"

Kyoko Shibata said: "Yes, my husband has this habit, I think he must be watching the Legend of Swordsman that is broadcast every morning at eight o'clock, every time my husband watches it, he will record the plot, and then in Check it out over the weekend."

Everyone turned their attention to the TV cabinet on the side. There was indeed a recorder and a lot of CDs.

Mori Kogoro saw that many things were empty, only one of the two audio speakers was left, and the house was a little empty, as if a lot of furniture was missing.

"Huh? Well, hurry up and find out if the CD in the recorder has the Legend of the Swordsman at [-] o'clock this morning, call the friends who played golf with Mrs. Shibata, and the friends who played mahjong with Mr. Shibata to make sure. "

The police officers on the side immediately went to do it, and the results of the investigation came out in a short time.

"Report to the Henggou Police Department, we found the legend of the swordsman at [-] o'clock this morning on the CD-ROM of the recorder, and Mrs. Shibata's friend said that she really came to pick up the person at [-] o'clock in the morning and sent it back at [-] o'clock in the afternoon. As for Shibata Mr.'s mahjong friends also said that they ended at three in the morning last night."

A complacent smile appeared on the Henggou police officer's face: "If you say that, Mr. Shibata took the newspaper outside, turned on the TV, and ate the breakfast prepared by Mrs. Shibata at the dining table at eight o'clock this morning. ."

"However, halfway through the meal, an uninvited guest broke into the door and attacked him from behind, causing blunt trauma to the head and bleeding to death."

"The time of death is also the time when the legend of the swordsman is broadcast. It's between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] this morning."

"Then Mrs. Shibata is no longer suspicious. Let me ask you, Mr. Yoshikawa and Miss Pochi, what were you doing at that time?"

Yoshikawa Takezo immediately started drinking: "What are you doing, are you suspicious of me? I slept in my own house at that time!"

"Can anyone prove it?"

"I'm the only one at home. How can I prove it? Besides, I just called him and said I was going to pick him up. If I really killed someone, why would it take so much trouble."

In order to get rid of his suspicion, Yoshikawa Takezo desperately blamed Hachi Shizuka: "According to me, this woman in kimono is more suspicious. Shibata still has a photo of this woman in his hand, obviously he left it behind." news of death."

"And don't you think what she just said was strange? An old classmate who hadn't seen for [-] years just wanted to find him today, and when he found it, he just died. It's too coincidental."

"It's my word that all these people have been forgotten about [-] years ago."

Hearing these words, Officer Henggou also murmured in his heart, and turned his head to look at the beautiful woman: "Miss Pochi, where are you from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] this morning?"

Bo Chi Jinghua said: "I was shopping in the Tokyo shopping mall alone, and I didn't buy anything in the end."

At this time, the police officer who was searching for evidence at the scene said: "Henggou Police Department, we found a novel under the body of the deceased named Thor's Gate."

Bo Chi Jinghua opened his mouth in surprise: "Hey, this book is the book I lent to Shiro Shibata [-] years ago, and it contains my photo. I came here this time to find Mr. Shibata. , let him return the photo to me as a souvenir."

"Why did it suddenly appear under him?"

On the side, Kyoko Shibata said, "I also have an impression of this book. The day before yesterday, my husband received a call, and he laughed out loud as he talked, and then he found this book from the bookshelf. After flipping through it for a long time, he said something like 'I found it, no problem'."

"After that, the book was placed on the pile of books next to the cabinet, but now the pile of books has been knocked down, and I don't know if there is any connection there."

A slightly hideous smile appeared on the face of the police officer Henggou: "Miss Pochi, please take out your mobile phone and show it to me."

Bo Chi Jinghua frowned, but still took out the phone obediently.

Officer Henggou compared the call records, and then shouted: "Miss Pochi, how do you explain this? You keep saying that you haven't seen the victim for [-] years, so why did you have a call record with him the day before yesterday?"

"You even entrusted Maori detectives to help find someone. You are so courageous. It seems that you committed the murder. Be obedient and I will go to the police station for investigation!"

Seeing Hachi Jinghua in trouble, Mori Kogoro had a slight smile on his face.

0259 - Simple Case

When Xiaolan heard the reasoning of police officer Henggou, she believed that this lady-like Bochi Jinghua committed the crime.

Bo Chi Jinghua saw that everyone present was looking at him, but his face did not change at all, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "I refuse to go to the police station with you for investigation!"

"Nani?" Officer Henggou frowned suddenly.

"If you want me to go to the police station for investigation, then please apply to the court for an arrest warrant first. I will naturally go to the police station with you when I see the arrest warrant."

"But based on the evidence we have found, I'm afraid the court will not grant you an arrest warrant."

"But if Mrs. Shibata wants to sue us for illegally breaking into a house, that's another story."

Speaking of this, Hachi Jinghua glanced at Mori Kogoro quite complacently, and then smiled a pair of smiling eyes, which looked really attractive.

Officer Henggou suddenly didn't know what to do. His way of handling cases has always been very rude. He originally wanted to bring the murderer he thought to the police station first. When he arrived at the police station, he was naturally not afraid that she would not have a chance to speak.

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