At this time, the door opened, and a police officer ran in excitedly: "Henggou Police Department, I found the murder weapon, and I left it in the corner of the safety stairs. It was a scabbard with blood on it! "

"Good job!"

Hearing this, Pochi Jinghua frowned and hurriedly ran to Shibata Kyoko's bedroom.

But there is one person who is faster, and that is Kogoro Mori.

He kicked the door open with one leg, and saw Kyoko Shibata holding a sword across his neck. Tears were dripping down on the sword. The woman wanted to commit suicide.

Seeing this, Kyoko Shibata's pupils shrank, and immediately took a defensive stance, pointed the sword at everyone, and shouted: "Don't come here, I have nothing to lose, and I can't escape my guilt anyway, so let me go to Shiro to apologize!"

Before Mori Kogoro could respond, Hachi Shizuka pulled out the fan from his cuff, holding a short fan in his right hand, and walked forward step by step, just like a kendo competition.

Shiro Shibata won the kendo competition when he was in middle school, and his kendo skills were better than Shizuka Nami.

And his wife, whose real name is Kyoko Mamiya, is the last descendant of Mamiya Ichito-ryu, and his kendo skills are above Shiro Shibata.

From the point of view of Mori Kogoro martial arts master, Shibata Kyoko's kendo should have reached the perfection level, while Hachi Shizuka's kendo is only at the Daisei level.

Although Shibata Kyoko has lost his mind, he is holding a sword, while Pochi Jinghua only has a short fan.

One inch is long and one inch is strong, and one inch is short and one inch is dangerous!

It is especially obvious who can win the fight between the two. It is a bit risky for Bo Chi Jinghua to be so brave.

However, the bedroom was extremely narrow, and Kogoro Mori, who had been preempted by Shizuka Namachi, couldn't move forward.

Shibata Kyoko lost his mind and saw someone come forward to stop him from committing suicide.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, the long knife was raised, and Mamiya slashed it down, slashing at Pochi Jinghua.

Bo Chi Jinghua's face is calm and his heart is as calm as water!

She opened the short fan, and the extremely gorgeous color of the red leaves shone extremely, confusing Shibata Kyoko's sight.

The long knife slashed into the middle of the short fan blade, and Bo Chi Jinghua put his hands together, trying to clamp the long knife.

But this famous knife was so sharp that the short bamboo fan couldn't reach the knife at all, and it split into two halves.

According to the trajectory of the long knife, the knife must have been cut open.

Bochi Jinghua's beautiful eyes keep shrinking, is she dying?

At this moment, a big hand appeared on Bochi Jinghua's waist and abdomen, holding down his stomach, and pulled him back at a critical moment.

She fell into a firm embrace in an instant.

Mori Kogoro made a move at the last moment, looking at the slashing knife, he instantly pulled out a whip leg and kicked the knife.

Under the strange force, the long knife dropped from his hand in an instant, flew to the right, and sank deeply into the wall.

Mori Kogoro immediately shouted: "I already killed my husband, do you want to kill others?"

"No, no, I just thought about committing suicide." Shibata Kyoko realized what she had done, and lowered her head to apologize to the two of them, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

But Shizuka Hachi, who fell into Kogoro Mouri's arms, had a confused expression.

Mori Kogoro lowered his head and grabbed Namichi Shizuka's little hand: "You're not injured, don't try to be brave if you don't have that ability, I'm here!"

Hearing the caring words, Bochi Jinghua felt the fiery big hand on his abdomen, leaning against his solid chest, and two blushes instantly appeared on his small face. Seeing that the eyes of Maoli Kogoro became even more strange, he responded softly: " Well, I'm fine!"

Mori Kogoro then let go of Hachi Shizuka's hand.

Police officer Henggou quickly dispatched left and right police officers to control Shibata Kyoko and push her out, and that was the end of it.


At around five o'clock in the evening, at the gate of the Shizuoka County Police Station, Kogoro Mori and his party, who had finished their notes, were saying goodbye to Police Officer Henggou.

Police officer Henggou took Kogoro Mori's big hand, and said enthusiastically, "Detective Mori, you can accept me as your apprentice. I really want to learn how to solve crimes with you!"

Seeing this coral horse face approaching him, Mori Kogoro was speechless, and quickly pulled out his right hand.

"Henggou police department, you have already been promoted to the police department. I actually have nothing to teach you. Solving a case is like solving a mystery. If you are careful, you can always find clues. Don't mention the matter of apprenticeship in the future. I won't accept apprentices."

Police officer Henggou still didn't give up, and said again: "Then Maori detective, don't go back tonight, just let me entertain you for one night."

The two thick eyebrows on Da Ma's face jumped, and he was extremely frivolous: "I know that there is a very good Kabukicho place in Shizuoka Prefecture!"

As soon as the words were finished, Officer Henggou felt a chill behind him, and when he turned his head, Xiaolan was looking at Officer Henggou with red eyes.

boom! boom! boom!

Police officer Henggou, with three big red envelopes popping out of his head, was holding a telephone pole in a daze on the side of the road: "I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding."

Mori Kogoro was dragged by Xiaolan directly to the Lexus.

"Dad, don't deal with this kind of police officer in the future, let alone take him as a disciple, remember?"

"Of course!"

The two got into the car, and Bo Chi Jinghua in the passenger seat saw this scene with a chuckle on his face.

The car started quickly and headed towards Tokyo.

Kogoro Mori drove fast on the return journey, and the Lexus returned to the office around [-]:[-] in the evening.

Xiaolan got out of the car to prepare dinner, and before leaving, she whispered: "Dad, don't delay too long, we are waiting for you to eat!"

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