Kogoro Mori started the car to send Shizuka Namichi back, and the car drove towards the Shinkansen station. Only Kogoro Mori and Shizuka Namichi were left in the car.

0261 - Punish Jinghua

The car kept galloping, and Shizuka Hachi in the passenger seat stared at Kogoro Mori with a pair of beautiful eyes, full of curiosity.

She opened her mouth to thank: "Maori-kun, thank you for your rescue at Shibata's house just now, I owe you a favor!"

But Kogoro Moori didn't even turn his head: "To thank you, you don't even say your real identity, but you really have no sincerity at all!"

Bo Chi Jinghua is still pretending: "Mr. Mao Li, what are you talking about, why don't I understand at all?"

Mori Kogoro twitched into a chuckle, and that profile made Shizuka Hachi's heart tremble.

Then his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, because the steering wheel and the brakes were operated at the same time, and the rear wheels of the Lexus, which was originally in the innermost part of the four lanes, accelerated and set off a parabolic arc.

The car flipped and drifted in an instant, crossing countless cars in the four lanes from the traffic gap, and parked on the ramp.

This drifting technique was extremely thrilling and caused a commotion in the traffic flow, but it quickly returned to normal.

Next to the ramp where the car stopped was a red leaf tree. When the breeze blew, several red leaves drifted down, but Kogoro Mori caught one with his left hand, and the red leaves were gorgeously red.

Bochi Jinghua was panting heavily in the passenger seat, her kimono was constantly rising and falling, and it was obvious that the drift had scared her just now.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Namiichi Jinghua, his eyes were deep and powerful: "Miss Hachi, are you still unwilling to tell the truth?"

Mori Kogoro gently stroked Naruto Shizuka's fair and pretty face with his left hand: "It is said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie. Miss Naruto is so beautiful, she must be one of the best in lying!"

Hearing this, Bochi Jinghua shrank her eyes, and a faint blush appeared on her face.

"When I met you today, I hardly heard a single truth from your mouth. Your ability to talk nonsense is really superb."

"You said that you have a congenital bronchial disease, but your hobby is knitting sweaters. You are not afraid of the cotton thread in knitting sweaters making yourself uncomfortable."

"Mingming recognized the sea bream at a glance and gave it another name, and said that he was not good at cooking."

"Knows some kendo kung fu like a three-legged cat, but says he doesn't like sports."

Hearing Mori Kogoro say that his kendo is a three-legged cat, there was a trace of resentment in Hachi Jinghua's eyes, but he didn't explode.

"And when I ordered the food, I said 'Lizi', which is obviously the term for ordering iced coffee in Osaka Prefecture, but it just turned out to be a character in the novel, tsk tsk tsk, how are you, Ms. Lizi from Osaka!"

"The tourniquet on your left ring finger is to cover up your wedding ring, to cover up the fact that you are married!"

"There are also a series of lies that I told when drinking tea in the afternoon. I like violets and hate red leaves, but my fan chooses red leaves as a pattern; I like a new luxury perfume, but I wear a sachet around my waist. There are also a lot of lies. I can't remember exactly."

"The last call you made the day before yesterday was to Shiro Shibata. You obviously already knew his contact information, but it was unnecessary to ask me to help find someone."

Speaking of this, Mori Kogoro had an evil smile on his face, his eyes did not conceal the aggression at all, his handsome face was close to Hirochi Shizuka's small face, and his fiery breath hit her pretty face.

"Miss Pochi, why are you here to amuse me on purpose when I have nothing to do?"

Hachi Jinghua saw the dangerous Moori Kogoro in front of him, his heart was in turmoil, and he was about to explain.

"This one……"

"Miss Pochi must have heard the story of Pinocchio. People who lie too much will be punished!"

"Unfortunately, you lied too much today!" Mori Kogoro smiled brilliantly, his two rows of big white teeth shining extremely brightly.

After all, his big hand went down in an instant, and he untied Bo Chi Jinghua's seat belt.

Then his hands grasped Bochi Jinghua's soft waist like iron tongs, and the strange power was displayed.

Shizuka Hachi, who was in the co-pilot, was turned over in an instant, kneeling on the co-pilot's seat with his back to Kogoro Mori, with his small face facing out the window.

At this moment, Bochi Jinghua no longer had the composure she had before, and her face was full of panic.

Is he crazy?What is he trying to do, no way, doing it on the road, how dare he do it?

Japan's kimono culture is derived from serving men, that is to say, wearing kimonos is actually for the convenience of men, and it is very easy to take off and have sex!

Therefore, when he saw himself being put in this pose by Mori Kogoro, the first reaction in Hachi Shizuka's mind was that he was about to be raped.

Hachi Jinghua immediately struggled and exclaimed, but unfortunately, his struggle was so weak under the strange force of Mori Kogoro.

Gradually, her resistance became weaker, but her hatred for Kogoro Mori continued to grow.

Soon Bochi Jinghua felt a chill in her buttocks.Bochi Jinghua had already resigned to her fate for the next thing, but at this moment she did not dare to shout for help, but looked outside in horror, for fear of being found in such a miserable state.

It would be embarrassing if people surrounded him and saw it.


Fiery big hands slapped Bochi Jinghua's buttocks, Bochi Jinghua clenched her white teeth, mist appeared in her eyes, her snow-white pretty face was blushing...

Foreplay?Damn, how dare you humiliate yourself like this!

She has decided to gather all her strength to take revenge on Mori Kogoro after returning to Osaka.

But Mori Kogoro had a slight smile on his face.

Hattori Heiji's mother, the wife of the Osaka Prefectural Police Department, the queen-like Hattori Shizuka is kneeling in front of her, being spanked by herself!

A person of this status, if he offends him, he should be punished or he should be punished, and he will be punished!

The crisp sound echoed in the Lexus car, and the sound of begging for mercy kept ringing.

Thirty strokes later, Bochi Jinghua's head had already been lowered, and tears of humiliation filled her eyes.

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