However, after Mori Kogoro finished [-] hits, Hachi Jinghua did not wait for the scene he imagined.

Mori Kogoro's voice sounded: "Okay, Mrs. Hattori, the punishment is over, don't make such a bad joke next time."

What?This is the end? ? ?

Hearing this, Bochi Jinghua breathed a sigh of relief, but she felt joy in her heart after she escaped from death, and the hatred that had accumulated gradually dissipated.

If the punishment is only this, it can barely be accepted!

But Bochi Jinghua didn't realize that there was a flash of loss in the bottom of her heart.

She quickly tidied up her kimono, sat back on the passenger seat, fastened the seat belt again, and pulled the seat belt tightly with both hands, as if this would give her a sense of security.

It's just that the blush on his face has not faded for a long time.

Soon Hachi Jinghua realized that Mori Kogoro actually called himself Mrs. Hattori.

This means that he already knows that she is Heiji's mother, and knowing her identity is still attacking her.

Hachi Jinghua scolded angrily: "Moori Kogoro, you are so rude, you know that I am Heiji's mother, but you still treat me like this!"

But Bochi Jinghua didn't realize that her scolding voice didn't have any momentum, on the contrary, it had a bit of softness when she was just kneeling and begging for mercy.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "I just knew you were Heiji's mother, so I tolerated you so much. I could show you right off the bat, but I acted with you all afternoon. I didn't expect you to become addicted to acting." , and is still full of lies.”

"So I punished you a little, it's not too much, Mrs. Hattori!"

Mori Kogoro scratched the void with his left hand, and Hachi Shizuka blushed even more.

Chapter 0262

Mori Kogoro sniffed his left hand as a gesture, and Hachi Shizuka blushed, and quickly stretched out his hand to press down his arm.

Just now when Kogoro Moori looked at the pleading and helpless Hachi Jinghua, if it wasn't for the inappropriate location, being on the ramp, and the traffic on the left side, he almost couldn't help but lick her Fa-rectification on the spot.

You must know that Japanese kimonos do not wear underwear, and Shizuka Hachi is defenseless!

Hachi Jinghua looked at the well-behaved Mori Kogoro beside him who was cheap and good-looking, and his heart was burning with anger.

She forcibly held back her anger, and kept taking deep breaths in the passenger seat, her bust constantly rising and falling.

And Mori Kogoro started the car and continued to drive towards the station.

Soon, all the blush on Bochi Jinghua's face dissipated, and her jade color returned;

The mist in the eyes also disappeared, and the clarity returned;

His expression returned to be as calm as it was at the beginning, and Bochi Jinghua, who was as cold as a queen, came back again.


After a long silence, Bochi Jinghua spoke again.

"Detective Maori, I really underestimated you, but since you have seen through my lies and the tricks I set up, can you guess what my real commission is?"

Kogoro Moori didn't care: "So what if you can guess, so what if you can't guess, anyway, I don't intend to accept the commission of you, a liar!"

Hearing these words, the anger that had just subsided in Bochi Jinghua's heart rose again.

In fact, Mori Kogoro knew the reason for Hachi Shizuka's visit, it must be for her son Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji's heart disease is because of the break with Ye, but the real culprit is himself.

Mori Kogoro didn't want to reveal the relationship between He and Ye easily, so accepting this wave of Chi Jinghua's entrustment was simply asking for guilt.

Hachi Jinghua didn't care what Mori Kogoro said, and spoke on his own.

"Pingji, after this child has been to Tokyo several times, every time he returns home, his mood becomes very depressed, and the relationship with Kazuha becomes very cold."

"He Ye used to come to my house often to play, but since before Chinese New Year, He Ye has never been to my house again."

"Besides, after Heiji came home a few days ago, he seemed to be in a daze, and kept writing the word Kudo on the paper."

"According to my guess, it's possible that Heiji has fallen in love with Kudou Shinichi because of the child Ye's empathy, which is why Heiji is so uncomfortable, but I'm still not sure, so I want to entrust Maori detectives to help investigate."

"The commission fee is five million yen!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro twitched his cheeks, what a great deal!

But what kind of brain circuit is Bochi Jinghua, it is enough to think that Heye likes the god Kudo.

But why did Hattori Heiji keep writing the word Kudo on the paper? Could it be that after that family feast, under the influence of aphrodisiac drinks, the two of them did something eye-catching!

Countless black lines flashed behind Mori Kogoro's head instantly.

孽 孽!

If this kind of thing is pursued, it may make me sick, and I have to wash my eyes.

Mori Kogoro immediately refused: "Mrs. Hattori, do you think I look like someone short of money?"

"I'm sorry that I can't accept this kind of commission to investigate young people's emotional problems. Although I am a detective, I don't accept all commissions. It may be more useful for you to find an emotional expert than me for this kind of thing."

"Also, I would like to advise Madam that young people's emotional affairs should be left to them to solve by themselves, and it is only right to let nature take its course."

Hearing this, Bochi Jinghua frowned, and opened his mouth lightly: "Ten million yen!"

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