A sneer appeared on Mori Kogoro's face, and a chill appeared in his deep eyes.

This wave of Chi Jinghua wanting to use money to suppress her is really finding the wrong person. Her assets are extremely strong, so she doesn't care about such a small amount of money. Normally, accepting commissions is just to complete the task of solving the case and earn some points.

However, Hachi Jinghua was quite smart, seeing the chill in Kogoro Mori's eyes, he didn't dare to raise the price.

A look of weakness appeared in her eyes, and she continued to ask: "Detective Maori, for Heiji's acquaintance with you, please help me. I'm worried that Heiji will fail if this continues. Detective Maori, what conditions do you have? Just ask, if I can do it, I will do it!"

"It's not that I have any conditions, but emotional matters are unsolvable. Even if I know it, so what, will the matter of empathizing with others with Ye change because of this? The result is not still the same, it can only be relied on Usually he recovers on his own."

Hearing this, Bochi Jinghua's face froze, and then he let out a long sigh.

"That's right, Detective Maori, you're right, but I'm stunned!"

Bochi Jinghua stared at the neon lights on the side of the road in a daze.


Half an hour later, when Tokyo Station arrived, the two got off the bus together, and Bochi Jinghua's face had returned to normal.

She no longer entangled with her son's affairs, but bowed to Mori Kogoro: "Maori Detective, I'm sorry for disturbing you this time and causing you a lot of trouble!"

"However, Detective Maori made a mistake in his judgment on me in the car!" Bo Chi Jinghua said with a smile on his face.

"Oh? I'd like to hear about it!"

Hearing the question, Bochi Jinghua chuckled and kept silent.

However, she quickly spoke again: "Jinghua will remember what Maori detective did to me in the car today. If you come to Osaka this weekend, let me treat you well!"

Naturally, Kogoro Mori was not afraid at all, and replied with a bright smile: "Then I will wait and see!"

After saying goodbye, Bo Chi Jinghua stepped on clogs and walked gracefully into the station.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro also got into the Lexus and drove towards his home.


On the Shinkansen leading to Osaka, Hachi Shizuka looked at the bright stars outside the window and stretched out his left hand.

She took off the hemostatic tape on her ring finger, and a scabbed scar appeared underneath.

With a light touch of the index finger of his right hand, the blood scab fell off by itself, the scar disappeared without a trace, and his left hand became flawless again.

"Idiot, my surname is not Hattori!"


At around ten o'clock in the evening, Bo Chi Jinghua, who returned home, went into the bathroom and began to wash.

She took off all the seven layers of kimono on her body, revealing her body like white jade. She stood in front of the full-length mirror and looked at herself.

When Bochi Jinghua turned around, she saw a bright red on her buttocks.

There was a red leaf imprint on her right buttock.

Bo Chi Jinghua's beautiful eyes widened.

This is exactly what Mori Kogoro took out with great energy to paint the pigment on the red leaf, and dyed it on Namichi Shizuka's buttocks. The red is gorgeous and captivating!

Chapter 0263

Bochi Jinghua couldn't help stretching out his hand, touched the red leaf mark, and instantly recalled the humiliation in the car.

She seemed to feel the body temperature of Kogoro Mori still remained on her buttocks, and she had a strange feeling, and a sense of immorality reverberated in her heart.

Bochi Jinghua looked at herself in the mirror, as white as a piece of beautiful jade, and stroked her body with her index finger along the curve.

Then she untied her hair, and the slightly brown hair fell down immediately.

The original cold and arrogant temperament suddenly changed, and it was extremely coquettish!

Bochi Jinghua's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, the eyes became slender, and she murmured: "Moori Kogoro."

She turned around suddenly, walked towards the big wooden pool step by step, climbed up the wooden ladder, then stepped into the hot water, sank, and finally that graceful body disappeared.

It seems that hot water can calm his inner turmoil.


After taking a bath, Bochi Jinghua was wearing a gray bathrobe, her hair was tied up again, and her face had returned to calm.

She walked out of the bathroom, wearing clogs and walking along the wooden corridor, and soon saw Hattori Heiji who was still practicing kendo hard under the starry night.

In the courtyard, Hattori Heiji was sweating profusely, chopping with a wooden sword.

He is preparing for this weekend's kendo competition.

Hachi Jinghua sighed, and after talking with Mori Kogoro, Hachi Jinghua also understood that emotional matters cannot be forced after all.

After all, Heiji and Heijian's matter should be left to them to solve by themselves.

She shook her head and left the courtyard, and after ordering the butler to prepare hot soup for Hattori Heiji, she went to her room.

When passing through a dark room, a strong male voice sounded: "I'm back!"

Bochi Jinghua paused, her pretty face was awe-inspiring: "Well, I'm back!"

In the dark room, the silhouette of a majestic man can be seen. He is kneeling on the futon, holding a long sword in both hands, and his eyes are tightly closed.

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