Mori Kogoro also looked at Hattori Heiji, but in desperation Hattori Heiji could only tell what he knew.

Everyone walked towards the locker room while listening to Hattori Heiji's talk.


The deceased this time was a college student from Shinnai University who came to participate in the kendo competition.

The body was found in a cubicle in the dressing room, and the hot water in the cubicle was still hitting the body when it was discovered.

The murder weapon was one of the two real knives used to demonstrate the knife-drawing technique today, and they were found together beside the deceased.

But what is surprising is that the three college students who accompanied him had discovered the body once before.

But the location of the discovery was in the warehouse on the second floor of the annex, which was far away from the dressing room!

The two locations need to pass through the playground and corridors full of students. How the murderer moved the corpses has never been understood by Hattori Heiji!

Because the windows at the back of the annex were locked, there was only one exit, the gate, and the members of the Kendo club who had been sitting on the ground at the exit of the gate sat on the lawn next to them and had lunch.

They didn't see anyone moving the corpse. At most, they saw a strange person wearing a kendo uniform, wearing a hood, and carrying an armor package behind him.

Hattori Heiji had met the deceased and his party when he went to the toilet before.

The deceased was drunk before seeing Dushi, and had an argument with his companion because he couldn't play.

In that dispute, Hattori Heiji heard that Himi Toshishi seemed to have something of interest to everyone, and that Masamichi Kota had snatched Himi Toshiji's girlfriend.

Among them, one of the members of the Kendo Club of Xinnai University who walked with the deceased was a white and timid fat man with a mouth;

There is a man with a rosaceous nose and nose hair exposed, Gu Fengnan;

There is a handsome long-haired boy, Jun Otekawa;

And one is a strong man with a height of over [-] meters.

Among these four people, apart from Kuada Masato in the gymnasium, the other three found the deceased in the warehouse of the annex at the same time.

After that, the three did not go in to determine whether the deceased was alive or dead, and ran away separately.

Because the mobile phone was not on him, the long-haired boy Xiaote Chuanjun was the first to run away and said to call an ambulance;

The man with the rosy nose faced Gu Feng, the second man ran away and said to call the police car;

And the third one, the fat man who was white and clean, ran away and said that he was going to the gym to find the right way for Kuotian.

Hattori Heiji just happened to be heard by Hattori Heiji when Makoto Kouchi was looking for Naruta Masamichi in the gymnasium, and Hattori Heiji naturally ran to the warehouse with the two of them.

Only to find that the body had disappeared!

Afterwards, someone called the receptionist and asked the receptionist to go to the second floor of the annex to find people from Shinnai University and ask them to go to the locker room next to the swimming pool.

Everyone moved over, only to find the body under the hot water of the shower head.


Mori Kogoro and his group approached the locker room, Hattori Heiji stretched out his hand, and the police officers guarding the scene stopped blocking him. The name of a police officer is still useful in Osaka.

After everyone successfully entered the locker room, they heard noisy voices from inside.

"I said officer, can we go? We have a game in the afternoon!" Kuai Tian Zhengdao, who was [-] meters tall, asked Officer Dalong loudly.

Otaki Goro is the police department of the Osaka Prefecture Police Headquarters. There is a scar at the end of his eyes and eyebrows. He is Hattori Heizang's capable man.

Officer Dalong shook his head and said, "The investigation is not over yet, you can't leave yet, hey, Heiji, ma'am, who did you bring in?"

Hattori Heiji immediately introduced: "This is Kogoro Mori, a famous detective from Tokyo. He was invited by me to watch my competition in Osaka today. I didn't expect a murder to happen here, so I invited Uncle Mori to watch."

Officer Dalong's eyes sparkled immediately: "Are you that famous detective whom even the Hattori Police Department respects very much? I've heard of your name for a long time. I didn't expect to be so lucky to meet you today!"

The police officers who were collecting evidence at the side couldn't help but look sideways at the rumored Kogoro Mori when they heard this, and there was a lot of discussion for a while.

Police officer Dalong was all smiles, if he wasn't wearing gloves, he would have come forward to shake hands with Kogoro Mouri.

Mori Kogoro opened his mouth to greet him.

But when he heard Kogoro Mori's name at this time, some of the college students wearing kendo uniforms couldn't help shrinking their pupils, and their heartbeats couldn't help but speed up.

Chapter 0268

Police officer Dalong hurriedly invited Mori Kogoro to come over to examine the corpse, and he asked the four members of the Kendo Club of Shinnai University again.

"Mian Gufeng, how long did it take you from finding the body in the warehouse to bringing the police here?"

Gu Fengnan, a man with a rosy nose, said quickly, "About fifteen or six minutes, because I didn't bring my mobile phone, I had to report to the nearest police station, which is just across the road from the stadium."

Police officer Dalong frowned, and turned to ask the fat Baijing: "Then what's the matter with you? The gymnasium is so close to the annex, does it take fifteen or sixteen minutes to go back and forth? Tell me, what have you been doing during this time?" !"

Tongkougui was panic-stricken, with sweat dripping from his forehead: "Because Kuitian's badge is missing, and he is still wearing a hood, I spent a lot of time looking for him in the gymnasium."

Seeing the expression of Gukou Guizhi, Police Officer Dalong obviously felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted: "But you were the last one to leave the warehouse on the second floor of the annex, and that is the person who is most likely to transfer the corpse."

At this time, the long-haired boy Chuan Jun quickly said, "I'm sorry, Officer Dalong, in fact, I should be the last person to leave the warehouse on the second floor of the annex."

"I didn't bring my mobile phone with me at that time, so I borrowed it from a classmate who was eating lunch outside, and then the hospital asked me about the patient's injury, so I went back to the warehouse on the second floor and told the hospital staff about the injury I saw. "

"Students who eat lunch outside should be able to testify!"

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