Hattori Heiji said: "Well, I have already asked those students who were eating bento at the entrance of the annex. Jun Otekawa did borrow a mobile phone, and they also told me that there was a man wearing a kendo from the annex later. The man in the protective gear came out with a hood and a heavy protective gear bag, and walked towards the locker room."

"Officer Dalong, I suspect that the deceased was carried away by that man in a protective gear."

At this time, Kogoro Mori stood up directly and interjected, "Then, my little-handed classmate, when you reported the deceased's injuries to the hospital, did the deceased die?"

Jun Xiaotechuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly said: "He, he should be dead, there is a wound on his neck, and there is blood everywhere!"

Immediately after he saw the half-smile expression on Mori Kogoro's face, Kotekawa Jun quickly added: "But actually I don't know much about this aspect of knowledge. I'm not sure whether he is dead or not."

A sneer appeared on Mori Kogoro's face immediately: "Are you not sure?"

Jun Otekawa's hands couldn't help trembling slightly, and Kogoro Mori's only one interrogative sentence made him feel like it was winter!

Mori Kogoro turned to look at Police Officer Dalong: "Then, did Officer Dalong send someone to seal off the warehouse in the annex?"

Officer Dalong shook his head: "Not really, all the police officers are here in the locker room."

Maori Kogoro couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes: "Officer Dalong, you are so confused! You can't do this, I believe you should have learned the concept of the first scene and the second scene in the police academy, as this little hand student said , then the annex warehouse is the real murder scene."

"Even if it wasn't, the transfer of the corpse must be a design between the two scenes."

Hearing this, Police Officer Dalong came to his senses, and a look of shame suddenly appeared on his face. He never thought that he would make such a low-level mistake when he first met Detective Mao Li.

Police officer Dalong hurriedly ordered his men to rush to the warehouse of the annex, but Xiaote Chuanjun's face turned pale immediately: It's over!

Mori Kogoro said to the police officers who were leaving: "You take the staff from the appraisal department and go to the warehouse of the annex to conduct a blood reaction directly, and the results will be passed on immediately."

At this time, Jun Otekawa, who already knew the situation was extremely bad, couldn't help but move back.

Mori Kogoro immediately shouted: "Student Xiaoshou, where do you want to go?"

Xiaote Chuanjun's cold sweat immediately fell to the ground: "I just want to go to the bathroom."

Mori Kogoro smiled, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and his whole body was terrified: "Then you can go after listening to my reasoning!"

A look of despair flashed in Otekawa Jun's eyes.

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned, Hattori Heiji and Police Officer Olong couldn't believe it.

The two have spent more than an hour here, but they still don't know what the truth is.

This Maori detective only knew the truth after listening to Hattori Heiji's case, and then walked around the dressing room. This is simply unbelievable!

Hattori Shizuka also opened her mouth wide, her beautiful eyes fixed on Kogoro Mori, full of surprise.

Conan was stunned for a moment, but he had already gotten used to such a heaven-defying uncle Maori. He turned his head and glanced at the stunned people present, with a disdainful smile on his face.

He seemed rather proud of himself for not being shocked!

Hattori Heiji still couldn't believe it: "Uncle Mori, how did you identify the murderer? How could it be so fast!"

Kogoro Mouri frowned, and then taught: "Heiji, the more clues the better, you have to learn to identify the key clues, and don't delve into the irrelevant clues, just like you introduced the whole case to me before, But what needs to be paid attention to is just a few of them!"

"Firstly, the deceased was drunk before his death; secondly, someone called the reception desk of the gymnasium to let you go to the locker room; thirdly, the deceased had an enmity with this Zhengdao, and the badge of Zhengdao has not been seen yet. Already!"

"This way the case will be sorted out!"

Everyone was still in a daze, in a cloud of fog, completely unable to catch their heads!

Mori Kogoro shook his head resentfully, and said, "Don't you understand? I've already made it so obvious. Why can't you understand such a simple crime!"

superficial? ? ?

Hattori Heiji and Police Officer Dalong are going crazy, this case should have nothing to do with Suqian!

Mori Kogoro sighed helplessly: "First of all, the first discoverer at the scene of the crime is suspected. The three people who discovered the mouth, the hand, and the valley at the same time are all suspects."

"But they all said they didn't have a mobile phone, so they had to run to inform the police, ambulance, and Zhengdao. It's just that no one stayed at the scene to take care of the blood. This matter itself is very problematic!"

Hearing Kogoro Mori's instruction on how to solve the case, all the police officers concentrated on it and nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

"Thus, these three people are extremely suspicious, and the most suspicious of them is the last person who left the scene, Jun Otekawa."

"No matter what he said he did when he returned to the scene of the crime, is it only the person who said he went back is the most likely to deal with the request in the warehouse?"

"So the suspicion of Jun Xiaotechuan became extremely serious, and he himself said that he had borrowed other students' mobile phones, in other words, he was the only one among the four present who said that he had touched the mobile phone, right? "

"And you remember that the person at the reception said that someone called to inform that the deceased was in the locker room. Obviously, the person who notified the reception was the real murderer, right?"

Hearing a series of inquiries from Mori Kogoro, everyone present turned their attention to Otekawa Jun.

But Xiaote Chuanjun lowered his head, his face was earthy, he didn't dare to look at the crowd at all, obviously guilty to the extreme.

"So the murderer is this classmate Xiaote Chuanjun!"

Chapter 0269 Dog bites dog

"I said this case is very simple because every word the murderer said deepened his suspicion, and he couldn't justify himself at all, just like what he said about determining the injury, it was all nonsense. I will check the call records with the hospital later. It will be clear."

"So as long as you are patient, you can connect the whole case together."

"The truth is like a necklace, and the clues are the beads in it. Only by finding the right beads of the same color and connecting them together, can the necklace of truth shine brightly."

Hearing this, everyone in the locker room looked at Kogoro Mori with admiration.

But Hattori Heiji still couldn't figure it out: "Uncle Mori, I still don't understand, how did Jun Otekawa move the corpse?"

Hattori Heiji doesn't care whether there is any evidence to prove that Jun Otekawa is the murderer, so he directly regards Jun Otekawa as the real murderer.

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