Treating this case as a consultation, I asked Mori Kogoro.

Conan also raised his head and stared at Mori Kogoro.

Hattori Shizuka's eyes showed curiosity. She only felt that Kogoro Mori standing among the crowd was shining with wisdom and was extraordinarily attractive. She couldn't help trembling a few times.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Whoever said Jun Otekawa needed to move the body, in fact, the one who saw him at that time was not dead at all."

Everyone was stunned again!

"The situation should be like this. When Kuijian Dushi was drunk, Otekawa Jun put sleeping pills in his wine bottle, which made Kuijian Dushi fall into a coma."

"Then moved him to the warehouse, painted his body with red dye, and put a stolen real knife on his body to make the illusion that he had been killed."

"Then Xiaote Chuanjun and these two classmates pretended to find out that he was dead. The warehouse is usually dark and dark, and the other two didn't notice the clue when they were in a state of confusion."

"Then he immediately ordered Mian Gufeng to go to the police, and Tong Kouguizhi to go to Kuai Tian Zhengdao, and sent the two away. He himself used the excuse of checking his injuries to come back and wake up the sleepy Jian Dushi. "

"After that, it is to take advantage of the hatred between Suijian Dushi and Kuantian Zhengdao."

"I think he should have used the stolen badge of Masamichi Kota, and the dummies that are very common in sports warehouses, as well as the protective kendo clothing that is very common today, and arranged Masamichi Kota's dummy somewhere in the dark warehouse. The dead body, to deceive the drowsy and drunken Dushi, saying that he killed someone!"

When Mori Kogoro was telling his reasoning, the police officer who had just been sent to the warehouse in the annex just happened to come back, and immediately reported loudly as soon as he entered the locker room.

"Reporting to the police department, we found something unusual in the vault box in the warehouse of the annex. There was a dummy wearing a kendo protective suit and a mask, with red dye around it, and we also found a broken man around his waist. Tian Zhengdao's badge, this is a live photo!"

The police officer handed the photo to police officer Olong, Hattori Heiji, and then gradually passed it on. The photo was exactly as Kogoro Mori said.

"In addition, according to the tests conducted by the staff of the identification section, the blood reaction that the Maori detective said was performed. No blood was detected in the warehouse of the annex. Instead, many dye residues were found on the floor."

After listening to the police officer's report, everyone looked at Mori Kogoro with a trace of fear.

He had never entered the warehouse in the other building, but he had predicted everything inside.

It's so predictable, it's scary!

Jun Xiaotechuan fell to his knees on the ground after hearing what the police officer said.

Mori Kogoro then said: "When I saw that I was covered in bright red, and I was holding a real knife, and I saw the badge of Kuida Zhengdao, I naturally thought that I was drunk and killed someone."

"At this moment, Jun Otekawa only needs to tell Suimian Toshishi to put on his kendo uniform, protective gear, and hood, and he will have a chance to escape before the police arrive."

"After that, tell him to go to the locker room to wash off the blood before fleeing to the gym, so that he can get out of Tokyo."

"The stupefied see Dushi naturally obediently obeyed his orders and went to the locker room."

"That's why those students only saw a scene of a strange man walking past."

"Afterwards, this little Tekawa Jun quietly followed the drunken Toshimitsu to the dressing room, took out a knife and killed the drunken Toshimitsu, and washed away the dye and blood with hot water. This murder case is over!"

After listening to Mori Kogoro explain the whole process, all the police officers present couldn't help applauding, with a look of joy on their faces, as if they had listened to a wonderful reasoning show.

Xiaolan, Heye, and Huiyuan all had expressions of pride.

And the members of the Kendo Club of Xinnai University all looked at Jun Otekawa in disbelief.

Mori Kogoro walked forward slowly, and Ote Chuan Jun, who was kneeling on the ground, could only see Mori Kogoro's shoes.

"You already have this reaction, do you still need me to tell the evidence?"

Jun Otegawa shook his head bitterly, he knew that he could not escape this disaster, and there was a handkerchief in his arms that was stained with the blood of the dead, and there was no way to explain it.

He raised his head and said dryly, "Detective Maori, are you a god? Why do you know everything!"

"Hehe, I pleaded guilty. As Detective Maori said, I did indeed kill Dushi!" Xiaote Chuanjun couldn't help grabbing the ground with his head.

Kuai Tian Zhengdao frowned: "Chuan Jun, why do you want to kill the envoy?"

A sinister smile appeared on Xiaote Chuanjun's face: "Aren't I helping you? This kind of scum, if you kill him, you will kill him. Are you going to let him threaten us for the rest of your life?"

"Half a year ago, it was obvious that he committed evil himself and killed a freshman in a club practice. We covered him, but he threatened us instead. Wouldn't it be better for this kind of ungrateful guy to die?"

Hearing this, the expressions of these students from Xinnei University suddenly changed.

Police officer Dalong's face suddenly became serious, and he walked towards the remaining college students.

Gu Fengnan, with a rosy nose and a male face, shouted repeatedly: "Jun Xiaotechuan, you actually betrayed us!"

Kuai Tian Zhengdao also had a gloomy expression on his face: "You bastard, you might as well die with Chui Jian!"

The gesture of dog biting dog is disgusting.

The awe-inspiring police officer Dalong came to the crowd: "Is it true that the Kendo Club of Xinnei University killed a freshman? If you help cover it, you will become an accomplice. Please come back to the police station with me." Under investigation!"

Hearing this, the four college students in kendo uniforms all lowered their heads.

Chapter 0270 proud Xiaolan

At the entrance of the Naniwa Central Gymnasium, a group of Osaka students stared in surprise.

Police Officer Dalong held Kogoro Mori's right hand tightly with both hands, bent over, with a flattering smile on his originally resolute face, and kept saying words of thanks.

The police officers on the side also looked at Kogoro Mori with admiration.

Those Osaka students began to discuss, but soon someone recognized Mori Kogoro, and he was admired by many female student fans.

"That's Mori Kogoro, my favorite famous detective!"

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