"I heard that he just solved a case in our gymnasium. It's amazing."

"I didn't expect the well-known Maori detective to come to our Osaka. It's so right to come to the competition this time!"


Mori Kogoro managed to get rid of Officer Olong with great difficulty, and a group of people, led by Hattori Heiji, crossed the surrounding crowd and walked towards the gymnasium.

Fortunately, the quality of the students is quite high, and no one pushes them up.

The time has not yet reached two o'clock in the afternoon, and the final of the kendo competition has not yet started.

Xiaolan held He Ye's arm, smiling all over her face: "He Ye, did you notice just now that in the locker room, everyone looked at my dad with very funny expressions, everyone looked like they had seen a ghost."

He Ye shook his big ponytail: "I can't even believe it, but I went to the station to pick you up on purpose, and then I came here with you all the way."

"Just watching Uncle Maori walk to the scene of the murder, and then find the murderer so quickly, it's incredible!"

Xiaolan waved her hand complacently: "He Ye, you will get used to it sooner or later. My father is like this. There is no case that can be difficult for him."

Xiaolan was very happy at this time, with a bright smile on her proud face, these Osaka police officers and Osaka students looked at her group with admiration.

However, Haibara was obviously not used to the attention of so many people, so Mori Kogoro simply hugged little Lolita and let her lie in his arms.

Hattori Shizuka covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Pingji, I said that you don't need your help here, just go and prepare for the game obediently, look at you, how long you have been running around and busy, in the end it is not as good as Detective Maori's five minutes !"

Hattori Heiji's face darkened even more, and he glared at his mother full of resentment, but looked at Kogoro Mori, convincingly admitting defeat!

Hattori Heiji asked Mori Kogoro how he had just settled the case.

Seeing Hattori Shizuka beside him, Mori Kogoro reluctantly taught some simple methods, while Conan listened attentively with his ears pricked up.

"...This is just the simplest method of substitution. Substitute Otekawa Jun, who is the most suspected, as the murderer for speculation. If the logic doesn't make sense, replace it with someone else..."

"...It's similar to a puzzle game. Solving a case is a process full of imagination. You need to be good at associating and fantasizing. No matter how wild your tricks are, as long as it works, it's fine..."

Hattori Heiji and Conan kept nodding, while Hattori Shizuka on the side saw this, and looked at Mori Kogoro with softer eyes.


Soon, everyone entered the gymnasium, and the situation surrounded by the group of students disappeared.

The hall is full of students in brown kendo uniforms, or contestants in black protective suits.

However, because it was the finals, there were not many players wearing black protective suits, so Hattori Heiji quickly ran to the competition venue.

The rest of the people went to the auditorium under the leadership of Hattori Shizuka.

Hattori Shizuka walked to the innermost position against the wall, Mori Kogoro pulled Haibara and sat beside him, and the rest sat down side by side.

But when Hattori Shizuka wanted to sit down, her wooden clogs stepped on the hem of the kimono skirt, her body became unsteady, and she almost made a fool of herself.

At this time, Mori Kogoro's fiery big hands held Hattori Shizuka's soft waist, and helped her to sit on the chair.

"Ma'am, it's difficult to move around in a kimono, but you should pay more attention!"

Hattori Shizuka blushed and thanked, but became more and more upset.

Mori Kogoro had a slight smile on his face, and at an angle that the girls beside him couldn't see, his big hands couldn't help pinching Hattori Shizuka's soft waist, and asked, "Last time I gave Madam's red leaf, is Madam satisfied?"


Hattori Shizuka's face was blushing, she was completely unable to maintain her previous glamorous aura in front of Mori Kogoro.

At this time Xiaolan exclaimed: "Dad, look, that guy looks like Kudo!"

Conan on the side looked at Xiaolan resentfully: You used to call me Shinichi, but now you call me Kudo, alas!Things are different!

Xiaolan turned sideways to look at Mori Kogoro's shoulder, Mouri Kogoro had already withdrawn his big hand, and cast his gaze over it.

In the high school finals, Hattori Heiji faced off against a man who looked like Kudo Shinichi.

That guy looks just like Kudo Shinichi, but his hairstyle is the same as Hattori Heiji's.

Hattori Shizuka introduced: "That player's name is Okita, and Heiji was injured last time before he lost, but Heiji can beat him this time!"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, turned around and asked, "Ma'am, are you so confident in Heiji?"

"Of course, Heiji is my son. Of course, I have confidence in him. Besides, Heiji's kendo skills were taught by me. Back then, he picked all the other police officers in the Osaka Prefectural Police Station!"

Hattori Shizuka looked proud, while Mori Kogoro had a playful smile on his face.

"Your three-legged cat's kendo skills, ma'am, it seems that you don't have a good memory. You were only defeated by Shibata Kyoko two days ago. Have you forgotten?"

Kogoro Mori only exposes the shortcomings. Hearing this pretty face, Shizuka Hattori immediately turned cold. She gave Kogoro Mori an amorous glance with her beautiful eyes, and then turned her head to pay attention to the kendo competition on the field.

Judging from the level of his martial arts master, Hattori Heiji's kendo is not as good as that guy named Okita, and the strength difference between the two is a whole level.

It's even a joke to pick the Osaka police officer with a sword. This is the son of the Osaka Prefectural Police. The police officers must have released water to let Hattori Heiji win.

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro looked down on the police officers in Osaka Prefecture even more.

Just like today, such common-sense things as the first scene and the second scene were ignored, and they were led by the nose by the murderer.

In fact, today's case is very simple, as long as the suspect is under control and the two scenes are clearly detected, the method can be deduced very quickly, but police officer Olong and Hattori Heiji didn't notice this.

But that's fine too, don't take the points for nothing.

Mori Kogoro also looked at the game on the field.

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