Sencheng Tanolai is Toyotomi Hideyoshi's big stick standing in front of his horse. Every time he wins a battle, he hangs a gourd full of gold on the wooden stick. , that is, the King of Gold.

In terms of the size of the gourd and the current price of gold alone, the gold characters on the thousands of gourds are worth [-] to [-] billion yen, equivalent to [-] to [-] million yuan, but with historical significance, the value may be even higher.

With such a huge wealth, it is no wonder that these treasure hunters are still reluctant to let go after more than ten years!

However, the thousand tenths that the Japanese value very much are not worth a damn to Mori Kogoro, and it is nothing compared to his net worth.

His net worth is truly incomparable. In his previous life, a mere Tencent company had a market value of over one trillion RMB.

And Mori Kogoro relied on the system to exchange for high-tech ahead of this generation, and then established a high-tech company based on this.

Each has amazing potential, invading various fields in Japan and the entire world.

Although the development time is too short, the market value of each company is not too high, it is only a market value of hundreds of billions of RMB.

But with dozens of companies combined, Mori Kogoro's net worth is also going straight to the order of [-] trillion yuan.

And it is still growing every moment, and can surpass the accumulation of the Suzuki family for hundreds of years at any time.

Kogoro Mori, who has a net worth of nearly [-] trillion yuan, naturally looks down on this thousands of dollars worth [-] to [-] million yuan.

Even in the eyes of ordinary people, this is already a fortune beyond the sky.

Therefore, the efficiency of burning, killing and looting in ancient times was too low, too primitive, and too rough!

In modern times, you only need to start a company to accumulate wealth. This kind of wealth cannot be obtained by the ancients who plundered for a lifetime.

Mori Kogoro picked up Haibara and looked at Conan contemptuously: "My little Ai is smart enough to know even such remote knowledge, Conan, you should be less mischievous in the future, learn more from Xiao Ai, and read more. Just order a book."

Conan blushed with embarrassment: I'm keeping a low profile, who said I didn't know!

These words can only be roared in Conan's mind.

However, Hattori Heiji's eyes flashed with excitement: "Eight hundred and forty-eight is indeed the number in one thousand, so there is a possibility that it is true!"

"From the dead man thirteen years ago, the dead man mentioned by Minister Yuan Shan, and the dead man now, all three of them have this pottery fragment on their bodies."

"Perhaps the three of them all wanted the treasure of thousands of scoops, but they were killed by another person who wanted to monopolize the treasure. If so..."

Hattori Heiji gave Otaki Goro a wink.

Otaki Goro quickly understood what he meant, turned to the tour group, and said, "If you and the deceased are members of the same travel agency, then our police need to conduct a routine questioning of you, it's okay! "

The four nodded, but the bald old man among them said: "It's okay to make routine inquiries, but officer, we didn't eat lunch just now to find Kato, and I'm so hungry now! Can you let us go back and finish our lunch?" Come again?"

The shoehorn-faced man also said, "It rained suddenly just now, and now my clothes are all soaked. I want to go back to my residence and change a set of clothes before coming back, is that okay?"

The middle-aged woman wearing glasses also echoed again and again.

Seeing that these four people all made such requests, and the deceased covered with cloth on the ground could not determine whether it was suicide or homicide, in desperation, Police Officer Otaki could only agree to their request.

The four members of the Warring States-themed tour group left under umbrellas.

Kogoro Mori felt disappointed when he saw this, this Goro Otaki was like a vegetarian, he didn't have the courage to be a policeman at all, so he let him go so easily.

Chapter 0283 - Milk Hot Springs

According to memory, people will die later.

However, these guys are not good guys. They committed a crime thirteen years ago for the sake of the treasure, so Mori Kogoro didn't plan to pay attention to them.

Yuan Shan and Ye turned their heads: "Uncle, are we going to the next location? Today, you finally came to Osaka, but you have to try the special experience of Osaka!"

Yuan Shan and Ye stared at Mori Kogoro with big amber eyes. It was a hard time getting together, so she didn't want to wander around the scene of the crime with her sweetheart.

Xiaolan also didn't want to stay with the corpse, and her big eyes were also looking at Kogoro Mouri.

The little loli in Mori Kogoro's arms said, "I heard that milk hot springs are only available in Osaka, and they are good for the skin."

Conan complained: "Is such a small girl so smug?"

This is complaining in front of Kogoro Mori that Huiyuan is naturally the electric light in the latrine - courting death!

Soon Conan squatted on the ground holding the three big red envelopes on his head, tears streaming down unconsciously: Why can't I control my mouth!

However, Hattori Heiji had a serious face: "Kazuba, there was a murder case here, how could he leave so quickly without finding out the truth!"

He Ye's face suddenly turned cold: "I was talking to Uncle Mao Li, but I didn't talk to you. If you want to investigate the case, you can continue to investigate. It's none of my business!"

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji was stunned.

"Besides, I have already found a helper. If Uncle Maori relies on Uncle Maori for any case, it would appear that the Osaka police are too incompetent. He came all the way from Tokyo, so it would be too outrageous to trouble others to do this or that. !"

Toyama Ginshiro, who walked over with an umbrella, spit blood in his heart when he heard this, how could his daughter absolutely stab the Osaka police with a knife!

But Toyama Ginshiro was also aroused!

It's fine if he lost to Mori Kogoro in the martial arts competition yesterday, but if he has to ask others to solve the case today, then his job as the Minister of Criminal Affairs is for nothing!

Toyama Ginjiro immediately said: "That's right, Detective Mori, let me take charge of the case here. When you come to Osaka, you can take a good vacation and don't worry about these bad things."

While speaking, he glanced at Yuan Shan and Ye: "Otherwise, in the eyes of my little girl, my father will almost become a representative of incompetence."

Yuan Shan and Ye suddenly disagreed: "Father, how can I be like this!"

Mori Kogoro said, "Minister Toyama, why did you come here?"

He smiled with Ye Zhanyan: "I just sent a text message to ask my father to come over. After all, my father is responsible for the charred corpse case. Of course, I will tell him about the same deceased. Besides, the headquarters of the Police Department is not far away. "

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