After Yuan Shan and Ye finished speaking, they pushed Mori Kogoro's back and said, "Uncle, let's go to the next attraction!"

Mori Kogoro saw that Toyama Ginjiro was really going to be in charge of the case, so he rolled up the scroll in his hand.

When caressing the outer skin and edge of the scroll, he paused for a moment, raised his eyebrows, and then handed this important evidence to Police Officer Otaki who was beside him.

Mori Kogoro said, "Since Minister Toyama is here, I'm relieved, but Heye and Xiaolan, wait for me, I'll go to the bathroom first!"

He put Huiyuan down, walked towards the Tianshou Pavilion, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

Toyama Ginshiro squatted in front of the charred corpse, and began to observe the corpse!


After a while, Mori Kogoro came back, and said to the boys, "Let's go first!"

Hattori Heiji rubbed his head and laughed dryly, "Uncle Mori, you go, I'm here to watch Uncle Toyama solve the case!"

Conan on the side put on the big red envelope on his head and tried to be cute: "Brother Huipingji will take me to visit the new building of the police headquarters, Uncle Mao Li, sister Xiaolan, don't worry about me, you can have fun! "

The two guys were so excited when they saw the murder happened, they instantly forgot about their sweethearts.

Kogoro Mori looked at the three girls beside him, and naturally had no objection, so he said, "Heiji, take good care of Conan, Minister Toyama, if you need any help, just call!"

Toyama Ginshiro with a determined face said with a smile: "I'm afraid you don't need the Maori detective, Kazuha, entertain the Maori detective for me!"

"It's okay, Dad!" He Ye had a little fox-like smile on his face, proud of his behavior of selling his father for his uncle.

Hearing these words, Mori Kogoro hugged Huiyuan in one hand and held an umbrella in the other, and walked with Ye Xiaolan to the opposite side of the Bridge of Joy.

Seeing Mori Kogoro and his group walking away, Toyama Ginshiro's eyes flashed with embarrassment, and he said the big words first, but there were not many clues left in this case thirteen years ago and before, how can it be solved!

He turned his head and saw that the two little devils Hattori Heiji and Conan disappeared.


Mori Kogoro didn't mind leaving. Anyway, he had Conan's monitoring, so he could quickly know what happened to the castle tower.

Moreover, submitting reasoning is directly submitted to the system, and it is not required to do reasoning in front of everyone, so it is okay to leave naturally!

The main reason is that Xiaolan, Kazuha, and Haibara all want to leave, and Mori Kogoro naturally follows their advice.

"He Ye, where are we going next? Is it the milk hot spring Xiao Ai talked about!"

Yuan Shan and Ye smiled: "Yeah, it's raining now, so there's nothing to do outside."

"This milk hot spring is the first one in Osaka. There is no hot spring in Tokyo. The hot spring water in it is drinkable. The water in each pool only receives guests once, and then it is drained and disinfected."

"Please, once my wallet is about to be empty!"

He Ye wrinkled his nose, looking pained.

Seeing Kazuha's cute appearance, Mori Kogoro suddenly chuckled.

Soon the three of them crossed the Jile Bridge, returned to the parking lot, and got into the car.

Mori Kogoro followed Toyama Kazuha's command and drove to Odaiba, a hot spring in the south of Osaka.

Because the owner of this hot spring Odaiba owns a dairy farm, which supplies milk for school children in the southern district of Osaka. However, the milk production was too large, and the birth rate in Japan decreased, and the number of children decreased, so there was a lot of milk left over.

Later, the boss had an idea and combined milk with his own other industry - hot spring Odaiba, so the popular milk hot spring in Osaka appeared.

The hot spring Odaiba is very clean, the pool inside is mixed with pure milk and hot spring, and it is disposable, so the price is very expensive.

He Ye ran to the front desk: "Boss, I am Yuan Shan He Ye who called to make an appointment earlier."

The boss at the front desk said, "Well, it's you. A private pool has been reserved for you. Walk along the corridor to the very end, and you'll be at No. 12."

Mori Kogoro stepped forward and took out a black card: "Boss, I want another hot spring pool, it would be even better if there is an adjacent one!"

The front desk boss shook his head and said, "Sorry, guest, the other pools already have guests, and it will take two hours to wait."

Xiao Lan couldn't help but wondered: "He Ye, didn't you make an appointment for two pools? What about Dad?"

He Ye stuck out his tongue embarrassingly: "I don't have enough money for two ponds!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "It's okay, I'll wait for you outside!"

Yuan Shan and Ye immediately said: "That's bad, uncle, anyway, what I want is a private pool, so let's take a bath together. Mixed bathing is allowed here!"

Chapter 0284 Master Hacker

Hearing Yuan Shan and Ye's invitation to take a mixed bath, a look of suspicion flashed in Huiyuan's eyes.

Invite a man to take a hot spring together. Although in Japan, mixed bathing is fine, but it is too unguarded in a private pool, isn't it? ? ?

Little Loli turned her pale blue eyes to Kogoro Mori and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Xiao Lan didn't have any objection to this, instead she said happily: "So you don't mind with Ye, let's take a bath together!"

But Kogoro Mouri refused: "You can just soak in the hot springs. I happen to have something to do, so I'll leave first and come pick you up later!"

The three girls immediately looked regretful.

Xiaolan said, "Father, go and do your work, and come back soon!"

Mori Kogoro swiped his card to check out, handed Xiaolan the key handed over by the boss, and then left Shi Shiran.

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