Looking at the back of Mori Kogoro leaving, Heye couldn't help frowning: "What's the matter with Uncle Mori in Osaka, why do you still have to leave?"

This little girl didn't want to be separated from Mori Kogoro, so she had a hesitant expression on her face.

Little Lolita Haibara said, "It must be the case just now. Although the Osaka police want to solve the case by themselves, how can Uncle Mori feel at ease? He must want to solve that case!"

When He Ye heard this, he couldn't help muttering to himself: Really, I even told my father to go there, why uncle still has to go there.

Xiao Lan hugged He Ye's arm with a chuckle, and took Hui Yuan: "Okay, okay, don't worry about other things, now it's our turn to relax, He Ye, you can rub my back for me later !"

The three women took bathrobes, towels, bath towels, washbasins, shower gel, shampoo and other things from the bath room, and then went to the innermost pool No. [-].

The gate is electronically locked, and the entire bath is made of marble, bright and warm.

As soon as the door was opened, one could see the dense water vapor rolled up inside and smell the aroma of milk.

The No. [-] pool is the innermost bathing place. It is an irregularly shaped pool made of stones. It is about [-] square meters. It is an indoor hot spring pool.

Huiyuan ran to the pool, looking at the milky white milk hot spring inside, his big eyes lit up.

Xiao Lan shouted from the side: "Xiao Ai, come here and change!"


Mori Kogoro walked out of the hot spring bath and got into the car directly. The car was galloping against the heavy rain, and Mori Kogoro's eyes were dim.

The members of the Sengoku tour group just now made him feel that this case seemed to be different from his previous life, especially one of them made Mori Kogoro feel that something was wrong.

Conan's surveillance images flashed in his mind, reflecting everything that happened in the castle tower into his mind.

Mouri Kogoro then took out the phone.

This touch-screen mobile phone has been modified by himself. In addition to being used for daily calls, it can also directly export all the videos stored in Xiao V to the mobile phone.

In addition, this mobile phone can also be used as a tool to display hacking skills.

Mori Kogoro's hacking skills are all self-taught, and he has already become the world's top hacker master, and his level has suddenly reached the master level.

So hacking into various websites is a breeze!

But at the moment, he was distracted, looking at his phone while driving.

With a flick of his fingertips, he constantly modified the code and substituted it into the already written software, and then hacked into the website introducing the Golden King.

This website is also the website of Hirano-kun, the organizer of the Sengoku tour group.

The key person who organized the entire tour group, formulated the rules of the role-playing game, but did not appear in the tour group in the end.

No one in the Bliss Bridge has mentioned this character yet, but Mori Kogoro faintly feels that finding this person's residence may be some unexpected gains.

The website introducing the Golden King hadn't been updated two weeks ago. If there were no accidents, he should have been killed, but it didn't matter.

The software runs continuously, and finally jumps over several springboards, and finds the real address everywhere.

Mori Kogoro smiled slightly, turned the steering wheel, and drove to the address displayed on the phone.

There is no need for navigation. The route maps of all streets in Japan have already been recorded in Mori Kogoro's brain. The intelligence of 49 points is really terrifying. As soon as he thinks of the address, the route is automatically planned in his mind, which is clearer than navigation.

The real address of Hirano-kun is in the block not far from the castle tower, that is to say, this guy has never given up his dream of finding the Golden King!


Just as Mori Kogoro was heading towards Hirano-kun, Hattori Heiji and Conan, who didn't know who Hirano was, were a little devastated.

This Yuji Kato was burnt to a scorched corpse from the top of the castle tower, and not long after he fell to his death, another murder occurred on the Gokuraku Bridge.

The middle-aged lady wearing glasses who played the nanny in the Sengoku tour group—Katagiri Maho also died, setting herself on fire from the Gokuraku Bridge, and then falling into the water.

According to Toshiaki Fukushima, the only witness at the scene at the time, he came to the bridge with an umbrella at that time, and saw Maho Katagiri in a green coat standing in the center of the bridge with his back to him.

Afterwards, Katagiri Maho took out a lighter and lit himself, and a raging flame burst out of his body. Katagiri Maho still struggled on the bridge for a while, then climbed over the fence and crossed into the river.

After Fukushima Toshiaki rushed over, he only saw the still burning corpses floating in the river, and he immediately shouted.

Now the body has been salvaged, and Conan is looking at it carefully.

The rest of the people also gathered around the Bliss Bridge, the bald man, the squint-eyed man, and the shoehorn-faced man holding umbrellas and watching from the sidelines.

Toyama Ginjiro was observing the details of the scene, and Police Officer Otaki said: "The deceased is Maho Katagiri, and like the previous deceased Kato Yuji, he is a member of this tour group."

"According to eyewitness Toshiaki Fukushima at the time, the lady lit herself with a lighter and jumped into the river when her clothes caught fire."

"However, although it was self-immolation, her fatal injury was actually caused by a severe blow to the back of the head. According to my judgment, it is possible that she died when she hit a bridge pier!"

"In other words, this lady committed suicide too!"

Officer Otaki stated his inference without hesitation, and committed suicide again!

Toyama Ginshiro looked at this pig-headed subordinate, but he was a little speechless, but he didn't count on Otaki Goro, he had already called Hattori Heizo, reported the scene, and asked him to rush over from the headquarters.

Conan couldn't help but said: "Uncle policeman, if it hit a bridge pier, there should be bloodstains on the pier, but there is none!"

Chapter 0285 Another crime scene

Officer Otaki touched his crew cut hair, and wiped off the rainwater on it: "You are the kid who is following Detective Maori, you are really smart, yes, there should be blood stains normally, but now it's raining." Rainy day, the bloodstains may be washed away by the rain, so it is not wrong to commit suicide!"

Otaki Goro was quite proud of his reasoning, and Conan wanted to ask him to do a blood reaction again, but Otaki Goro quickly ordered a policeman to take Conan out.

"Although you are the child next to the Maori detective, this is a dead person after all. The child can't get too close, just go and wait obediently!"

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