If a police officer happened to come in, there might be a strange story from the Osaka Police Department immediately tomorrow.

As Kogoro Mori kept flipping through the pages, the thoughts in his mind became clearer and clearer. The material here was the last piece of territory he needed.

After looking through the materials, Mori Kogoro restored all the traces to their original state, and then submitted his reasoning to Xiao V.

For him, the thirteen-year treasure hunt has come to an end.


On the streets of Osaka, Conan shook off all the rain on his face, and with a smile on his face, he said to the pendant mobile phone: "Hattori, I have found Mr. Kusiya, he is holding an umbrella and heading north Go to the factory area, hurry up, my current location is three blocks north of the Seven Guns Hotel!"

Chapter 0289 failed reasoning

Not long after, familiar footsteps came from behind Conan, and Hattori Heiji, who was soaked all over his body, ran over, his eyes shining brightly.

The two looked at each other with a tacit understanding, and immediately followed the slow-walking old man in front of them.

It's just that neither of these two people noticed, it was in the alley on the right side they passed by.

A group of ruthless characters with fierce faces and tattoos have been watching the two of them like wild wolves.

The leader was still on the phone with someone, but in a place where Conan and Hattori Heiji could not see, the bald old man was muttering in his mouth, and he was answering the phone with a small bluetooth headset hanging on his ear.

The bald old man glanced at the wide-angle mirror on the side of the road, and saw the young people and children sneaking behind him, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

His cloudy old eyes became extremely indifferent: "Since you all want to die, don't blame me, hehehe!"

Hattori Heiji and Conan didn't know that their traces had been discovered. They followed the bald old man to an abandoned factory and saw the old man put his umbrella in.

Conan felt a little uneasy. Although the sound was covered by rain, he still felt as if someone was following him.

Conan couldn't help but said, "Heiji, do you feel something is wrong?"

But Conan turned his head and saw that Hattori Heiji had already followed into the factory, and Conan couldn't help rolling his eyes: This guy, really!

Hattori Heiji had already made up his mind to catch the murderer in front of his father. Naturally, he was extremely impulsive. He was so passionate that he put all his attention on following the person. He didn't notice any prying eyes, and he didn't care about Conan's anxiety, so he followed into the factory directly. bingo.

Conan frowned, but he could only walk in quietly.

However, just as he was about to keep up with Hattori Heiji in front, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the shadow behind him, covering Conan's mouth and nose.

Conan didn't have time to react, he was completely controlled, and the man wrapped Conan and disappeared into the shadows.

Hattori Heiji, who wanted to solve the case, didn't notice Conan's disappearance at all. He couldn't see Conan when he was halfway there, and thought Conan was running to the bathroom.

This is also the ability of Hattori Heiji to trust Kudo who is as famous as himself.

Seeing that the murderer and the victims were all on top, he quickly turned his head and continued to follow.

The iron ladder was old and in disrepair, Hattori Heiji had a hard time not making any noise, and soon came to the second floor of the abandoned factory.

As for Conan, he was not caught by the group of people with tattoos, on the contrary, the person who just caught him was Hattori Heizo.

In fact, Toyama Ginjiro recognized from the voice of the bad house that he was most likely the mastermind of the case of looting treasure and burning corpses thirteen years ago.

After understanding the situation with Toyama Ginjiro, Hattori Heizo performed a play on the Gokuraku Bridge in order to avoid arousing the enemy, and flexibly used a strategy of showing the enemy his weakness.

He stimulated his son, and by the way, he concluded this bizarre serial murder case as a suicide, and withdrew a large number of police forces.

Let his son and police officer Otaki investigate the case there, but he and Toyama Yinshiro secretly launched an operation, secretly monitoring and following the bad house, and laying a net at its destination in advance.

Conan was hugged by Hattori Heizo and brought to the top floor of the abandoned factory along the escape elevator.

Conan saw Toyama Ginjiro and others at the top of the factory, as well as the special police officers with real guns and live ammunition on the side.

Conan understood in an instant: Damn, these old cunts are really good at acting!

Once he understood, Conan couldn't help but feel sorry for Hattori Heiji who was still kept in the dark: It seems that you want to catch the murderer before your father, I'm afraid it will be impossible!

Toyama Ginjiro said, "Isn't this the kid next to Detective Mori? Why did he appear here!"

Hattori Heizo's face became more and more gloomy: "Heiji's kid is too unsteady. He even took the child with him when he was in danger. He doesn't have any ability to deal with things. When I understand this incident, I must tell him well."

Conan's head was sweating immediately, and he accidentally tricked Hattori Heiji again.

Hattori Heizo squatted down, with a ferocious face showing a smile that was uglier than crying, and touched Conan's head with his big hand: "Son, don't be afraid, don't bark later, uncle is here for everything!"

Conan couldn't help twitching when he saw the old face in front of him, but he could only nod obediently.


The bald old man, Arisuto Zaiya, came to the second floor of the factory, and Shigehiko Shigehiko, a squint-eyed man, was already waiting for him on it. A flame was burning in the iron barrel next to him, bringing a faint light to the nearby area.

"Brother Xiezan, I'm here, where is the [Tiger Scroll] you mentioned?" A longing look appeared in Zaiya Youxian's eyes.

Xie Saka Shigehiko chuckled lightly and said, "It's in the box over there, Brother Zaiya, take it away after you find it, anyway, I'm not interested in the [Golden King]'s treasure!"

"Brother Xie Ban, thank you very much!" Zao Youxian's gasping sound became heavy, and he ran to the dark box and began to rummage through it.

But there are too many things in the box, and there is no way to find the desired 【Tiger Scroll】.

Seeing the flashlight on the side, the bald old man couldn't help but pick it up, and Shigehiko Xiesaka's narrowed eyes flashed a ray of vengeance.

At this moment, Hattori Heiji's voice appeared: "I advise you not to turn on that flashlight, otherwise you will be burned to a scorched corpse like Mr. Kato!"

Hearing the sudden stranger's voice, Xiesaka Shigehiko immediately turned pale with fright, and the bald old man turned around with a gloomy expression.

"The flashlight has a special structure composed of gunpowder and dry batteries. Once the switch is turned on, it will explode, and the flame will not be easily extinguished when it sticks to you. Then it will naturally end up the same as Yuji Kato."

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