Hattori Heiji put his hands in his pockets, and walked out in a posture that he thought he was handsome. Conan on the top couldn't help but stare blankly at the coquettish Hattori Heiji below.

"Mr. Kato was killed by Mr. Xiezaka in the same way. Mr. Xiezaka used [Tiger Scroll] to lure him to the roof of the castle tower."

"Because it was raining and it was dark, Kato wanted to look for [Torano Scroll]. When he saw the more convenient flashlight next to him, he naturally replaced the lighter in his hand with a flashlight, which created the illusion of self-immolation."

The narrow-eyed man Shigehiko Xiesaka said, "But anyone can do this kind of trick. Why do you say it's me?"

Hattori Heiji sneered and said: "Anyone can do it. Mr. Kato gave the death message before he died. He was holding an umbrella, which actually means Oda Nobunaga's golden umbrella, so it is natural to play Oda Nobunaga today." Mr. Xiezaka!"

Xiesaka Shigehiko quickly retorted: "This is too ridiculous, can you confirm that the murderer is me with just one gesture?"

"Of course it's more than that, I have others..."

Hattori Heiji hadn't finished speaking yet.

The bald old man with a gloomy face was not in the mood to listen to Xie Saka Shigehiko's sophistry. He directly threw the flashlight in his hand and let him fly in mid-air.

The flashlight flying in mid-air exploded with a string of bright white fireworks, the truth is clearly revealed!

The bald-headed old man Yuzuru pointed the pistol at Shigehiko Xiesaka: "So you really killed Kato and Katagiri, boy, who the hell are you? Why do you want to attack them, and now you want to plot against me!"

At this moment, the offense and defense were reversed, and Zao Youxian's face was ferocious, almost like a devil under the firelight.

Hattori Heiji is almost scolding his mother, he has worked so hard to collect information just to reason at this moment, the highlight moment of this moment, showing himself to others, pretending to be a good comparison, was ruined so simply and rudely, it is simply unforgivable!

Chapter 0290 Back to the Carbine

Hattori Heiji was going crazy!

Damn, did you make a mistake?My reasoning has not yet begun!I haven't said how Miss Katagiri died!Not to mention the hard evidence I found!

I haven't said anything about Shigehiko Shigehiko Shigehiko's badge stained with blood on Ms. Katagiri's jacket!

You're not curious at all, you don't want to know the truth, you don't want to know the tricks, why are you pulling your gun?It's too embarrassing!

Hey, no, draw the gun, isn't this old guy a victim?How can there be a gun!

The squinting-eyed Shigehiko Xiesaka sneered and said, "Old man, do you still remember that photo? The man in the middle of the photo is my grandfather, Xiesaka Ferry!"

"My grandfather told me about the treasures of [Dragon and Tiger Volume] and [Golden King] before his death. The other people in that photo were actually his treasure hunting team at that time."

"It's just that my grandfather gave up his dream of treasure hunting in the end. When his teammates were against each other, he decided to dedicate the treasure map to the National Museum, but after he took the treasure map and went to Osaka with his teammates thirteen years ago , and never came back!"

Hattori Heiji asked in surprise, "Is that the charred corpse of the flood drainage pipeline thirteen years ago?"

"That's right, my grandfather was killed by his teammates, but I never thought that the last cowardly guy in there would go for plastic surgery, change his name and surname, and become the current bad house. It took a lot of effort to get you all together."

Hattori Heiji couldn't help complaining in his heart: This old man must have lost his mind and gone crazy!Make yourself bald, old and ugly, why bother!

The bald old man Youxian sneered and said, "That's right, we did it. The old guy at the ferry couldn't find it by himself, so he wanted to give away the treasure map. What about us? What are we? Such a selfish old man Guy, don't you deserve to die!"

"But you said the last one, did you kill Hirano too? That's why he didn't show up!"

Xie Saka Shigehiko sneered and said, "That big guy is really soft-boned. I only cut him thirteen times, and he couldn't hold on anymore, so he told me everything about you."

"If it wasn't thanks to him, I wouldn't have known you had plastic surgery to look like this. I just let him try my grandpa's death method. This is called an eye for an eye!"

Hattori Heiji couldn't help asking: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, you mean that the charred corpse a while ago belonged to Hirano-kun!"

"Every time, it was Hirano's body. Unfortunately, I couldn't burn him evenly, so I had to throw it in the flood pipe to the east!"

At this moment, Hattori Heiji is really hurting to the extreme. It doesn't matter if he didn't tell the result of his reasoning, there are other cases that he doesn't know yet.

If these two are forced to blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

This time, there is really no sense of accomplishment at all!

Zaiya Youxian looked at Shigehiko Xiesaka with a hint of appreciation in his eyes: "My boy, I didn't expect you to be so ruthless, I underestimated you!"

"No wonder I clearly remember that Hirano is not a person with such a personality. If he has a clue, he must leave alone. No wonder he spoke so enthusiastically in the online chat, and said that he found a clue. It turns out that you are using his name to trick us. Come to Osaka, want to kill one by one, to avenge your grandfather?"

Xiesaka Shigehiko narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "That's right, all of you greedy ghosts will die, including you."

"Zaowu, you killed me, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

Bad House Youxian sneered: "Just be an evil ghost obediently. When I find the [Golden King]'s treasure, maybe I'll burn a gourd for you, hahaha!"

"Come out to me!"

At this time, seven or eight burly men ran out of the darkness, each with tattoos and ferocious faces, holding pistols, surrounding Hattori Heiji and Shigehiko Kyosaka.

Being pointed at by so many guns, Hattori Heiji was a little panicked and broke out in cold sweat.

"Hey, old man, no, Mr. Bad House, what are you doing? How bad is it to fight and kill? I just reminded you about the flashlight, which saved your life!"

The bald-headed old man, Jiwu Youxian, showed his cruelty at this moment, he said coldly: "Thank you, Mr. Detective, but now you stand with Xie Ban."

"As a reward for saving me just now, I won't kill you with my own hands, but it's not up to me whether my subordinates let you go, hahaha!"

Zao Wu Youxian felt that everything was under control, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

At this moment, on the top floor of the abandoned factory, one by one police officers controlled the bright lights and shone down...

This goes from very dark to very bright, like a flashlight.

Hattori Heiji, Kyosaka Shigehiko, Kusiya Yuzuru and their tattooed subordinates on the iron frame could hardly open their eyes, and tears could not help but flow down.

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