The responsive Hattori Heiji immediately pulled Shigehiko Shigehiko Shigehiko who was beside him and flew out.

Sure enough, Zaiya Youxian yelled, "Fire me in the original direction!"

bang bang bang! ! !

The sound of gunfire resounded throughout the abandoned factory, bullets hit the iron grid, and sparks flew everywhere.

However, Hattori Heiji and Xiesaka Shigehiko had already rushed away and escaped this round of shooting.

Hattori Heizo at the top frowned, fearing that something would happen to his son, he quickly ordered an attack.

The special police officers who were ambushing in the sidelines rushed up one by one wearing goggles and holding explosion-proof shields, blocking bullets one after another. Dozens of special police officers rushed forward and surrounded everyone in the middle.

After the chaos, all the gangsters on the second floor were subdued.

At this time, Hattori Heizo and Toyama Ginjiro came down from the upper stairs, followed by Conan the Kid and Goro Otaki.

As the so-called gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, Hattori Heizo and Toyama Ginshiro are in high positions, so it is naturally impossible to charge forward, so they wait until the situation stabilizes before coming down.

Hattori Heiji's eyes were red and weeping. When he heard the familiar footsteps, he couldn't help asking, "Dad?"

At this time Toyama Ginshiro hurried forward and pulled Hattori Heiji out.

Kaiya Yuxian opened his eyes in front of him, and seeing the fierce Hattori Heizo in front of him, he couldn't help being startled: "Didn't you already leave?"

At this moment, Hattori Heizo looked down at the gangsters who were subdued and were still crying, and shouted:

"Hehe, I haven't caught you yet, how can I go away! There are strings in the house, don't think that you can escape from the law by changing your name and surname, and getting rid of your appearance thirteen years ago."

"Now I am arresting you for illegal possession, attempted murder, homicide, and five consecutive robbery and homicide charges."

"Serial robbery and homicide???"

The bald old man had a panicked look on his face, adding five consecutive robberies and homicides, that was a proper death sentence, how could he admit it so easily!

Chapter 0291

Toyama Ginshiro on the side also said with a righteous face: "Hmph, thirteen years ago, you committed five consecutive robberies and murders in order to cover up your treasure hunting purpose."

"Your voice has already been recorded on the victim's phone, and your fingerprints are still at the scene of the crime, so there is no need to quibble."

The bald old man's face suddenly turned ashen, and despair appeared in his eyes.

"Otaki, bring them back to the headquarters!"

Otaki Goro on the side responded with a "Hi", and immediately led the team to escort the subdued people away.

The red-eyed Hattori Heiji and Conan stood aside, watching the people in the police station act resolutely.


At this moment, Mori Kogoro was looking at the screen on Conan's surveillance, but he didn't rush over.

Knowing that there are Hattori Heizo and Toyama Ginshiro at the scene, plus a group of special police ambushing, there will definitely not be any major problems.

Mori Kogoro had nothing to do, he had already made preparations and drove his Ant-Man robot out.

But at this moment, Mori Kogoro drove the car outside the hot spring bath, and Xiaolan had already called to say that they had finished their bath and they wanted to go back to rest.

As soon as the car arrived outside the hot spring bath, I saw the three women at the door.

The three women all had rosy faces after soaking in the bath, and their complexion was excellent, and the fragrance of milk exuded from their bodies. Obviously, the milk hot spring still had an effect.

Soon the three girls got into the car and started talking one by one, the car instantly became extremely lively.

"Dad, are you done with your work?"

"It's almost done, I just owe a little hand tail, how is it, how does this hot spring feel?"

Xiaolan nodded with satisfaction: "It's very comfortable, Dad, it's a pity that you didn't try this Osaka specialty!"

The little loli Huiyuan in the back seat also yawned, the hot spring was very comfortable.

It's just that, as a flat loli, she was listless after being hit all the way, and coupled with being drowsy, Huiyuan just wanted to sleep at the moment.

He Ye said: "Uncle Mao Li, it seems that the rain will not stop for a while, and I have nowhere else to go!"

Xiao Lan also yawned: "Then Dad, please send us back, I, like Xiao Ai, feel a little sleepy!"

Kogoro Mori naturally agreed, and as soon as he turned the steering wheel, the car drove to Hattori's house!


The rain has been falling since noon, and it has not stopped until now. The rainwater flew over the eaves, forming parabolas, and fell miserably in the courtyard.

Wet the vegetation in the garden and knocked down many flowers.

When the rain started, Hattori Shizuka would stare at the rain in a daze.

Hattori Shizuka was wearing a purple kimono at the moment, showing the gentleness of a Japanese woman. She knelt on the futon in the room, looking at the rain with her beautiful eyes like autumn water.

At this moment, the room she is in is facing the back yard and the gate of the back yard. The back yard is filled with various kinds of flowers, plants and trees. At this moment, it has been beaten into a mess by the rain, just like Hattori Shizuka's heart.

Since she woke up, her heart has been restless, and the scene of last night still appears in her mind from time to time.

In front of Shizuka Hattori was a table with a round mouth bottle with a few flower branches inserted on it, but there were a bunch of unused gorgeous flower branches on the table.

I am confused, where can I get a beautiful flower arrangement.

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