Hattori Shizuka's eyes drifted between the courtyards from time to time, but more often they glanced at the closed gate.

She was holding a pink cherry blossom branch in her hand, and she had held it for a long time, and kept doing this for a long time, but she never put it in the bottle.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and the old butler hurried to open the door. Xiaolan stepped into the room with Huiyuan in her arms.

Hattori Shizuka's beautiful eyes lit up, and she watched closely behind Xiaolan, as if waiting for someone to appear!

But after a long time, no one else appeared behind, only Xiaolan and Huiyuan came back.

Hattori Shizuka's heart suddenly filled with deep disappointment!

He didn't come back?

But soon his face returned to normal, as cold as a chrysanthemum.

She looked at Xiaolan and Huiyuan passing by the corridor, and said gently, "Xiaolan, why are you the only two?"

Xiaolan turned her head and smiled politely: "Aunt Jinghua, I'm a little tired from shopping with Xiaoai, so I'll come back to rest first, the others haven't come back yet!"

Hattori Shizuka lowered her head, took the scissors and cut off the cherry blossom branches in her hand, and then put the cherry blossom branches into the bottle. She pretended to ask casually, "What about your father?"

"My dad, it's still raining now, he drove He Ye back, and he wanted to give He Ye a gift in return!"

"As for Conan and Heiji, they said they were going to visit the police headquarters building, so they didn't come back with us. They should come back with Uncle Heizang later!"

At this time, Hui Yuan in Xiaolan's arms turned her head slightly, and she looked at the cherry blossom branches that had obviously grown in the bottle: one-fifth, it was wrongly cut, one-third should be cut off That's right, this lady's flower art is really ordinary!

But soon, Huiyuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he felt that it was impossible, so he ignored it.

Huiyuan turned his head to the side, found a comfortable position on Xiaolan's chest, and laid his pillow on it.

Xiaolan said gently: "Aunt Jinghua, I'll take Xiaoai back to the room to rest first, and I won't disturb your flower arrangements."

After saying that, Xiaolan and Huiyuan walked out towards the guest room.

Hattori Shizuka watched the two go away, heaved a long sigh, looked at the continuous rain, and once again became dazed.

At this moment, she has a rose flower in her hand, but she still refuses to cut it off, and refuses to put it down!


Mori Kogoro was driving on the streets of Osaka, and Toyama and Ye got into the front seat from the back seat without knowing when.

Seeing that there were only herself and Uncle Mao Li left at this moment, she smiled happily, the joy on her face was about to overflow.

But He Ye looked at the street outside, and quickly realized: "Uncle, this is not the direction to go back to my house! Uncle, you must be lost!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Of course I'm not taking you home. Didn't I just say I'm going to give you a big gift?"

"Oh~~~" Yuan Shan and Ye couldn't help raising their brows when they heard this, their little faces flushed slightly, as if they were ashamed.

Mori Kogoro sighed: "You girl, what are you thinking? Uncle wants to give you a real gift."

Hearing this, He Ye couldn't help but look puzzled. She glanced at the road outside, which was the road leading to the castle tower.

"Uncle, how did you return to the castle tower when you gave me a gift?"

"Today we're going on a treasure hunt!"

After saying that, Mori Kogoro took out a roll of sheepskin scroll from his arms and unfolded it.

This sheepskin scroll is blank and has no words, but when you touch it lightly, you can feel a little bit of a slight bump, which is the ancient Japanese Braille.

The treasure of the Golden King was stolen with the help of robbers, and the scroll of dragon and tiger was made to help tease future generations.

Chapter 0292 The Mysterious Sixth Man

However, assisting him to suffer from eye disease in his later years, and how many treasures he allowed to steal after he became blind, he also felt that life was boring.

So he secretly added clues to the treasures he had stolen all his life on the handle of the scroll of Dragon and Tiger, recorded them in ancient Braille, and hid the treasure map that actually recorded the treasures in a brick in Jinmingjing. The secret is preserved.

When Mori Kogoro stroked the [Dragon Scroll] scroll before, he noticed the abnormality of the scroll above, and he memorized all the ancient Braille in his heart.

Kogoro Mori naturally recognized the ancient Japanese Braille, so he knew where the real treasure map was.

Before he left, he said to go to the bathroom, but in fact he went down to the Jinming Well to find out the sheepskin scroll—the real treasure map.

According to the ancient braille on the sheepskin scroll, Mori Kogoro knew that the real treasure was hidden in the secret room under the [Ancient Tenshou Pavilion].

The [ancient castle tower] mentioned here is naturally not the castle tower that Mori Kogoro and others saw this morning, but the castle tower built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi at the beginning.

Because of the changing times, various wars, and frequent earthquakes.

The castle tower was destroyed three times and rebuilt three times, so the position of the castle tower at this moment is very different from the first time.

The location of [Ancient Castle Pavilion] is in the dense forest where he and He Ye walked today, in the dense forest full of cherry blossoms and red leaves.

Kogoro Mori doesn't have to bother to find the exact location, he only needs to keep up with one person.

Mori Kogoro parked the car in the parking lot of the castle tower, and got out of the car with Kazuha.

Because of the rain and the two murders, there were hardly many tourists in the scenic spot of the castle tower.

After the next time, the two of them held an umbrella and crossed the Bliss Bridge. The Bliss Bridge has become very quiet, and the body has already been transported back to the police headquarters.

The two walked into the dense forest. There were countless cherry blossoms and red leaves knocked down by the rain in the dense forest, which was a little more dilapidated than in the morning.

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