Not long after, He Ye pointed to a person in front and exclaimed, "Uncle Mao Li, look, isn't that guy the suspect today?"

The man holding the umbrella in front of the dense forest was the shoehorn-faced man, the only one who was not caught - Toshiaki Fukushima!

"Why did he appear here? Uncle, is there really a [Golden King] treasure?"

Mori Kogoro covered Kazuha's mouth with his hand, and said softly, "Don't talk, let's follow quietly!"


Excitement appeared in He Ye's eyes, it was too exciting to hunt for treasure in the city.

She and Mori Kogoro followed Fukushima Toshiaki from afar.

Fukushima Toshiaki was very vigilant and looked back from time to time, but the rain was hazy and there were many plants covering it, so he couldn't find the two behind him.

Holding an umbrella in one hand and a metal detector in the other, he walked back and forth in a grassy clearing.

"Impossible, I checked so much information, I got all the inheritance scrolls of the robber's assistant family, and the recorded location is here, how could I not find it?"

Fukushima Toshiaki's eyes are full of fanaticism and longing. He has been looking for the treasure of the Golden King for many years, and he has searched countless information.

This time he participated in a tour group and stole the [Tiger Scroll] from Xie Saka Shigehiko. After breaking through the ancient Braille on it, combined with the inheritance assisted by the thief, he knew that he had been misled for so many years.

Although Toshiaki Fukushima does not have the scroll in Mori Kogoro's hand and does not know the exact location, he has already narrowed down the scope of the treasure after so many years of research.The real [Golden King] treasure is under the [Ancient Tower]!

After Fukushima Toshiaki learned that Shigehiko Kiesaka and Arizuru Usiya had been arrested by the police, he rushed to the location of the ancient castle tower without stopping.

This is the best time, no one else will compete with him!

But Toshiaki Fukushima didn't know that there was a pair of orioles waiting quietly behind him.

Suddenly, the metal detector in Toshiaki Fukushima's hand lit up, and his eyes lit up.

He excitedly took out the shovel from his backpack, and after assembling it, he dug desperately.

Perhaps because the treasure was right in front of our eyes, Toshiaki Fukushima burst out with unbelievable potential. After a while, he dug down more than half a meter deep, until he dug down to a tiger head iron ring full of verdant green.

Fukushima Toshiaki couldn't help laughing, he pulled out the tiger head hoop with all his strength.

There was a rumbling sound, and he quickly got up from the pit, looking at all this with fiery eyes.

After a while, the soil subsided, and a dark hole appeared in front of Toshiaki Fukushima.

Seeing this, Kazuya grabbed Mouri Kogoro's arm excitedly: "Uncle, look, look, there is really a hole."

Fukushima Toshiaki took out the lighter, lit the torch, and threw it in. The torch didn't go out, so he immediately got in through the hole.

Mori Kogoro and Toyama Kazuha came out from behind the trees and came to the entrance of the dark cave.

He Ye still looked hesitant. Mori Kogoro had already sent a robot to check the situation inside, and there was no danger.

Naturally, without hesitation, he jumped down with his arms around He Ye's waist, and the two soon stepped on the soft ground, with a dark stone passage in front of them.

Mori Kogoro took out his mobile phone, turned on the light, and walked down the downward passage with Kazuha.

The two walked very fast, and the passage went all the way down. The two walked about a hundred meters above the ground, and they still haven't reached the end.

Looking at the dark tunnel, Kazuha gradually became a little scared. She stood behind Kogoro Mouri, with her arms tightly around Kogoro Moori's arms.

But with Mori Kogoro by his side, Kazuha still managed to embolden himself.

But just as the two of them stepped on the stone platform between the stairs, a figure suddenly emerged from the side.

It was Toshiaki Fukushima who was one step ahead of them, Kogoro Mori immediately kept Heye behind him.

Fukushima Toshiaki, who was ambushing here, pointed a gun at the two of them, and immediately shouted: "Say, who are you? Why are you following me?"

With the light of the mobile phone, Fukushima Toshiaki recognized the two people, they were the Maori detectives who had met at the scene of the crime today.

"I wonder who it is? It turned out to be the Maori detective. Didn't you leave long ago? Why did you suddenly appear here!"

"Could it be that you are just hiding and watching all this secretly."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Fukushima Toshiaki, no, it should be called Ando Yuta, the sixth member of the treasure hunting team thirteen years ago, right?"

Fukushima Toshiaki's complexion suddenly changed, and his eyes kept shrinking.

"Actually, I was very curious the first moment I saw that photo. There are only five people in the photo, but who is the photographer?"

"You are very smart, you hide yourself very well, you don't appear in any photos, the plastic surgery is even more successful than the bad house, but the members of this tour group are all related to the treasure hunting team thirteen years ago , if you have nothing to do with it, how did you get in here?"

"I've checked the files and information from that year. It should be that you teamed up to kill Xieban Ferry, and then feigned death in the subsequent robbery and murder case."

Chapter 0293

"I have been hiding in the apartment next to Mr. Hirano's house to monitor Mr. Hirano for so many years. Sorry, I sneaked into your house just now, and the white telescope in your house is covered with dust!"

Hearing this, Ando Yuta's expression changed instantly.

"That's why you knew about Hirano's death, and you got involved in this killing trip organized by Shigehiko Xiesaka, right?"

Mori Kogoro uttered all his conjectures with a chuckle, seeing the change in the man's face in front of him, seeing all his expressions clearly, he knew that he was right.

The corners of Ando Yuta's mouth twitched. He looked at Mori Kogoro, and finally couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. The laughter echoed in the dark passage, and it was inexplicably sad!

"As expected, you are a Maori detective. I really can't underestimate you at any time. I didn't expect that you disappeared to investigate these things. You have found out all the old calendars from thirteen years ago."

"It's amazing! It's amazing! That's right, that old guy at Xieban Ferry was killed by our cooperation."

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