Chapter 0294

He Ye's expression was still confused: "Uncle, don't you want this treasure?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Uncle's property is much more than here, so all this treasure is really given to you, Kazuha."


"Don't refuse, I finally thought of an interesting gift for my Xiaoheye!" Mouri Kogoro said domineeringly.

Hearing that Mori Kogoro's words were not fake, an excited smile appeared on He Ye's face.

Although He Ye felt that it was a lie that Uncle Mao Li’s property was more than this, but seeing that his sweetheart was willing to give him so much gold, He Ye almost fainted from happiness at this moment.

She broke free from Mori Kogoro's arm, rushed into the hidden treasure room, stood in front of Jin Shan, and pushed hard with her little hand.

There was a sound of ping, bang, bang, and pieces of gold were knocked down, making a crisp sound, the gold bricks were beating, the golden light was shining, and the richness was overwhelming!

There is no dust on the gold bricks below, and the shining golden light is even more dazzling.

The thief's assistance must have never imagined that the hundreds of years of silence in the treasure room he designed with painstaking efforts were broken by such a little girl.

He Ye tried his best to lift the golden gourd known as the "King of Gold", and kept shaking it. The gold sand and powder on the gourd splashed out and landed on him, turning him into a little golden man.

He Ye was spinning around in the gold all over the floor, laughing loudly.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but let out a gentle smile.

As soon as the shoehorn-faced man who fainted in the middle of the dark passage showed signs of waking up, the back of his neck was hammered by a robot, and he passed out again.

Seeing the gold in front of him, He Ye finally stopped his excitement.

"Uncle, uncle, is all this gold ours? Don't we have to hand it over to the country?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Of course you don't have to hand it in. Whoever finds it is the owner, and it's all yours!"

He Ye suddenly looked distressed: "Then how do we take it away? So much, so much gold, when will we move it?"

Maori Kogoro immediately said, "With uncle here, do you still need to worry? I've already called for someone to come!"

As soon as the words fell, He Ye heard footsteps.

Bulky men in dark glasses and black suits walked into the treasure room. Each of them carried a large aluminum box on their backs.

He Ye Xiaolian suddenly panicked, holding a ladle of thousands of dollars and shouting: "Who are you? Don't try to steal our gold!"

It's unbelievable that He Ye also has the characteristics of a money-saving fan.

Kogoro Mouri couldn't help laughing when he saw this: "He Ye, don't be nervous, they are the people I called."

He Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

These big men in suits are all Kogoro Mori's robots. Putting on disguise masks, they look like ordinary people, and ordinary people can't tell the difference at all.

When he discovered the secret passage just now, Kogoro Mori ordered his Ant-Man robot to rent a car and buy an aluminum box for Shengbao, and also ordered the car to drive in from the other direction of the dense forest.

Sure enough, these preparations really came in handy.

At the moment, there are three cars parked outside this secret road, which are used to load the treasure found this time.

Xiao Heye stood on top of the gold, patted the gold powder on his body, knocked off all the gold powder and gold sand on his body, and then returned to Mori Kogoro's side.

A group of Ant-Man robots were extremely industrious, and quickly put pieces of gold bricks into aluminum boxes, and then moved them out without complaint.

They were extremely efficient, and quickly moved out all the gold bricks, gold sand, calligraphy and paintings, and jewelry.

The last black-clothed robot wanted to take over the Qiancheng ladle in He Ye's hand, the treasure known as the "Golden King".

Yuan Shan and Ye immediately said, "Don't take this away."

The black-clothed robot stopped immediately.

He Ye looked at the Lima stick covered with golden gourds, turned his head to Kogoro Mori, pouted and said, "Uncle, my father has been following this case for so long, I used to see him writing in his study all the time. To draw a picture is to write about thousands of treasures, he has been looking for this treasure for so long, I want to keep this, okay?"

"We'll call the police later and catch that villain up there, so it won't appear that the treasure room is empty, and my dad will be very happy when he finds the [Golden King] back."

Hearing this, Kogoro Maoli reached out and took away the remaining gold leaf on Heye's head, and said with a chuckle: "Silly girl, I told you that this treasure is all for you, and you can do whatever you want with it, donate it." It’s okay to go out, anyway, uncle will support you in the future!”

He Ye immediately laughed out loud.

Mori Kogoro really didn't like this treasure, his net worth has almost soared to ten trillion yen, so what's the point of breaking the genius of [-] billion yen here!

This is really pocket money for He Ye, but He Ye obviously didn't think so, she always thought it was their joint property, so she wanted to ask Mori Kogoro first about how to deal with it.

However, with so much gold, it is still a big project to cover it up, especially to hide it from the eyes of Hattori Heizo and Toyama Ginshiro.

Fortunately, Kogoro Mori has plenty of assistants. He used his mind to command these Ant-Man robots to cover up the remaining traces of gold in the treasure room and eliminate the redundant footprints in the passage.

Then drive the outside car away, and the track of the car going back and forth is also cleared, and this is considered to be an understanding.

Mori Kogoro and Kazuha walked out of the dark passage, and when they passed the stone platform in the middle of the passage, he dragged Ando Yuta out.

He Ye, who walked out of the passage, immediately called his father and told about what happened here.

Toyama Ginjiro at the police headquarters was shocked and immediately reported to Hattori Heizang, who was holding a press conference, that Hattori Heizang was announcing the charred corpse case thirteen years ago.

Hearing this, he couldn't believe it, and immediately interrupted the press conference, and took all the people to the location of [Ancient Tower].

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