Naturally, this scene could not be concealed from the keen reporters. They got into the car one by one with long guns and short cannons, and followed the police force.

Everyone was as excited as a shark smelling blood, wanting to make a shocking news.

Toyama Ginshiro did not hide the truth from Hattori Heiji and Conan who were resting at the police headquarters, and the two guys naturally followed.

Soon, Hattori Heizo and Toyama Ginjiro led the team to appear in the quiet dense forest next to the castle tower, followed by a group of reporters.

From a distance, they saw Mori Kogoro holding an umbrella, Toyama Kazuha holding a thousand-dollar ladle with a proud face, Ando Yuta who was knocked out under him, and a dark secret passage.

Seeing the glittering [Golden King], the group of reporters clicked the shutter excitedly one by one. They had just listened to Hattori Heizo's science popularization, so naturally they knew what it was.

This is a treasure of the national treasure level, and it has been found back, which is big news!

Hattori Heizo, Toyama Ginshiro, Hattori Heiji, and Conan all opened their mouths.

They never imagined that in this thirteen-year murder caused by the treasure of the Golden King, there was still a fish that slipped through the net, and there was even a sixth treasure hunter, a guy who faked his death and stole his life.

And the treasure of the Golden King really existed, and it was found by Mori Kogoro and Toyama Kazuha who left early, which is unbelievable.

The four looked at Mori Kogoro with admiration.

Chapter 0295

When the group of reporters saw the dark passage, they wanted to rush in to shoot big news, but they were stopped by the police.

Hattori Heizo looked at Toshiaki Fukushima who was knocked unconscious on the ground, feeling complicated.

He thought that his arrangement was perfect in the end, but he didn't expect that there was a gangster that he didn't notice at all.

He thought he had already solved the case, but now it seems that it is still a bit inferior.

Hattori Heizo's mouth was filled with bitterness, while Toyama Ginshirou couldn't help but see his daughter holding up the golden [-]% ladle, the national treasure known as the [Golden King], his eyes lit up.

On the other hand, Conan and Hattori Heiji were stunned. The two indeed solved the two self-immolations that took place in the castle tower this time, and they also found the murderer of the two murders, Shigehiko Shigehiko.

But then the development of the story turned around, and waves of truths that they didn't know at all were revealed, turning them into pure soy sauce masses, who could do nothing but watch the story develop in confusion.

It was already unexpected that the bad house suddenly jumped back, turned into a big villain of the underworld, and even pulled out the murder case thirteen years ago.

Then Hattori Heizang's divine soldiers descended from the sky. He lured the enemy deep into the sky early and laid a net. Everything before was just acting, which shocked them even more!

In the end, Mori Kogoro actually made big news, saying that you have been busy for a long time, and there is still a murderer who has not been caught, and what is even more outrageous is that he even found the [Golden King]!

When they heard Toyama Ginshiro say it just now, both of them opened their mouths wide and refused to believe it.

Now that I came to the scene, I saw the appearance of the scene, and the tall Qiancheng scoop, how could I not believe it!

They just feel that their IQ is being stepped on the ground and being crushed constantly.

The police officers controlled the secret passage and Fukushima Toshiaki who was knocked out, and the four Hattori Heizo were about to meet Kogoro Mori, but the reporters present were one step ahead of them, and Kogoro Mori and Kazuha Toyama were handed over in an instant. surrounded.

The long guns and short cannons were in front of Mori Kogoro, and the flashes kept lighting up, taking pictures one after another.

"Detective Mori, may I ask if you have found Toyotomi Hideyoshi's Sennari Tanpan?"

"Detective Maori, how did you discover the secret passage next to the castle tower?"

"Excuse me, is this person who was knocked out a treasure hunter? Does he have anything to do with the case of burning corpses and seizing treasures that the Hattori police inspector said today?"

"Detective Maori, what is the relationship between you and the girl next to you? Are you a couple?"

hiss! ! !Hearing this question, Mori Kogoro, who was originally smiling at Yanyan, frowned slightly. This reporter friend is very good at asking!Yuan Shan and Ye smiled shyly.

"May I ask how you plan to dispose of these thousands of scoops?"

Hearing this question, Yuan Shan and Ye Qing smiled and said, "I found this national treasure worth thousands of dollars with Uncle Maori, but since it is a national treasure, we don't intend to keep it for ourselves. In the name of the two of us, I plan to donate this thousand-dollar scoop to our Osaka Museum!"

Everyone present applauded immediately, applauding for the two people's integrity.

On the other hand, Toyama Ginshiro looked stunned. Before he could speak to his daughter, his daughter donated the thousands of scoops, which is too fast!

This is a treasure!A treasure that can be regarded as a family heirloom!

Prodigal girl!

Toyama Ginshiro felt extremely heartbroken, but he could only force a smile on his face, and then clapped his hands.

This group of reporters wanted to ask more about the details of the treasure hunt, but Hattori Heizo and others had already come up, and he said to the reporter: "Sorry, everyone, it's about a confidential case, so let's stop this interview!"

A few of them came forward and rescued Mao Li Kogoro, Yuan Shan and Ye.

Yuan Shan and Ye Xiao's faces were still flushed, obviously extremely excited.

And Mori Kogoro handed the spare mobile phone prepared by the robot to Hattori Heizo, which contained the confession video of the shoehorn-faced man just now.

"Pingzang, the video on this phone should be able to convict this guy. Also, be careful going down the secret passage below, and don't touch the mechanism on the gate, otherwise there will be a big mercury hole at the gate."

"But there's nothing in it, just a thousand-dollar ladle, which He Ye and I took out!"

After hearing this, Hattori Heizo arranged for the police to carry out various searches.

A group of people walked out of the dense forest surrounded by Mori Kogoro and Yuanshan Heye. The outer layer of the two was protected by the police, and the outer layer was followed by reporters.

He Ye Po whispered excitedly: "Uncle, this feeling is like becoming a star, it's pretty good!"

Kogoro Mori could only shake his head and chuckle when he heard that, this feeling was good at first, but if it was still the same later on, it would be a bit painful.


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