While Momi Ooka spoke, she stepped forward again, making a gesture to put her arms around Kogoro Mori's arm, but was stopped by Sonoko.

Yuanzi couldn't help complaining: "Oh, don't be a nympho, you are just a small fan, and you want to be my uncle Maori's wife, it is wishful thinking!"

"I've seen a lot of girls like you, I won't let you get close to Uncle Maori."

Koyo Ooka completely ignored Sonoko's words, and still struggled to get closer to Mori Kogoro.

At this time, the staff at the end of the corridor shouted: "Miss Hongye, Miss Hongye, Mr. Yajima is late, the director asked you to go to the break room to discuss the program."

Ooka Hongye turned his head to the side and frowned, pouted.

"Why is it like this, I just met Mr. Mao Li just now."

Ooka Hongye then waved goodbye to Mori Kogoro: "Mori-kun, wait for me, I will come to you after the recording of the show."

After that, she took small steps towards her rest room.

On the other hand, Sonoko looked at Kogoro Mori seriously.

"Uncle Mao Li, please don't agree to date this girl. This girl is very fickle. Don't look at her pretending to be weak, but she is actually a ruthless character. There must be some ulterior secret hidden when approaching you. "

When Yuanzi saw this big-breasted Ooka Hongye, he became vigilant and couldn't help splashing sewage.

Mori Kogoro nodded with a chuckle when he saw this, and then led Huiyuan to the rest room.

But this Ooka Hongye still has to meet, after all, it is related to the crime of Achiha and his wife, and there is still a key clue in Ooka Hongye.

Mori Kogoro wanted to kill this serial bombing in the cradle, and the cooperation of Ooka Momiji was inevitable.

When the three of them returned to the rest room, they heard San Xiao's voice coming from the room.

"Buy special products! Buy special products! Buy special products!"

This is Xiaolan's promise that Sanxiao will buy them some specialties from Osaka, and Sanxiao is very excited.

But as soon as Mori Kogoro came in, Sanxiao immediately stopped making noise.

The rest room provided by TV Osaka is not bad. There is also a small kitchen where Xiaolan is making coffee.

Yuanzi went into the kitchen and told Xiaolan what happened just now. Hearing Yuanzi's narration, the faces of the three girls all changed.

Xiao Lan pouted: "Why is this, Dad is too attractive!"

He Ye gritted his teeth and looked cold. "It's obvious that there are too many thick-skinned girls now, this is not acceptable, we have to find a way."

Yuanzi was surprised: "He Ye, why are you so excited?"

He Ye then laughed and said: "Hehehe, it's nothing, I see you are all so angry, I will cooperate with you!"

Yuanzi was very moved when he heard this, and put his arms around He Ye's body: "Sure enough, she is a good sister!"

And Kogoro Mori in the living room was entangled by Ayumi, who held Kogoro Mori's big hand with a curious look on his face: "Uncle Mori, I heard that you found the treasure yesterday, tell me how you found it! "

Motota Mitsuhiko also looked curious.

Kogoro Mori sat on the mat and told the youngsters about the case that happened yesterday.

The little loli Ayumi leaned on Mori Kogoro's thigh, her body was delicate and she didn't look outward.


But when Mori Kogoro was about to finish speaking, the entire Osaka TV station rang the broadcast.

"The Osaka Prefectural Police issued an emergency evacuation notice just now. Please temporarily stop all work and evacuate the TV station from the nearest safe exit."

"Replay it again. The Osaka Prefectural Police issued an emergency evacuation notice just now. Please temporarily stop all work and evacuate the TV station from the nearest safe exit."

Kogoro Mori stood up immediately when he heard this, looked at Xiaolan and the others who came out of the kitchen, and quickly gave orders.

"Xiaolan, this is the evacuation notice. You guys are leaving here with your children. I will go and retrieve Conan and Dr. Ali."

After finishing speaking, he opened the door of the rest room, led the crowd out, and told them to retreat in the direction of the safe exit.

Heye and Yuanzi wanted to run with Mori Kogoro, but Xiaolan stopped him.

"It's okay, Dad is very powerful, just let him go alone, let's leave first, don't make trouble for Dad."

Xiaolan still remembers that the last time the Cupido Building was pressed down, Moori Kogoro could save herself in such a dangerous situation. Now even if something happens, she has full confidence in Mouri Kogoro, so she pulls Sonoko and He Yecong The escape exit left.

At this time, all the staff members headed towards the exit, only Mori Kogoro ran against the flow of people towards the recording site.

In fact, his purpose is to get back the traditional flower cards with key evidence.

The traditional flower card sealed in the safe is the Achilles' heel of President Azhibo. If he blows it up, then President Azhibo will not be able to plead guilty easily.

However, among the crowd, Koyo Ooka, who was wearing a blue kimono, muttered softly, "This is the first time I have participated in an evacuation in a kimono!"

Soon Ooka Hongye saw that Mori Kogoro ran in a different direction from the others, and couldn't help frowning.

With small steps, she came out of the crowd and followed in the footsteps of Mori Kogoro to the recording site.


The recording scene was in chaos at the moment, the assistant said to Chairman Azhibo: "President, run quickly, I just heard the news from the Osaka prefectural police that our TV station has been planted with a bomb, if you don't run, it will be too late !"

Hearing the assistant's words, all the staff present exclaimed, and the recording staff hurriedly evacuated.

Conan and Hattori Heiji also set up Dr. Ari and ran outside.

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