Hattori Heiji turned his head to look at the dazed Miraiko: "Go, Mikuko, what if it explodes later!"

Miraiko has been looking at the traditional flower cards in the center of the stage. As the president of the flower card club of Gaifang High School, her dream is to hold this traditional flower card in a competition.

However, the situation was urgent at the moment, and with Hattori Heiji yelling beside him, Mikuko subconsciously ran out of the recording scene and came to the corridor outside.

But she stopped in the middle of the corridor. She still couldn't ignore the [-]-year-old traditional flower cards, so she turned and ran to the recording site.

Hattori Heiji and others have already arrived at the safety stairs, and Hattori Heiji is helping Dr. Ali, who has a big belly.

Conan found that Mikuko didn't keep up, so he told Hattori Heiji, then turned and ran back.

Mikuko ran to the corridor and turned a corner, but was held by a big hand all the time, and that was Mori Kogoro who came from the rest room.

Kogoro Mori, like a prophet, shouted: "Miracle, you go first, let me get the flower cards."

Miraiko's face was a little confused.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro caught Conan who was also running around the corner, and asked Miraiko to hold Conan: "Help me take Conan out!"

Mikuko nodded immediately, pulled Conan and rushed to the safety exit. Conan was pulled and flew in the air with a panicked expression.

And Mori Kogoro exploded at speed and rushed into the recording hall just now.

Chapter 0305

There was no one in the recording hall, and everyone evacuated in an emergency. Kogoro Mori came to the middle of the stage, and the flower cards were in the glass cabinet.

He reached out and put the flower card into the box, then clipped it by his side, and ran outside.

Just as Mori Kogoro ran out of the recording hall, a soft body slammed into him, and the body popped out and fell to the ground. It was Ooka Hongye.

"Ouch!" Koye Ooka rubbed her chest and buttocks, as if these two places had just collided and fell.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and pulled him up: "Miss Ooka, why are you here?"

Ooka Hongye said: "Because I saw Mao Li-kun also running towards the recording hall, I was a little worried, so I ran to take a look, hey! Mao Li-kun, are you coming back to get this flower card? Do you like flower cards too? "

Mori Kogoro shook the box in his hand: "No, it's just that it's a very important thing, so I rushed back to get it. Miss Ooka, let's go, otherwise this place will explode later!"

"Eh, explosion? Didn't you mean the evacuation drill?" Ooka Momiji's face was full of panic.

Mouri Kogoro took Ooka Momiji's hand and was about to run out, but Ooka Momiyo suddenly fell down and fell into Mouri Kogoro's arms again, Mouri Kogoro felt his chest was full of softness.

Ooka Hongye frowned tightly, looked at her right leg, and said hesitantly: "Mori-kun, my foot seems to be sprained."

Her face immediately became firm: "Maori-kun, don't worry about me, you go first! You can help many people alive, more important than me, go!"

This remark only ushered in a burst of chestnuts, and Mori Kogoro on the side complained speechlessly: "Do you think you are acting in a TV series? It doesn't matter if you go first."

"Hey, isn't that how it's always played on TV? The hero and heroine live and die like this in times of crisis, oops, it seems that I screwed up!" After saying that, Ooka Hongye's face flushed bright red.

Immediately afterwards, her little face was full of panic, she felt her body being hugged, felt Kogoro Mouri's solid chest, and Momi Ooka blushed even more.

"Okay, let's go out and act again, let's escape from this TV station first!"

Momi Ooka, who was held in Kogoro Mori's arms, was still struggling, her legs were bounded by a blue kimono, and her two little feet in clogs swayed up and down, which looked quite playful.


At this moment, in the square not far from Osaka TV Station, Xiaolan and the others looked at the TV station with worried expressions.

Before I came out, I didn't know whether it was an evacuation drill or something really happened. Naturally, I wouldn't worry too much, but after asking the staff of the TV station, they said that someone planted a bomb in the TV station, and even Xiaolan was a little worried. .

At this time, everyone saw Hattori Heiji coming down from the safe passage with Dr. Ari on his back, and couldn't help but greet him, and then Mikuko appeared in front of everyone with Conan.

The girls waited eagerly, looking behind Mikuko, but there was no sign of Kogoro Mori.

Xiaolan quickly asked: "Have you seen my father, he said to look for you?"

Future son hurriedly said: "Detective Maori has gone to the recording hall, and he should come out soon."

Hattori Heiji panted heavily, and comforted him: "Don't worry, Xiaolan, Uncle Maoli is so powerful, he will definitely be fine, but doctor, you really should lose weight, my waist is almost broken!"

At this moment, a series of police cars rushed over, and the bomb disposal team got out of the police cars.

Otaki Goro led the team to appear in front of everyone, explained the work to the captain of the explosion-proof team, and then began to direct at the scene.

When Hattori Heiji and Conan saw this battle, they didn't know what happened.

boom! ! !

There was an explosion, and a series of flames shot out from the seventh floor, which was the floor where the recording and broadcasting hall was located. Countless glass shards fell from above, and the scene was quite grand.

President Azhibo didn't go far, and was directly hit on the forehead by a piece of glass, leaving a wound on his forehead, and then he was protected by a group of people and left.

On the other hand, Otaki Goro hurriedly directed all the police officers to retreat, and immediately asked the fire brigade for help.

Everyone was startled by the sound of the explosion. Xiao Lan's eyes were fixed on the exit, but she didn't see anyone coming out. It's Ashhara.

Hui Yuan's light blue eyes were full of calmness: "You are just adding to the chaos now, you have to trust Uncle Mao Li!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan recalled the scene when she was hugged and jumped off the building. The scene of Kogoro Mori shining golden light was still vivid in her memory, and she calmed down again...


And on the seventh floor, Mori Kogoro couldn't help knocking Ooka Hongye's head again: "Crow's mouth!"

Just now Ooka Hongye said in his arms: "Mori-kun, there are always TV shows where the male protagonist is dragged down by the female protagonist, and then he is in danger. Do you think we will do the same?"

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